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 Post subject: Mass Effect 3 My Story
PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 7:40 pm 
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Posts: 84
Location: Kentucky, USA
My name is Neil Schweinhart, age 22, height seven feet, weight two hundred pounds, species human, race African American, features: black hair, brown eyes, scares, on palm, gender: male. Powers: Boitic, heavy melee. Fighting type: heavy guns, Vulcan minigun, shotguns, grenades, medical specialist. Weakness: starvation, lung capacity. Now for my bio up to this point.

I was born on earth, my family was a militia family, we moved to the citadel not to late, I lived my entire life along other species, I was deserted at age thirteen as being too much to handle for my parents, they sold me a quarin slave ship, soon I was sent to live with a qaurin family, they were my true parents, they treated me as one of their own.
As I turned fourteen I learned of commander Shepard, he was a war hero amount the universe, he was my hero.

By age eighteen I had fallen in love with a quarin by the name of Ralaya T'Sora. We soon joined the alliance in the fight to keep peace in the universe. I soon became a commander, this lead to me becoming the commander of a new ship known as the SR-3 Norman Jayden. A five mile long alliance assault ship. We moved into assist the alliance in the fight to protect earth, a nearly destroyed world, I  was injured in a fight against the Beth invaders, many perished, I was given the purple heart, I was sent to the Norman Jaydens, medical room, accompanied by injured crew members including Ralaya. She had minor dents in her suit, but me my skin was burnt in many places, my ribs had cracks in them, my left leg was broken from the impact of the explosion. I was planned to be sitting out the months fights, my armor was what kept me alive. Some of the team wasn't as lucky. We started out with five hundred crew, we lost two hundred soldiers, not to mention many severely injured. This is about were our story is right now.

I lay sitting in the medical chamber. The doctor a salarian came in. He spoke in a quick accent, "you healing good, strange your biotics, help aid in the process, need more foods. Must give you antibiotics... Be right back" he disappeared onto the other room. I slowly got to my feet. I grabbed the crutches along the side of the bed. I placed them to support my weight under my arms. I walked over to Ralaya, she was still in her suit. I said, "Are you okay?" "Yah I'm okay.. And you may I hope are feeling well too..." "yah the doctor says I should be up in running in a few days. What about you?" "yah know me my suit protects me. I am fine right now. I just don't want to leave your side. She reached down a held my hand, she had three fingers, that were long and were covered in leather. "I still hope to one day let you see what I truly look like... I just don't know when though.." "it's really up to you, I don't want to force you to if your gonna be okay if take your helmet off then well do it." she looked down. I rapped my arm around her. "it's just that I've never been around such a charming commander." "same here I've never been around such a charming quarin." "I will do anything to feel your skin against yours...." "Don't worry we'll make it happen, I promise." "she stander into my eyes. I could tell by her fast talking that she was extremely nervous. I pressed my face against her mask. Sharing a emotional feeling. The crew cheered. Making me feel lucky. We sat like this for a few minutes before I got back in my bed.

I stayed in bed for a day or too trying to fully recover. My biotic powers were helping a little but it was pretty deep wounds. I was put on a weird medicine that made me feel like shit. I was told that it would help me heal faster by charging up my biotic powers. Eventually a few days later I was feeling like myself again. My leg was healed and my ribs were healed as well. I got to work quickly afterwards. Me and Ralaya were closer than ever now. 

I checked into the live intergalactic communications room. The alliance had decided that we need to move to the citadel and to deliver a message to the council. We had to get word of the geths return. It was a day away. I sent the coorndinates to pilot, a taurin name Lazaith, he was on the team since it started. He was around thirty years old. He was also a biotic though he was a taurin he was rare to be a biotic. He is seven feet tall with a taurin like face. He usually wears a extremely dark tinted space mask covering his face. Apparently from everyone's description they believes he's a human. He wants it to stay that way. I am the only one who knows that he's a taurin because I was coming in to check up on him in the medical room after a serious battle that we were in on earth. He had managed to prevent anyone from removing his mask. When he though everyone was gone I had entered just as he removed his mask. This caught both of us by surprise, he told me not to tell anyone or it would mean he would be kicked out of the alliance. They didn't allow taurins to be on the ground troops, it was also kind of Embarrassing to realize that who you though was one of your men wasn't human. I was able to keep it a secret. 

After I radioed the call I decided to go to my room and check up on my stuff. I headed into the elevator. I inserted my card on the reading strip, I took the elevator up. I half expected to find Ralaya in my room. She was waiting for me on my bed. "Hey Neil, uh I think I have a solution for me to uh you know oh forget it, you still interested in me?!" "Of course I am I will always be interested in you. That's why I never gave up on you." "thanks but you know that I... ugh can't stop babbling.... Sorry I want you to see what I really look like... But I kind of don't... ugh embarrassing, sorry I'm babbling again... I don't have all the right medicine, there's a possibility that... Wow... Uh that the citadel stores may have the stuff to boost my immune system. Can you.... Get them for me...." "Sure if it means that much for you to be able to truly feel my skin then I will do it.... Apparently that's were we are headed right now so I will need you to come along with me to help me find it.
I've done skyrim, far cry, saints row, mass effect, mirror edge, half life, SOCOM, portal 2, pikmon, pokemon, batman, halo, now I have to do minecraft!!

 Post subject: Re: Mass Effect 3 My Story
PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 7:41 pm 
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Self-made mule
Posts: 261
Species: hinny
Location: Speed City, IN
  • "I'm commander shepard, and this is my favorite fic!"

  • I'm commander shepard and I am disappoint because I had to be a male in this story.

You wrote 'taurin' instead of 'turian' here so for a while this had me reading thinking a Warcraft/MassEffect crossover which would have been epic. (read: Patch has an unguligrade-bias.)

Definitely could go for some quarian paws, also/instead, though. Ralaya can keep the suit on for all I care; paws are paws.
Write your next story in 2nd-person.

 Post subject: Re: Mass Effect 3 My Story part II
PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 3:54 pm 
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Posts: 84
Location: Kentucky, USA
"ETA is three days., I need to speak to you commander..." it was Lazaith, apparently he had something important to tell me and I couldn't pass it up. I walked along the stretch of hall into the cockpit. I half expected to find Lazaith in complete body armor and holding a weapon. "Uh commander... I have something to say... I plan on joining you on the battlefield, but we will need to pick up a college from Aeia.... You don't mind if we take a detour there?! We could take a break from all the fighting for a while... If you know what I mean...." I thought it over and ended up agreeing. "let's go!!"

Aiea was a garden world full of toxious plants, but other than that the planet is very cool. We landed a the on the planet. I took a small squad made up of Lazaith and Ralaya, both armed with heavy weapons. We never know what we would encounter. Especially if this planet was full of blue sun mercs. But you never know. As soon as we set foot on the planets surface we realized that the whole place was extremely dense. There had been a previous settlement on the planet but now it was abandon. No one in their right mind would live here. We decided to make use of the emptiness, we staged a practice battlefield to get Lazaith back to his bad-ass self. Which would be harder then it looks. "let's switch to concussion rounds to minimize the risk of death..." We loaded our guns with the ammo. "Here is the team, Lazaith your with Ralaya. We will play just like a real battle you'll start on the opposite side of town as me. Any questions?!" "Yah what if we run out of ammo?!" "then we'll use our fights, use any means as possible to subdue the enemy. In wars it not only about the physical properties but about the melee too." I ran to the other end of the town. I choose my assault rifle and I inserted a clip. I charged to cover behind a crate. It may have been a mistake to challenge Lazaith, because he is considered the best shot in the galaxy. Also known for his brutality. I knew when I came to battling he would be a tough combatant. I peered over the crate and as I did I was blown back from concussion shot. "damn it that fucking hurts!!!" I looked at my arm it was clearly going to leave a mark. Maybe this had been a mistake. The turains had a a much stronger hide than most other species. So it was going to be a hell lot harder.

I spotted another bench, It wasn't too far from my current spot, I dove for it. I met assault riffle fire probably from Ralaya. I quickly found that taking on two people was possibly too a complicated task. I had a idea. I quickly used my attribute, I sent a burst of static at them, the crate they were behind exploded into fragments. They quickly dove behind another crate. I had to recharge my power. I grasped a concussion grenade. I threw it up into the air and used my second power biotic push. I propelled it towards them. I could hear it explode. Then I heard a loud plush, they returned fire with a gernade launcher. It landed inches from my location. The fighting kept up for around a hour. But eventually we ran low on ammo. I was forced to take immediate action. I yelled, "I'm out of ammo!!" I heard two other voices, "same here!!" I heard them running towards me, I was no match for a two verses one melee battle. I stood up, I half expected them to flank me on both sides. I waited till the were with in range before I jumped onto the crate nearly getting a face full of claws. I waited till Lazaith was in sight before I leaped onto him. Except there was no chance, I was quickly thrown to the ground. He brought his foot up and stomped at me, I rolled over barely missing a blow to the head. I prepared for the next, I caught his two toed foot and yanked him over. I then got another fist in my gut. It caught me by surprise. I stood confused, the wind was sucked from my lungs. I quickly swung my food knocking him over as he tried to get up. Then I felt a large punch in my chest. Lazaith had crushed in my chest plate, it was the only thing that protected me front pain that I could be experiencing right now. Lazaith threw another punch, I caught in in my head, I could feel my neck crack. It felt like fuck. I grabbed my neck and re-popped it into place. Lazaith, "Fuck man that looks like it hurt." "nope I've had worse..." (ow... Ouchy!) I thought.... 

"Let's step it up a notch," he pulled out his energy sword. "just what I was thinking." I pulled out mine as well. We squared up at point blank range. I made the first move, I dove in and as if like slow motion, the swords clashed, sparks shot off in all directions, the energy flying in all directions, the fight of the century. We leaped up into the air with the help of our biotic powers. I flung my sword making contact to his suit. Just as I did he swung nailing me right in in shoulder, I felt my suit crack, I just expected this I kicked him in the chest sending him flying, he leaped back up and round house kicked me square in the jaw. I felt the contact, my jaw swung to the side, I could feel it crack, he had the strongest kick of any enemie I've ever faced. I quickly shook it off. 

By now the time was getting dark out. We were both unwilling to give up. Ralaya had given up and went back to the Norman Jayden. My face screamed in pain. I swung the sword once more this Time it cracked my sword taking the damage it had it just snapped. Lazaith, "I guess it's check mate old friend!" "you wish!!" I leaped and spun around nailing him in the chest, he fell back on his back. I fell back panting, he apparently had more stamina then he, as I recaught my breath he staggered to his feet. I couldn't give up I thought, he came closer, I've come to far! I waited till he came close enough before I spun around on my forepalm. I knocked him over and he landed square on my chest. I said in a huff, "you...gi...give...... Up... Yet..." Lazaith,"No.... Not.... Yet.... I can't... We must see thi.... This out..."

Just then Ralaya came back from the Normandy to check on us, "Damn it guys how long are you gonna keep this up?!?!" we got up once more and squared up. Both full of multiple scratches and broken bones. Especially me. Ralaya walked up between both of us. She reached out and pushed us both over. I landed with a loud bang!! I couldn't even stand up. Lazaith the same way.
I've done skyrim, far cry, saints row, mass effect, mirror edge, half life, SOCOM, portal 2, pikmon, pokemon, batman, halo, now I have to do minecraft!!

 Post subject: Re: Mass Effect 3 My Story part III
PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 5:17 pm 
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Posts: 84
Location: Kentucky, USA
I couldn't move, my muscles locked up. The injuries finally catching up to me. "You guys give up yep?!" "Hell no!! were just beginning!!" neither of us ready to give up. I forced my body to a knee, as did Lazaith, the most of the crew had gathered around and were watching us. Cheering us on, not only my crew but some of the locals too. We brought up swords once more. We took injections of energy boosters. This fight had to have a conclusion. Even if it meant death. The injections were for on the combat field, kind of like crack but less dangerous, they increased the biotics in the body. I felt myself gaining strength. I raised my fist, I charged at Lazaith catching him square in the jaw, nearly breaking my fist. I was met with a cut to the chest. I coughed out blood onto the ground. I threw another punch missing him all together. He slammed his knee into my chest. Then he slammed his elbow on my back, I felt my back crackle, not the best feeling. I brought my head back and head butted his chest. He took it by surprise. I heard yet another bone crack... Probably part of my skull... I caught a kick in the head. I felt lazaiths claws drill themselves into my jaw, I leaped back and regained my stance. I wish I had my knife, I was pretty good at melee but Lazaith was twice my mass and was more muscle then me. I needed to change the tactics. I flung a energy bolt at him, he dodged it, I ran up to the nearby tree and jumped up using my biotics to fly, bounced off the tree and twirled and spun kicked Lazaith in the chest. He fell back and caughed up green blood. I land on the ground with a loud crack, I felt a jeering pain in my arm, it was broken in a couple of places. Ralaya looked at me in a worried look. I got up on one foot. My chest screaming in pain. I landed on my face, I felt my skull crush, I couldn't stand the pain, I didn't know why I was still alive. Lazaith a lot more agile climbed up and charged head on and head butted me into the tree, which splintered. I felt my life flashing thorugh my brain. I howled in pain as my body went limp. I couldnt handle it. I vomited a pile of purple blood..  Which mention my internal was ruptured. The world went purple, my vision turning a darkened red. I dropped to the ground my body just a mess. Lazaith collapsed next to me. He was vomiting his green blood.

The last thing I spoke was, "I can't.... Cough... Spitting out blood onto the ground.... Too weak. Can't stand the pain.... Must.... Cough....ack.... Spit... Fuck... I.... Give... Up........!" My body laid in a mangled mess. Lazaith fell at the same time. His injuries less serious then mine. Ralaya and the salarian doctor ran over to me and then Lazaith. It appeared that I had broken every bone in my body. Lazaith had just broken his ribs and a few cracked bones. It turned out that I was needing to be immediately be bio-repaired. My wounds had gone farther then just bandages could cover. I had to be rebuilt with a fuck load of rods that not only repaired the damage but increased my strength as well. I had lost a lot of blood so they had to inject me with the only blood so they had to basically rebuild my system. Plus they had to repair all my organs as well as my heart and brain. They used a technique that used nano-bots to rebuild the bones and to fuse together the hearts skin. And to basically build my new body, geth like... All robotic with no human like parts except my brain and vital organs. So I was completely cybernetic.

I was cleared to wake up a year later. They least expected me to successfully to wake at all, I laid in bed unconscious and nearly dead. Rayala soon gave up on me and returned to the flotilla, as did Lazaith who returned to the turains homeworld. The Norman jayden was assigned to a temporary captain, garrus, who knew the old Shepard.
I've done skyrim, far cry, saints row, mass effect, mirror edge, half life, SOCOM, portal 2, pikmon, pokemon, batman, halo, now I have to do minecraft!!

 Post subject: Re: Mass Effect 3 My Story
PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 2:27 pm 
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Posts: 84
Location: Kentucky, USA
A quick note to anyone reading this..... This story was a prototype the full one is the mass effect 2 and mirror edge crossover.... It's the actual story so make sure to turn it for the better story!
I've done skyrim, far cry, saints row, mass effect, mirror edge, half life, SOCOM, portal 2, pikmon, pokemon, batman, halo, now I have to do minecraft!!

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