just finished a rough guide to causing the bug. here it is, and hope it helps!
Slipperlife 0.47
This is just a day by day walk through of how I get the bug to show up.
that way you can see all the information I likely dissmissed as unimportant, or just plain didn't notice.
A general rule I follow here is after day 2, always gather as much food as needed, and always make repairs. they may make the guide a bit off at times, but so far it's still worked in the end anyway.
Day 0:
build tiny moss hut, and apply 6 labor to it.
Day 1:
taking the bottom path, clear away the two patches of slipper scrub, blocking you from getting to the berries, and then gather 2 of them.
Day 2:
gather 1 berry, and thenbuild a fireplace, applying 3 labor to it. then gather wood with the rest.
Day 3:
get 3 berries, fix any damaged buildings you might have, and gather wood till you can build another tiny hut, then use the rest of your labor on it.
Day 4:
get food, finnish the hut (if not done already), and then gather wood with rest of your labor.
Day 5:
should need 4 food now, gather wood till up to 5, build a tiny hut, and use all labor on it.
Day 6:
get food, finnish hut, gather wood with last of labor
Day 7:
food,get the sand just below the starting hut then gether wood
Day 8:
food, get up to 8 wood, and build a small hut where the sand was. using all labor
Day 9:
get food, and finish the hut if you can.
Day 10:
get food, then get wood
Day 11:
get food, then wood again. at this point you should have 10 before you're out of room. end the day
Day 12:
food, clear the nearest scrub to the left side of starting hut, and build a storage hut in it's place, using rest of labor.
Day 13:
(foot hit me hard today so I might be a bit behind)
get food and repairs, and then work on the storage. if finished, go for more wood or something
Day 14:
food, finish storage, and then gather wood again.
Day 15:
food, then wood
Day 16:
food, then wood until at 14. clear away the scrub to the right of starting hut, and build large hut in it's place. use all remaining labor on it.
Day 17:
food, repairs, work on hut.
Day 18:
food, repair, work on hut..
Day 19:
food, repair, finnish hut hopfully, gather wood or something.
Day 20:
if you finished the hut, you should see this message..
"-2 people are hanging around waiting for an available home."
otherwise work more on the hut, and then do whatever for the rest of the day.
Anyway, there you have it, I hope this helps out with the bug testing!
Good luck ~ Zelitor