Alright, so I have been back from anthrocon now for a week, and finally got maself to doing this fucking long post that I wanted to with all the pictures stuff since I am to share my loot, and with some fun snaps I made on trip and the con...
Starting with the trip to it, there is a bit of story background. I always get struck by strange coincidences, sometimes just fun and even good ones, sometimes bad ones, usually bad ones. And often very hilariously unlikely. And when going to furry cons that usually means that also, not all that unlikely and also not good or bad but just to add to the weirdness of it, something macro or furry happens. Like this Sixt ad on my first flight to a furry con at my home airport:
Roooaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrr.jpg [ 193.58 KiB | Viewed 1805 times ]
or that giant dinosaur painting in a bar at the Los Angelos airport when going to my second FurCon in 2007
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So, this time, thinking nothing in particular and being about to check out that onboard magazine to see what's on tv on the flight, since I can never sleep on flights as that makes it somehow more funny for life, because I always am dead tired when I board the plane and there is absolutely nothing to do AND I usually get all dizzy as a result of not enough food and not enough sleep, the not-sleeping of course increases the problem of not enough food, and as a result airsick although the flight alone never is a problem, so if I could sleep that would just be all perfect and if I cant that has bad things cascading and stacking and increasing each other making it REALLY bad for me, so that is of course what happens since life hates me like that...
so anyway, my misery aside that I got used to by now, fishing in the seat bag in front of me, I find the monthly sky magazine of United for this month has this cover:
File comment: What the... ? Macrofurry magazine cover?
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Oh yes. So life's attention is back on me to make weird things happen around. But I shall still enjoy the trip as good as I can.
After all, it started out not all THAT bad, I mean, I could have guessed that when want to buy me a bottle of water for the flight to the US, and dont want to do so on my stop in London Heathrow because I dont (want to) have British Pounds on me, that the cheapest bottle would be like 2.90 Euro, for half a liter, not even sparkling. Because the machine that usually has it, the only in my part of the airport as it seems, was broken. Fine.
File comment: Dirty Heap-throw airport
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And... well I should have guesses that through no matter what logic they manage to apply I have to trow it away when I step out of the plane in Heathrow to have to go through the entire security crap again to board another plane. I mean, maybe I just want to blow up THAT plane, and not the one I have just been on, and clearly we Raptorlanders are not nitpicky and proper enough for the Brits to trust our security checks... but luckily, water was rather cheap there, and I could pay in dollars so I didnt have to waste a 5 Euro bill for a bottle of water and a pile of britcoins that I will never use.
And they had this amusing dyslexic sign there that made me smile.
File comment: Dyslexic brits
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Fun. So, on to Washington IAD, with the abovementioned megamacro panda magazine. Must be a pretty dull airport if they call it Dulles...
File comment: Dullest airport
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Now, needless to say, once I arrived, I need to go through Security AGAIN. Because maybe I just want to blow up a domestic flight rather than the one I came with, and clearly the brits cannot be trusted in their security checks. Now that is at least an argument I can understand. As a revenge, I guess even Al Bundy has a better job than the Thousands Standing Around officers that need to work where hundreds of people (overweight americans included
), need to go through after 8 hours of flight with their
shoes removed. Ew.
OK, so here, have THIS bottle again, Fcuk you, I'm NOT going to buy me YET another in YOUR airport for the last 40 minutes to Pantsburgh. And the plane will leave in like an hour and half anyway. Oh, so it is a bit delayed, by like 37 minutes. That is nothing.
OK, now its departure time got delayed by another 20 minutes while I didnt look. Still, that's nothing.
Oh, they delayed it again... ah...
Hah, see? Its closer now, an they did not delay it this ... hey, wasnt that
3:37 just a few minutes ago and not
4:37 ?
Well... OK, so my plane was almost three hours delayed now. But so what? I am flying in an entire day earlier than I wanted to, because leaving on June 30th makes the flight just tons cheaper than July 1st, because with this one day the entire flight falls into main travel season pricing and shoots up by like 150 Euros or some. So, why bother.
And so, already airsick and deprived of enough water that i wanted to keep flowing to NOT catch a really bad and crappy cold THIS time again, yes, finally, Pittsburgh.
File comment: Pantsburgh Airpott.
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Alright, now nothing much can go wrong anymore.
What do you say? Luggage? Oh come one, my flight was delayed for an eternity. How could it possibly not...
Oh. Baggage belt stopped. Well maybe it has been put to the side... no. Well, like I said. Life and me.
But life isnt all and only bad to me at those things (and my luggage was gone for a whole day last time already, so I wouldnt have screamed or cried or hated the world or anything, because I already KNOW how that is.
So, what's left that makes life do it, to me? Yes, the ultra ridiculous coincidences for laughs!
You see, my flight was delayed for like almost three hours, right? And my luggage didnt make it, but stayed in Washington.
So they put it on the NEXT flight that goes the same route.
Which goes, on schedule, three hours after mine. And was not delayed.
So wouldnt that mean... *I turn around from the luggage claim booth, belt starts again, my luggage rolls in*.
LOL. OK life, that time you really got me. I mean, how likely is THAT?
OK, so wasnt this ranting raptor supposed to go to a con or something like that?
Oh yes. Next stop, Pittsburgh downtown.
File comment: Overcast Pittsburgh downtown, from the convention center
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Of course, still time for a little fun to be thrown in by life. At the bus stop on the airport I have to meet two people, talking in Raptorlandish, about where to get off from that bus... and I suggest that if they, totally hypothetically, want to get to the Convention center for a big "science fiction convention", they get off at the last stop on Liberty Av.
For, of course, its hilariously funny and unlikely that I meet two other Raptorlandish furs that go to the convention when there is like ten or so total of those, that were NOT on my plane, in front of a bus that goes every 30 minutes. Yes, I laughed, internally.
OK, on to the con. Here's some more scenery, seen from the con hotel. First "The Essentials" as I call it, right across the street, that block that holds the Quik-E-Mart, a bar (overpriced though, havent been there), a liquer store a little down the road, and not one, not two, but THREE great and cheap and tasty food places.
Essentials-small.jpg [ 290.08 KiB | Viewed 1753 times ]
I like how there's this really really tiny shop houses there, and those really huge skyscrapers all around next door.
And that really dirty alley in between, that is right one side-step away from all the shiny building faces, and yet you americans treat them like nobody would possibly look there, ever. Here's the other side, looking out around the corner.
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The con was a blast and I met tons of old and new friends, spread out a lot of Faibanx buttons to our MUCK goers, had a good time, doodled some, and got doodled for some. You know, the usual con stuff when you dont go to have sex.
Or go to have sex and fail, I guess.
So.. on with the loot finally.
Well first off, I hoped I could doodle some more on this one that I started sketching for Kreldon and Corey while on Faibanx MUCK. I didnt get to do that, but at least I could scan it in (slightly) better quality. Its in the Giga Graphics section too, so here's just a tiny version and clicking the attachment will send you to the bigger.
File comment: click to go to forum post in graphics section
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But I still felt the need to doodle some none the less. I (usually) only draw at furry cons, so I need to be productive so it was worth it. And, since I cant draw good, I need to find something funny, or at least punny, or at the very least something around Faibanx characters. Given most of us are in one way macro and its usually easier to come up with something funny by just porting over normal situation into the world of macros (like, picking up little ships in your bathtub, see Hemispheres magazine (Why do I always read Hemipenes there?) ), and as I though, about what is mainstream funny somehow, maybe I can just merge something recent that everybody knows... I got the idea of the macro muscle march.
File comment: click to go to forum post in graphics section
Musclemarch-small.jpg [ 101.79 KiB | Viewed 1853 times ]
Cool. Three Faibanx characters included AND fun that everybody can smile about. Next thing I planned and started was to be something for 'us', us being the folks that can enjoy macro fun and messiness when the used messes are NOT restricted to ridiculous amounts of hyperspooge or titjuice, and that have a real hard time finding any of that around because out of the few people who dare to draw something like that, 99% hide it from the rest of the world because they might get evil flamings from people who find something obviously less mainstream than what they enjoy is always good to bash and claim it is so gross and perverted that it makes their own twisted furry fetish seem less gross and perverted. Or the artists are afraid it would stop their shooting start career into popularity because aforementioned people tell themselves and other that such is gross and ew and must be bashed.
So... I envisioned doing something along the lines of this:
File comment: click to view slightly large but no less pre-sketchy version in mah gallery
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Sadly I didnt get to draw it, the real sketch didnt turn out right somehow, and then the muse lost me, and then the con was over.
(But if anybody wants to draw or commission or whatever that, feel free to. I gladly assist and give the additional info on how what was planned. And yes, that was supposed to be starring me.)
Instead, I ended up drawing this one here for Fossil, whom I rant into exactly once for like two minutes before the con was officially over, but I somehow felt like it and had the idea. And hey, its got paws, and people here love paws.
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But dont hate him for that if you would rather have wanted the macro watersports pic.
But I also got myself some pictures too, a very good friend of mine drew this two really nice and naughty sketches for me, but he isnt so sure yet if he wants to put them up publically or not, so... dunno. I think really small can do no harm? So, for completeness sake:
File comment: Me. Pee. From below.
Toiletbowl-small.jpg [ 37.56 KiB | Viewed 1832 times ]
File comment: Dragon. On stage. Mrrr.
dragonpoop-small.jpg [ 33.27 KiB | Viewed 1816 times ]
I just really like those two pictures. Thank you so much again!
And, last but not least, I finally had my splendid scaly self drawn by an arr-teest whose styel I really like, to give me a little bit more profile, which immediately got Dino to spaz out that I now go all the way of the popularfur. But he's just a prick, I mean come on and see how many popular(tm) arr-teests have drawn HIM already!
File comment: Blue by Spunkywulf (click for bigger version in my gallery)
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And... I think that was about it, art-wise.
Oh no! Its a pun! Its "squish-E"!
File comment: Squishy!
Squish-E.jpg [ 91.03 KiB | Viewed 1728 times ]
OK, I'm heading back home. Its been long enough. Just one last thing I found worth making fun of. I couldnt resist.
Anybody want some Republicans merchandise at Washington Dulles? Its amazingly cheap now!
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Finally back home, back in Raptorland, Frankfurt at an early cloudy morning.
Just one last little domestic connect flight.
On which I met two other Raptorland furs on their way home back from anthrocon.