Dinosorceror wrote:
*chuckles* - thanks Dino. I dare say an enterprising speck such as yourself can enjoy lots of delightful views like this if they hang around on a changing room floor for a while...
Selendro wrote:
I don't think there's much need to apologize for lack of art. If anything, I would call you incredibly industrious. It sounds like you're taking on a lot of things all at once. I know when I'm studying I'm not giving much thought to such things, myself
I skimmed over most of the comments already, and I don't have much to add. I am recently acquainted with such socks
They are a wonder of engineering, to be sure.
I'm always interested in the entire picture, because a lot of the background information is subtle. Of course, everyone's gaze is drawn to a certain part of the body here, but I always seem to find myself noticing little things about the pose. Rexar's got his hand under his leg to the right, for example. That and I'm surprised nobody's mentioned how he's getting a big whiff of his shoe up there with a bit of nostril gust. Details are fun!
You might not believe this, but this picture has had a couple of hundred comments on 6 different websites and you are the
only one who has mentioned the sneaker-sniffing!!! Quite incredible. So thank you very much for pointing it out at last!!!
I dare say others probably do notice these things but perhaps don't mention them - not that there's anything wrong with that, but it's nice to know that the little details are appreciated. As for that hand, I drew Rexar holding his thigh in an attempt to suggest that he had just been holding his leg up to take the sneaker off. I dunno if anyone got that, but I put it in anyway! Heh!
And those super-strong LD5 sports socks are a great invention, aren't they?
Selendro wrote:
Speaking of which, I saw both versions of the scale stuff, and don't really care either way. I think in general maybe smoothness is just associated with your style, but the scales are very well done. I kept wondering what I was thinking of looking at them, when it finally hit me: Fruity Pebbles. Like the breakfast cereal. I guess you can take that however you want.
And good luck finding a job! It's kind of a depressing thing these days.
Fruity pebbles? Obviously not something we get here in England. Maybe Rex's foot tastes of fruit... or maybe Fruity Pebbles taste of Rexar's feet; I wouldn't know...
And thanks for the support, Selendro. Fingers crossed I might be getting a job very soon.
Anstallion wrote:
WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!!! (oh. looking for a job and at uni. like you said.) really happy to hear you got to be head adminastrator at Eccentricities
i check your page on a regular bassis!
and im not disappointed. its amazingly detailed. the most detailed pic yet. i wish i was there to take in the musk wth you (macro or non macro, i dont mind!
) i dont mind socks either. i do prefer barefeet overall but this has the best of both!
ive actually started to go to the gym now. and i do get foot fantasies. ill be thinking of this one! i wonder what those feet taste like
and youve also remineded me to go on eccentries again.
im almost on faibanx if your interested
and dont worry about lack of artwork. real life issues have to come first. and this may given you a break and your best artwork might come from it!
sorry so much i want to say little space to say it in. its great to have you back mate
Thanks very much, anstallion! It's nice to know you are missed! Heh! Thanks for the comments - just don't go around sniffing your sneakers at the gym, or anyone else's for that matter; you might end up in handcuffs.
And I hope you're enjoying yourself on Eccentricities. Let me know if you have any problems or questions.
Sprotchymon wrote:
Dayum. That's practically a photo. You certainly take "stink lines" to an art form. Remember how everything is relative? You don't have to be an Einstein to figure that out. I call shenanigans on you ever believing there is a time you can't draw. Anything you consider a failure would still be far better than a success from my own pen and/or tablet.
Also, drawing for the fandom? Peer pressure must be tripping you up into faulty logic, man! You draw for yourself - the fandom is a fringe benefit! In other words, Don't worry about our approval. Consider it a given!
Heh - well thanks, Sprotch. I do consider my artwork to be something for the fandom rather than myself, not because I'm seeking approval but just because I don't think I'd ever put this much effort in if I was drawing just for me. And an artist is always their own worst critic, as they say - some might be a bit cynical when I say I'm struggling as if to suggest I've got no good reason to complain, but art blocks are just frustrating for everyone no matter who you are, because you feel like you can't do what you know you're capable of.
Anyway, thanks very much for the compliments! Very much appreciated.
DragonsLover wrote:
HOLY F***IN SHIT!!! I can understand it took you 4 weeks doing this, because those remarkable details... Damn, that's just
insane! Gosh! No, it's not one of your bests, IT IS your best. I mean, look at that! The scales, the dirt, the sock, the pose, everything...
Extremely shocking work, as usual!
That's so awesome! Keep it up!
Heh - well it could be my best, though I don't tend to compare my more realistic pieces because I think they're all equally strong in their own ways.
Thanks anyway DL, and indeed to everyone! Your comments really do mean a lot to me.