Ice Killa wrote:
nice detail man. its like a combination of fox and lucario.

there is nothing there that is any such combination. all are just the personification of what a lucario actually is, and that is a jackal. technically a jackal is like a fox so I supose you have something. But lucarios themselves are ment to be a jackal type just like an evee is a fox. more over they are styled after anubis who is a jackal by ancient egyptian lore, though if one looks closer and deeper into it, he is a pharoh's hound, a breed of domestic canine that has those sharp ears, long muzzle and wippy tail.
if it is lucy whom you are refering too respectively then I have to say she is a hybrid, but not with a fox. as her description displays, she is the spawn of an anubite jackal and a lucario. she is mostly jackal but blue furred and bearing the lucario markings, she wears clothing to make herself appear as a lucario to fool trainers and have herself a little giggle when they find out the pokeball won't work, and she just caused their pokedex to fry.
however having said all this, and just to make things clear mind you, I did not mean to upset, I wasn't going in that direction. I thank you whole heartedly for your positive commentary.