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 Post subject: Need to make account!
PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 5:31 pm 
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Posts: 176
Species: Wolf
Yeah, so I decided to skip over reading anything at all and just wanted to find out, who do I ask about making an account on Faibanx? It looks like a swell place to hang out and meet new people and such and I just wanted to get in on the action. So that leads me to have a few questions.

If I'm only 16 years of age, is that a problem?

Is it true that to get an account or character on Faibanx, all you need to do is simply leave an E-mail to faibanx@lavadomefive.com with the user (character) name you'd like to be known as (one word, please), as well as the password I'd like to use. And that I will receive a reply once my character has been created.

Can I name my character YiffmasterTehGr8?

And is it true that someone named Blue has the sexiest blue toes known to raptorland?

Thanks for any help everyone. :)

 Post subject: Re: Need to make account!
PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 9:15 pm 
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Magnificent Bastard
Posts: 544
Location: Wherever there be feetzorz
Wait, I'm positive I've already seen a fellow on the MUCK by the name of Yakitate, chatting amiably with Odarious, Patashu and a couple others at the Town Square. That... wasn't... you? :?

EDIT: Yep, that name's totally taken. No clue if they pay nearly as much attention to the forum as the MUCK, but you'll need a new handle for sure. No need for numbers in your name, unless you're going for the mecha angle. (Hey, where's Hako Dorriker these days?)

DOUBLE EDIT: You... are aware that Faibanx and the MUCK are one and the same, right? I'd rather believe I'm being Punk'd right now than that you couldn't connect those dots.
“Frankly, I’ve never thought of folks like you in terms of your species. I see you as part of a larger community.
The community of things that go ‘SQEAK’ when I step on them.” –Bob the Dinosaur
“A Sprotchymon's musings always take a lot of processor power, but are just as always worth it.” -Blue

 Post subject: Re: Need to make account!
PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 9:38 pm 
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Oracle of the Slipper
Posts: 2661
Species: Weesaur
Location: Ankh Ridge, Alyeska
Wow, you is p0wned, Sprotchy. :)

 Post subject: Re: Need to make account!
PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 10:42 pm 
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Blue Raptor
Posts: 1277
Species: anthro raptor
Location: Raptorland
*baps Yakiwoof playfully*
Stop confusing the poor forum people you! :D

*wiggles his sexiest of all toes evar*
I am raptor.

 Post subject: Re: Need to make account!
PostPosted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 3:11 pm 
Site Admin
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Oracle of the Slipper
Posts: 2661
Species: Weesaur
Location: Ankh Ridge, Alyeska
Blue's wigglin' slippertoes? Sweet!

 Post subject: Re: Need to make account!
PostPosted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 5:12 pm 
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Posts: 176
Species: Wolf
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to actually 'punk' anyone with that post. ^^; Really just pokin fun at people who are making posts to have accounts made and seeing the ever so diligent Blue direct them to email the correct spot so I thought I'd have a lil fun. *hugs Sprotchy*

You were in Faibanx, Sprotchy? I don't think I remember you... wait, were you Captain Kangaroo? Otherwise I have no clue who you are.

 Post subject: Re: Need to make account!
PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 3:40 pm 
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Magnificent Bastard
Posts: 544
Location: Wherever there be feetzorz
While certainly an amusing handle, it's not mine. Trust me, you'd recognize me if you saw me on, which is extremely rarely.

I went on the other night to get some insider info on this conundrum, and someone brought up Corey's DNA commission. Half an hour later, I had a new mortal nemesis. Wheeeeee. :|
“Frankly, I’ve never thought of folks like you in terms of your species. I see you as part of a larger community.
The community of things that go ‘SQEAK’ when I step on them.” –Bob the Dinosaur
“A Sprotchymon's musings always take a lot of processor power, but are just as always worth it.” -Blue

 Post subject: Re: Need to make account!
PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 8:16 am 
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Self-made mule
Posts: 261
Species: hinny
Location: Speed City, IN
Sprotchymon wrote:
While certainly an amusing handle, it's not mine. Trust me, you'd recognize me if you saw me on, which is extremely rarely.

I went on the other night to get some insider info on this conundrum, and someone brought up Corey's DNA commission. Half an hour later, I had a new mortal nemesis. Wheeeeee. :|

I think that deserves a "O.o"-face at the very least...

Write your next story in 2nd-person.

 Post subject: Re: Need to make account!
PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 9:41 am 
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Blue Raptor
Posts: 1277
Species: anthro raptor
Location: Raptorland
New record too.
It took me several years to get the so far only one I had in the four-and-a-half years now.
The only one that ever got banned from Faibanx I think...

(Well maybe two if you count the one that kept exploding and cursing at anyone that hugged or touched the character that then left)
I am raptor.

 Post subject: Re: Need to make account!
PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 10:47 am 
User avatar
Posts: 176
Species: Wolf
Sounds like it's story time? *sits down to listen* ^^

 Post subject: Re: Need to make account!
PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 12:35 pm 
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Blue Raptor
Posts: 1277
Species: anthro raptor
Location: Raptorland
From me? Nah.

*throws a doggy treat at Yakitate*
I am raptor.

 Post subject: Re: Need to make account!
PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 5:14 am 
User avatar
Posts: 176
Species: Wolf
Blue wrote:
From me? Nah.

*throws a doggy treat at Yakitate*

*grabs the doggy treat in his maw and goes off to bury it* Now you've got me all curious and stuff. If I were a fox, why, I'd try to be all sly and tricky to find out.

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