Here here!
I've been talking and working with...well, I'm lazy..."advising" Ragora on what should be in the new muck software. He has an insane amount of energy for this project, combined with an insane amount of talent...and his love for scaly toes is insane, too, so "how could we stand in the light of discovery, and not act?"
We're not just going to up and abandon the old one overnight. First there will be a lot of testing and development just in a "sandbox" world, then when that seems stable enough, Ragora will get the current 'world' converted over, and we'll have a few users test that out, and then eventually go live with the new one. I think to keep security intact, the database conversion will randomize everyone's passwords, and then users can just email me to reset it to whatever they want when they try to log in again.
But like Ragora said, I've tried to "upgrade" Faibanx MUCK two times in the past, and both times were disasters. The muck would run a short while and then crash. As far as I'm concerned as an administrator, Fuzzball MUCK is unsupported and un-upgradeable, and although I was mostly content to keep Faibanx "time-locked" forever, all the other points Ragora brings about no one being able to develop for it anymore because it's so ancient and clunky...well, Faibanx won't ever evolve and get cool new features.
It's a zero-risk endeavor. We can always use the time- and feature-locked software we have now. As long as it's not tinkered with, it runs forever. But people want to tinker.