Well, I think even I have officially given up on DarkBASIC Professional. It's too sandy and flakey to be trustworthy. If only the company would rebuild it from scratch with all the goofy add-ons integrated and with more generic and stable DirectX support, it'd be a viable option, but...ah, well. Just can't stick by a program that requires the end users to jump through hoops to get running.
So as sad as it makes me, DBPro is Forever Alone™. Blue's not wasting any more time on it for this AZ game, and I'm not even considering it for Faibanx 3D anymore. Makes me sad, but fuck it, drive on!
However, on a related note, Blitz3D -- while not having all the bells and whistles of DBPro in the 3D arena -- is lean, tight, and the shit
just works, even on newer, 64-bit Windows OS's.* Funny, it's what I used to make the only model/flyby demo of Faibanx 3D (then called 'Stomp Stomp Devastation'). Anyway, I still own a license to it as well, so I just tossed it Blue's way so he can work on AZ:A (Absolute Zero: Aftershock) with it instead. Who knows, I might dick with it s'more as well.
* I think it's because Blitz3D uses OpenGL on the backend, which is a lot more version agnostic...DBPro seems to be hard-coded to a particular flavor of DirectX pretty damned tightly.