This is one of the few forums I frequent nowadays, and I know we have some talented artists here (and probably people who know talented artists too), so I figured I may as well try asking here since I haven't been having much luck looking on my own.
The question is....which artist(s) do you know of that are good at macro, dinosaurs and reptilians / avians, preferably adult art, and are open for commissions in the near future? Trades or free art are great too, but I don't really expect to find many of those. Besides, I'd rather pay someone for a job well done than have them do it for free. (Guilty conscience I suppose.) Or at the very least, make something for them in return. Also...I can't do anything too overpriced (aka, not over like... $30 to $40...) so that's an additional limitation. XP Oh...and it also has to be kept private. (Except maybe on here...maybe...depending on what I ask for. =P )
It's just so frustrating when I find so many commissioners who have fantastic art, but they're so darn busy! And have silly rules about people posting to their commission journal in like .00000005 nanoseconds otherwise the spot will get taken. =/
So...thanks in advance.