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 Post subject: TRANSFORMATIONS ( a dream I had recently )
PostPosted: Sat May 05, 2012 4:03 am 
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One Really Big Wolf
Posts: 248
Species: Ludicrusly Large Lupine
Location: 3rd Rock From The Sun
- Day Zero -

The world waited with baited breath to see what would happen on this day that was long predicted to be a a day of change, a day that would go down as the GREAT DAY in all of history.

The day had arrived at long last, everyone watched the sun rise.


Nothing happened, everyone had a laugh at how gullible everyone else was, and the rest of the day was treated as one big joke, people threw parties to celebrate the fact that the world didn't come to an end or anything earth shattering happened on this long predicted day of change.

However, something was happening, it was just happening slowly, little by little bit by bit, as people slept off the day long party something was happening, it wasn't noticed at first because everyone was asleep while it was happening, and it was a slow process so it wasn't noticed, at first.

- Day One -

It started as random hairs in places people normally don't have hair located, most brushed it off as being genetics, changes in weather patterns caused by pollution by too many cars burning fuel, pretty much whatever people could think of, anything to maintaining a normal world view.

Some people started seeing random scales on themselves, these also thought up reasons for this that had noting to do withe the great day that was long ago predicted as a day of change, they didn't say WHAT kind of change after all, did they ?

Some folks mass was being rearranged as well, some folks were getting taller, some were getting smaller, but it was happening so slowly no one freaked nor thought it as odd, others still got more muscular, while others got fatter, many put the blame on diets and so forth.

- Day Ten -

After a week and some change people were looking less and less like people, and more and more like animals, well, anthropomorphic ones anyways of every shape and size. Some of it didn't seem logical as there were mice as big as houses and elephants as small as toys, while still other mice were mice sized and elephants elephant sized, it was all over the map.

Everyone was more or less not phased by all this as it was happening slowly over the past few days and not over night, but still there were a few that saw this as a sign that this was the END OF DAYS, that somehow all of humanity had pissed of the gods, pick one, any one, and this was the punishment for that.

- Day Thirty -

It had been a month, things have settled down after the great debate on what was going on with all of us. Myself had it hardest as I was growing larger and larger every day from when this started, I'm towering far over folks and there's no sign that it's stopping anytime soon, why did I imagine myself as a wolf so huge ? Had I'd known this was going to happen to me, I might of had second thoughts, well, it was too late now as I already outgrew my home weeks ago, now on my way to outgrowing the city I lived in.

Looking down at all the furs below who are like toys to me going about to keep themselves busy, a few looking up my way every now and then and wondering when I'll stop growing, they don't say that, but I see the worried look in their eyes, how will they feed me ? Granted no one has ate anything after this all started and no one is hungry, even I'm not, not sure where we're all getting energy from, could be from anything really.

There is also the matter of some of us being carnivores, herbivores, omnivores all living in close proximity of one another, and the fact that a few of us are over-sized like I am, only they have stopped growing for the most part while my size keeps going ever larger every day. I sign deeply, this is only the start of it, I knew how big I was going to get, but I wasn't going to tell folks, they'll freak out for certain.

- Day One Hundred -

It happened after much debating, the furs had set up a Macro Zone for the larger types to avoid any mishaps, same with the smaller types, a Micro Zone was set up as well, this had nothing to do with folks stomping in cities mind you, this was to avoid it from happening in the first place as things had settled into a more or less normal pattern of work, school, ect, like it was before we all became Anthros or Furs, depending on your preference.

Granted not all of us had fur mind you, just the majority did so the name came from that, others had scales after all, still others had feathers, and a few had skin still, there were a few humans left still, but we out-number them, majority rule after all, but I digress.

They didn't know what to do with me however, by now it was clear I was gonna be a LOT bigger then even the Macros in the MacoZone, I was now being measured in Miles, not just feet like before, folks were getting really tiny next to me, even larger types were feeling puny by me. I wasn't being a menace to anyone, it's just that I was taking up more and more space as I grew larger and larger.

Others were deciding what to do, not like they could do anything about it if I decided to stay where I wanted, but I'm not that kinda guy, none of us are really, the other Macros are just as afraid of one another as they are of me, they are forming a community in the Zone that was agreed upon, even by other Macros, everyone has a voice in this new world, someone who will speak for them in this Anthro world.

Just not me, as I was one of a kind, I had no one who was my Representative, who could be at the size I was going to be at once this all was over ?

- Day One Thousand -

I now tower so far above folks I measure in dozens of miles. A few Mega-Macros have popped up around the world here and there, but even they are tiny next to me. I can see over mountains that used to tower over me not to long ago, folks aren't as afraid of me as they used to be, part of that is the personality I had for this form back when I played it online has become more like I am now, a big playful wolf who won't harm a soul, in fact as I grow bigger I become more and more like that, whatever personality I had before is long gone.

It was ultimately decided that it was okay for me to go where I pleased, as I wasn't really harmful to anyone, this put many as ease even with the fact I could flatten any city without much effort on my part, but I never do even with my vast size. A few folks have even taken up living on me due to my huge size I'm a walking landmass to these folks on me, they are deep in my fur so they don't fall or whatever have you when I move about, still haven't reached my default size I was when playing this wolf way back when, wonder how folks will be then I wonder.

- Day One Million -

I've become quite the sight on this planet. I play with alla little folks I come across here and there. My eyesight seems to have gotten so good I can even spot the tiniest of folks living on myself or at my vast foot-paws as I walk around. I'm also hugely muscled like I'd knew I'd be all along. Folks are amazed by my size, some ask me to show off, I do so, my tail wags happily when I please others with requests to show off or play around.

Everyone is so teeny next to me, but I don't mind, nor do they mind that I'm so vastly huge like, seems a lot like me just the way I am.

- Dream ended here unfortunately -

That's all I could remember of the dream, it was very vivid and surreal like, most of it was presented as TV news and so forth in the dream as if it was actually happening all across the globe, I've often wondered for years what would happen if we became our characters for real, this dream ran with that idea, granted it did a best case situation, not a worse case situation, but that's my imagination after all.

A worst case situation would be.....
Things settle down after YEARS of conflict, carnivores vs herbivores, etc etc etc....
Blah blah blah, lots boring political stuff, peace treaties signed, Macros resist being QUARANTINED even if it's for the greater good of all....
Blah blah blah, few survivors, more peace treaties signed..... Mega Macros show up.... Hum what could possibly go wrong ?
Blah blah blah, more political junk to dull your brain cells with....
Peace and a greatly reduced population due to above wars and so forth....
Still would end up with folks not knowing what to do with a million foot large wolf in the end of it all....


 Post subject: Re: TRANSFORMATIONS ( a dream I had recently )
PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2012 11:02 am 
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Oracle of the Slipper
Posts: 2661
Species: Weesaur
Location: Ankh Ridge, Alyeska
What a nice dream! :) I'd like to think it would go well, as you dreamt, rather than the whole war crap, too.

Loved how you described it, too. I had wood by Day Ten. :)

 Post subject: Re: TRANSFORMATIONS ( a dream I had recently )
PostPosted: Fri May 18, 2012 7:05 am 
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Posts: 40
Species: Deinonychus
Location: Oklahoma
Heh, that's pretty awesome. I like how you added in details when necessary, but otherwise left the dream mostly in its raw form. A lot of my story ideas come up in dreams as well, but I always want too much detail... XD

 Post subject: Re: TRANSFORMATIONS ( a dream I had recently )
PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2012 12:00 am 
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Talking Tyrannosaur
Posts: 861
Species: Tyrannosaurus
Sounds like a very enjoyable dream - you should definitely have more like that!

 Post subject: Re: TRANSFORMATIONS ( a dream I had recently )
PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2012 5:02 am 
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One Really Big Wolf
Posts: 248
Species: Ludicrusly Large Lupine
Location: 3rd Rock From The Sun
Dreams, or at least my dreams, are very disjointed and surreal as all get out, so the flow of them is bits and pieces of clips, like watching random YouTube videos, rearranging them to recall them in an order that makes any logic to them whatsoever to tell a story isn't as easy as it sounds

Sometimes my dreams are like feature films, other times it's like watching TV & flipping through channels at random with no rhyme or reason to it

 Post subject: Re: TRANSFORMATIONS ( a dream I had recently )
PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 5:53 am 
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Sit back... enjoy the desert sun! <3
Posts: 39
Species: Meerkat
Location: Kalahari Desert (My burrow)
WOW! I love how descriptive you wrote this! I'd love to have a dream like that! Obviously when I say that I mean a dream about me being my fursona and living her life, but either way, your dream is so cute and facinating! Its just a shame you couldn't remember all of it as I was picturing just how the dream was going! :D

 Post subject: Re: TRANSFORMATIONS ( a dream I had recently )
PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 7:53 am 
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Oracle of the Slipper
Posts: 2661
Species: Weesaur
Location: Ankh Ridge, Alyeska
So this dream...it's gonna happen next week in RealLifeā„¢, right?

 Post subject: Re: TRANSFORMATIONS ( a dream I had recently )
PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2012 2:33 pm 
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One Really Big Wolf
Posts: 248
Species: Ludicrusly Large Lupine
Location: 3rd Rock From The Sun
If only....

Actually I seem to remember it had to do with 12/21/2012.....

Crazy Mayans


 Post subject: Re: TRANSFORMATIONS ( a dream I had recently )
PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 4:00 am 
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One Really Big Wolf
Posts: 248
Species: Ludicrusly Large Lupine
Location: 3rd Rock From The Sun
I've been thinking of writing a sequel to this, not based off a dream, but taking place later on in the same 'verse type deal.

Picking up several decades later or some such.


 Post subject: Re: TRANSFORMATIONS ( a dream I had recently )
PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 4:54 am 
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Sit back... enjoy the desert sun! <3
Posts: 39
Species: Meerkat
Location: Kalahari Desert (My burrow)
WOW! That sounds like a great idea! I'd love to read more if you did choose to write a sequal! :lol:

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