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 Post subject: Origins of Hardskale inst 8
PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2008 12:43 am 
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Wee li'le roo
Posts: 91
Species: Kangaroo
Location: the open sea
Within the following seconds, a giant black and white paint mare, and a minty green and white blotched bunny stepped through the door. Neither bunny nor mare seemed to notice the small trio on the bed. Torchie identified the mare as Nelly and the bunny gal as Clover. Nelly looked about, stomping around the room, then turned to clover. “She isn’t here. There’s her roo and the covers are disheveled a little, but where’s she?”
Clover shrugged. “I don’t know, she didn’t say she had plans today.”
Torchie, Karo, and Geckina all three were yelling up, but apparently Neither the bunny or Horse had ears as good as Torchie’s. And because they were not getting through, Nelly’s big butt came down as she took a seat on the bed.
Torchie and Geckina dodged aside and out of the way, but Karo was frozen in fear, or something else. The truth was that he was oddly memorized and even excited by the site of this large female butt coming down on him, even if it is black and white furred covered in a pair of tight cutoff up to the waist jeans and a thong pink thong he could see just above the waistline of the pants since they hung low. “Sweet Jesus, thank you.” Was all that came out of the roo’s gawking muzzle, as Nelly’s butt planted on top of him on the bed.
He was sure Nelly felt a small bump as she sat down; something right under her tail hole on the bed was poking her just right and squirming. Karo could hear her yelp slightly even though muffled by the massive rump on top of him. That same rump lifted up as a white fine furred hand reached under, the big hoof like caps on the fingertips were oddly smooth and almost like soft leather as they brushed past him. The padded hand gripped him in a light, but firm fist so not to crush him but to catch him and not let him loose. Karo was lifted up off the bed and up to Nelly’s massive white blazed nose. Her large equine nostrils blew warm air on him as she sniffed at the Tiny, bright colored kangaroo in her hand. Clover peaked over and wriggled her mint green blotched bunny nose at him too.
As she held him there in front of her muzzle, Nelly spoke to Karo in a demanding manner. “Who are you little roo!? Who? You better spill it all or I’ll use you for things you’d have nightmares about.”
Karo yelped a little himself before answering, her demanding tone and closeness of her hot horse breath made him wince. “I am Karo Hardskale, owner of this castle. I formerly served the lady Torchie who has just given up her size as a dragon for me. And with all due respect my giant equine friend, there isn’t much you can do to me that I haven’t been through all ready to give me any sort of nightmare.”
This statement made both Horse and Bunny look at each other in confusion. “Karo Hardskale? H-how, Torchie said he was sent away to save his life. He was a dragon, a small friendly one that eventually took care of her evil family and saved her from the torment they put her through.” Clover was the one to say this.
Nelly then picked up the que “Yeah and besides, Torchie isn’t even here so how can she vouch for you?”
Nelly had squeezed Karo a little tighter as she and clover berated him. He grunted and pushed at her fingers a little, trying to get some breathing room at least. “She’s down there on the bed next to your big ass, look a little closer, her and my brown lizard associate Geckina are both looking up at you and cowering.”
Nelly perked her ears, looked down at the two on the bed, then back up and over to clover who shrugged and interested herself with the smaller ones, She then looked back at Karo, no looking a little more confused and obviously taken aback. “Well played runt. So this must be Karo then huh Torchie? You always said you’d shrink down if he came about. Though I suppose I should punish him for groping my butt.” She snorted on poor little Karo who was still in her grip.
“I didn’t grope you! You sat on me!”
“Oh don’t tell me you didn’t like it. Hmmm Okay time for punishment…” Nelly began to lower Karo down somewhere, though he couldn’t see where for her big fingers in his way.
“Nelly! No! You leave that roo alone; you won’t be sticking him in there like the others.” Torchie, surprisingly loud and audible to the equine suddenly, stopped abruptly and perked her ears and directed her attention down at the dragoness.
“Stick me in? Where? Do I want to know?” Karo shouted
“No sweety you don’t, Nelly put the roo down and go out to the airship graveyard and start bringing all of them here, specifically the one Kalena lives in, she’s moving by order of lord Hardskale. I’m sure he would like her nearby since she and her roos helped him come out of dragon hood.” Torchie was suddenly in charge. Nelly put Karo down and trotted off almost like she were scared.

Clover had already shrunk down, but Torchie made her grow back up to carry Herself, Geckina and Karo all back downstairs. She said it was time to start renovating. Clover shrank back down once they were downstairs. Karo and Geckina got to formally meet her, but before anything more serious than a hello and a handshake transpired, Karo had questions for Torchie.
“So wait, what is the deal with you, Kalena, and those Kangaroos? How do you know where they are? Why are you sending Nelly to get all those old airships? What is going on here?” The neon kangaroo was frantic, so many questions running through him at one time and being so easily excitable by nature at this point, wasn't working well for him.
Torchie just giggled at him and rubbed his shoulders, and somehow, for some reason, clover and geckina picked up on it and added their comfort as well; peting him, scratching behind his ears, rubbing his shoulders, and nuzzling him. "Well sweety I'm sure living in this, your castle would be better shelter than that old crashed airship Kalena has. She's an old confidant from before you and I met. When things started going down hill, and you dissapeared in the castle somewhere hiding from my family and their associates, I went to her and we talked about what could happen. She has a deep tie with the spiratual realm; she had a dream sent by a powerful god, more powerful than anything any of these fools around here believe in. This dream was actually a foretelling of events to come, Kalena believed it so much she urged me to bestow my more intangible connections with you, onto her as well. This means if you were ever small to her, you'd be as immune to her as you are to me, your little dragon powers are going to take you far my furry freind.
At any rate, Kalena saw you coming into great strength and defeating the evil that was my family, it's sad for any child of any age to see her family killed, but when that child knows they are evil it considerably lessens the blow. Her and I devised this plan to send you away somehow, to protect you. Neither one of us expected you to get hurt so badly though, so bad that you needed to be transformed again. I think the roo is cute, but unfortunatly the love we had can not blossum now, I'm firm in my belief that the union of two different species is wrong, but we can still have fun. Speaking of which, my feet need some rubbing later.
As for getting all the ariships together, we can use them to start building some smaller rooms down here in the main entranceway. Karo I'm not going to lie hon, all your enemies aren't gone. They've been lying in waiting for you're return, not entirely convinced of your demise. With the destruction of the draconic members of the hardskale family, and many of their reputable constituants, you made a lot of enemies. You are known in history as Lord Karo Hardskale; Pirate, Rebel, Dragonslayer, and many other provocative titles. Those airships, many of them, were used in a battle of people that celebrated your triumph and protected your throne. You made a lot of mammals and smaller reptiles happy, as well as some smaller, freindlier dragons. Not all dragon's are evil, but you knew that; even some of the big ones in some far lands have clans that are allied to you. Karo, you destroyed some of the tyranical Dragons that threatened the good name of many dragons, keeping them from showing their faces in polite society.
The Evil ones that still seek to destroy you and your throne have undoubtedly found out you are alive by this time they have eyes everywhere." Throughout Torchie's explaination, Clover held Karo in her lap. She was still very tall even at a smaller size, and somewhat round, but still nice and very soft.
"So there could be some fights on my paws soon, gotcha, great. One thing though, I get how you've lasted this long, being a dragon and all, but what about Kalena?" Karo said while leaning into some of clovers pets, also half wondering where Geckina got off too.
"Karo, don't you see, it's the connection to you. The tear I shed for you, the one that splashed on you before I sent you off. It splashed on you and created a magical, and Spiritual bond. It gave me the longevity to wait for you and by extent, Kalena. Kalena's preminition came completely true, down to the fact she knew you'd land in Australia. Lucky her she had those three contacts there already, I'm assuming the three roos you mentioned are Beyonica, Kandi, and Claire. Ive met them a few times, they prefer it here in the eastern part of of the north american continent. To avoid the next enevitable series of questions, your original dimension is the one that has the united states in it. Here, they never really happened. I am told there is yet another separate dimension where the anthropomorphic animal beings thrive where they have the united states and all that, but here we just have the same continents through the course of time and people who founded them respectfully and subsequently naming them." The pretty dragoness explained and gave Karo a peck on the cheek, just because.
Karo nodded, he understood now that from the moment he'd been taken from the earth he'd known, all of this had been set in motion by some all governing force. Some would call it fate, but in this roo's belief system, he did not believe in luck. All this had got him thinking, if it weren't for the bunny comforting him, he'd be quite tense. "Looks like I've got a lot riding on me."
"Yes you do hon, but trust me, in a few days, after abit more refurbishing of this place, all your followers and believers will be flocking to this place. Thats why we need all the old airships for a start on the building of some temporary dwellings, and since this castle is built for very large beings, it will beperfect for some of yur macro followers as well as housing a multitude of the smaller ones. This castle can be a fortress." Clover was the one to say this. She sounded very kind and even licked Karo a little, right on the nose, then giggled.
"I'll take you word for it then. Now where did Geckina get off too?" Karo asked as he looked around. His and Torchie's and Clover's attentions were redirected though from a loud and upset voice from the shadows an dlooking to be coming from a series of glowing red lights with a slight golden glow around the edges of them.
"Does this belong to you three? she was snooping around my labratory, I must say the cybernetics on her arm are quite lovely, and this comes from a dedicated Technophile." The lights emerged from the shadows to show they belong to a grey furred jackal with black paws, wearing a black hooded cloak an dsome type of fancy robes. His right arm, left leg, right eye and a portion of his ches were all gleaming golden plated metal with visible glowing red circutry. He was carrying Geckina in his arms.
"Who are you and what are you doing in my castle? Torchie do you know this...um, dog?" Karo said, quite unamused by this cybernetic fool's inconsiderate behavior. Torchie shook her head slightly before the jckal perked up again, dropping Geckina, somewhat roughly, she scampered over and hid behind torchie.
"This is not you're castle sir, it used to belong to a Dragon Lord turned pirate by the name of Karo Hardskale. He killed a great may of his own kind then dissapeared. You sir are a kangaroo, though I give your cybernetics full marks as well..my god is that a cybernetic pouch even, remarkable. Alas where are my manners. I am the Tech Lord known as The Anarchitect. Anarch for short. I'v e made a labratory and dwelling out of the bowels of this castle. The entrance to which looked to be used as a small labratory some time back and had a secret door in it so I thought it would make a nice front for a hidden labratory and tunnel network." Anarch protested, proclaimed and stuck out his mechanical chest piece so proudly.
Karo hopped off of Clovers lap and up to the technological terror. "That dragon lord is who I used to be, but through some creatice manipulation of wormholes and genetics, I stand before you today as a kangaroo, but you see these dragon fangs in my mouth? a small remnant of my dragonhood. Now perhapes we can comprimise. You can keep your labratory, and tunnel network, so long as I am allowed safe passage through such places. If you refuse, I'll have to dispatch you."
"Dispatch me!? You insolent...pup, joey! How dare you be so impurtenant to me. I'll be the one to dispatch you!" Long mechanical tentical-like arms lashed out from his back, counting in number of six from a half sphereacle pack on his back. They have three metal pinching finger like apendages on each.
Karo smiled as the tendrils came at him, he remembered a little power that had been so vaugly mentioned to him at the start and descided it was time to test it out. He focused on the Anarch's feet, an easy task since one is bright gold. Without much of a strain on Karo's part, Anarch ended up on the floor, tripped by the roo's foot control, something the jackal was, no doubt not expecting. He had ried that power before, but it had no effect since the oponent knew about it and couldn't be fooled into thinking he had no control of his feet and legs, but this jackal didn't know Karo too well. While the candid was down, Karo made it a point to tie his mechanical tenticals, or tendrils together, then used some industrial wire from his pouch to hog tie them tightly together. He also made it a mental note to ask Kalena what all is in the pouch.
"So mister "Tech Lord". What say you reconsider?" Karo loomed over the jackal as the sharp nosed canine looked lothefully up at him.
"Um, okay, you win mister Hardskale. I'll uh go back to my lab, drop by anytime. Especially if you need any upgrades or anything. Erm and just to cover furter enevitable events, I have some accosiates working for me, please don't kill them. Be especially mindful of the dingo, I'll keep her from trying to taste roo. Oh and just one more thing, could yu clip this wire so I can scuttle off bck to my lab? thank you."
Karo did undo the wire and The Anarchitect scurried back to his labratory. It was great timing too, since Nelly was bck along with a couple macro freinds of hers to help carry all the airship parts.
The artist does not make the character, the character makes the artist.

 Post subject: Re: dragon slayer instalment 8
PostPosted: Sun May 25, 2008 11:02 am 
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Oracle of the Slipper
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Ah, so more details are revealed...

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