Well, been home sick the past couple of days, so now that I'm on the upswing again, going to post pics of some toys I've gotten recently. Yeah, still in boxes, but I'll get better pix once I open 'em.
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Gryph came over last weekend, brought this over as a gift to me (since we didn't see each other at X-Mass). Dracon's feet are pretty kewl, and apparently the game is still working online, so might have to sign up for it and give him the beefiest claws he can get.
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This one's just creepy. Jiggle this poor weesaur around and the lack of bones in his crest and arms is just flappysad.
Who wants to peel the skin off a weesaur and reveal his calcium deficiencies? Dunno.
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This one we got as-is from Value Village, a secondhand thrift store. Gryph says it's probably from a He-Man line. All I know is it says Mattel on the foot. And yes, he does piston stomp...you can press down on him and the feet do crouch. I'm sure lovers of robo-toes think he's pretty neat.
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Finally, Lizard from Spider-Man. Again, can't see 'cause he's in the packaging, but he's kinda cool overall as an anthro-lizard, and the footclaws aren't tooo shabby.