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 Post subject: The UK is coming for your porn
PostPosted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 5:04 pm 
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Movie Monster
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Location: Minnesota
I know some of you fine compatriots hail from the land of tea and rain (tea rain?) and there is now this push to block pornography on all ISPs by default, creating an opt-in system for porn. You know. For The Children(tm)

To quote the Prime Minister, "I'm not making this speech because I want to moralise or scaremonger, but because I feel profoundly as a politician, and as a father, that the time for action has come. This is, quite simply, about how we protect our children and their innocence."

Those innocent children! Only, I do seem to recall having dirty thoughts about Spyro the Dragon and Godzilla before I even came across Lava Dome Five...after all, why else would I have been searching for it? But, you know, innocence. No concept of the sex until you're 18. How does penis even work?

So if you can't tell, I think the whole business is a bit, in the local tongue, daft. Especially because filters suck universally. Here's a prediction: It will filter out things it has no business filtering out, like National Geographic (this actually happened at my high school), and a decent try will still get you hardcore anal (this also happened at my high school - someone made it the home page on every computer in the library).

There was also a lot of talk about pedophiles. You know, it does kinda suck that the same thing that has been able to bring weirdos like us together to enjoy scalyporns also gives child abusers support networks. I don't pretend to know what to do about that very real issue, but the attempts to tie it to porn in general seem sketchy at best.

"But Ms Perry argued filters would make a difference, saying that the killers of schoolgirls April Jones and Tia Sharp had accessed legal pornography before moving on to images of child abuse."

Also, we've just received reports that they had a pulse. Like, seriously, that's an even worse argument than all these people saying video games make you kill people. If looking at porn is a gateway to child abuse, I'm surprised we don't have more child abusers. Like almost every single person on the planet.

And they're making rape porn illegal. I don't even know what that means. I don't know if it covers dinosaurs. Rape sucks. Rape is the worst. I think rapists are some of the truest scum of the earth. I don't know what banning rape porn does other than make people feel like they did something and allow them to sweep real problematic cultural stupidity under a rug. Stupid FAKE rape, giving people all them ideas about real rape nobody would have to start with. Never had trouble with all them dumb rapists until the Internet came along with its pornography and loose morals.

So. I'm done now. I guess my summary is I think it's all pretty dumb! :x
January 4th, 2010 (Faibanx MUCK):
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 Post subject: Re: The UK is coming for your porn
PostPosted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 7:02 pm 
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Oracle of the Slipper
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Location: Ankh Ridge, Alyeska
Oh, S'lendro. Remember the CDA? Good times. :)

 Post subject: Re: The UK is coming for your porn
PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 9:36 am 
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Talking Tyrannosaur
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I'm in two minds about it really...

I completely agree with you Selendro in that most young-ish children are far from innocent where looking for porn is concerned, but then you also have REALLY young kids who just stumble across it because it's so ubiquitous on the web.

Having ISP filters on by default certainly won't stop children who are looking for porn and have two brain cells to rub together, but it could well reduce the extent to which they are accidentally exposed to it and I think that, while thwarting the occasional horny 12-year-old is pretty harsh, preserving the innocence of 5- and 6-year-olds is a worthy cause.

 Post subject: Re: The UK is coming for your porn
PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 7:55 pm 
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Oracle of the Slipper
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Location: Ankh Ridge, Alyeska
Wow, surprising reaction from a rex! Interesting. Rassa frassa people and their opinions! :)

 Post subject: Re: The UK is coming for your porn
PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 10:15 pm 
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Movie Monster
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I think the argument exists for that. The scheme is still flawed in its very premise - the idea of a filter. As it says in this pretty decent article on the subject:

http://www2.macleans.ca/2013/07/23/brit ... or-canada/
The issue is technological. It’s much more interesting to discuss sex than computers, but I’m afraid there’s no way to avoid engagement with the basic practical impossibility of any porn-filtration scheme.

You simply can’t block all Internet porn, and you can’t avoid blocking things that aren’t porn when you try. Whether a filter uses blacklists or keywords or image analysis to hunt down fleshy pixels, it will always be fooled by porn that wants to fool it, and it will always result in false positives: content that an algorithm classifies as porn when it isn’t. Even if the failure rate is tiny (and it never is), this margin of error will always be large enough to render the filter useless for its intended purpose while massively destructive in terms of collateral damage.

It’s the Internet, after all. There are billions of pages. If a filter misses a fraction of a per cent, that could easily constitute 1 million pages of accessible porn, enough of a selection to ensure kids who want smut will find it. Meanwhile, if the filter incorrectly blocks a fraction of a per cent, the government will have accidentally censored 1 million pages of non-pornographic free expression.

(And it might not be accidental. When Australia’s government tried to filter porn in 2007, its secret blacklist, later leaked, was found to include non-pornographic sites containing political criticism.)

I’m not comfortable with those numbers. I’m not comfortable with private companies that consult secret blacklists and run filters for governments that decide what I can and can’t see.

I’m not even convinced we have a problem.

It's a solution that seems to create far more problems than it solves.
January 4th, 2010 (Faibanx MUCK):
Blue says, "I dont complain."

 Post subject: Re: The UK is coming for your porn
PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 7:20 am 
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Oracle of the Slipper
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Rassa frassa grey areas! :)

 Post subject: Re: The UK is coming for your porn
PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 9:21 am 
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Magnificent Bastard
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For the record, we were successful in shouting down SOPA/PIPA, right? They had a similar angle, asking for a massive amount of power/influence in order to neutralize a relatively small issue. The best deterrent for small children getting in places they don't belong is good parenting. And the government is far better at policing than parenting.

These aren't my words, but were I willing to research the issue further, I could be approximately this eloquent:
Any time I hear of a country trying to do something like this, I have to wonder what the fine print is going to be listed as in the bill. Seems like any bill with the words "child", "family", and/or "protection" in it always has some horrible back page addition that lets the party in question basically try and screw with society or their opposition in some way. This is especially true in the United States. Where every other month there's a politician trying to introduce a remarkably scummy bill that either tries to crush small businesses, worker rights, freedom of speech, or minority rights under the label of of protection of (insert dog whistle about children or some other morally deceptive name here).

Given how many conservatives in first world countries have been railing against people who are homosexual as of late, I wouldn't be surprised if the thing bans gay pornography under the claim of it being violent and morally corrupting.
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 Post subject: Re: The UK is coming for your porn
PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 11:14 am 
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Posts: 21
As a UK resident, I'm not happy about this at all. It's just another example of a politician doing something he thinks will be popular that is actually just a stupid idea.

Oh, and rape porn has been illegal here for a few years now, along with gore, bestiality and everything else classed as "violent". Around the same time, another law was passed making drawn porn the same as real porn, which means that looking at furry porn art in the UK can get you put in the same category as child molesters.
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 Post subject: Re: The UK is coming for your porn
PostPosted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 2:34 pm 
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Because, such things as -local- filters you can set in your browser to do the exact same thing, are unknown to earth-kind, so we have to use this -absolutely- brand new feature ISP-side, right?

All I'm gonna say on it.

 Post subject: Re: The UK is coming for your porn
PostPosted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 4:56 pm 
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Draconian Warrior
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Won't solve anything. People will just find ways around it. :|

 Post subject: Re: The UK is coming for your porn
PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 7:08 am 
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Oracle of the Slipper
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Middle age: when you finally realize the impotence of politics. :) Sorry, had it on the mind for my "Pacific Rim" review. :)

 Post subject: Re: The UK is coming for your porn
PostPosted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 12:07 pm 
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