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 Post subject: Story time
PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 5:52 am 
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One Really Big Wolf
Posts: 248
Species: Ludicrusly Large Lupine
Location: 3rd Rock From The Sun
How Big Is Too Big ?
A Story Of Epic Size.
By : The Usual Suspects

Chapter 1 - Terry

"You're too big." his mind told himself. Terry looked down at himself. It wasn't easy being a timber wolf-taur, let alone one as big as he was.
He could pick up macros in his hand paw, they wouldn't take up a whole lot of space in them as well. Most would freak out when he did that, as they were used to picking up normal folks in their hand paws, not themselves being handled that way.

All Terry wanted was a friend, but at his size he seemed all alone. Why did he have to be 1,000ft large, it was as if fate had played a cruel joke on him, his parents weren't like this, in fact they were regular sized as far as macros go, yet for some odd reason he was born with an extra growth gene it seemed, in a short space of time he grew bigger then his mom & dad.

"Was this a curse?" he wondered to himself. To him it seemed that way, all alone in the world that was too small for his great size. He wanted to get away from it all, go someplace out in the wilderness, far from everyone. He made up his mind, he would do just that. He liked his home, but he couldn't stay there for in his mind he wasn't welcomed here anymore, too big for his own good.

He had heard rumors, stories of a land far away where no other fur, or even macro fur for that matter was found, simply called "No Furs Land" he would go there to be all alone he told himself. Away from the stares, away from folks telling him "You're too big." Someplace he would spend the rest of his life in.

Little did he know he was about to have an adventure like he couldn't have ever imagined.

Terry left his home, his country, the land he grew up in, in more ways then one. He was off to America, and "No Furs Land" that was located in the west in the Rocky Mountains. The trip wasn't very long, not for him anyhow. Crossing the Atlantic from England was just a short swim for him, no sea creatures bothered him on his trip. Why would they, he was incredibly huge to them.

Once in America he was surprised by it's vastness, well, compared to the island that is England, as he never ventured very far from home. Mostly because of how often he frightened folks there with his hugeness. Folks in the East part of the US were skittish around him, so asking for directions was easier said then done. This made him sad as he thought these folks would be a bit braver.

It was the same story as he made his way slowly towards "No Furs Land" However the closer he got to his destination the less skittish folks were towards him, and this made him curious, why wouldn't they be scared of him, wasn't he the biggest fur they had ever seen? His attitude changed as he got closer to his goal. He was no longer afraid of his own size and power as well.

He was more at ease as he approached the West and the Rocky Mountains. Perhaps he didn't have to stay in "No Furs Land" after all, perhaps he could travel outside of it, these folks in these parts we're friendly as a matter of fact, as if his impressive size wasn't all that impressive to them. Perhaps they've seen folks his size around these parts he thought.

This thought made his heart race, perhaps he wasn't all alone after all. He could at long last have someone to talk to, be friends with, hang out with, maybe even.... His mind stopped on that thought.... For he was now at the border of Colorado.... He looked into the state, and there just inside the border was a paw print.

Now mind you he knew what a paw print was, he had seen his own after all, he left a wake of them behind him even though he tried to be light on his paws he left a trail of them where ever he had traveled. However this paw print just inside the border of Colorado made him for the first time in his life feel small, very small at that. He slowly walked towards it to compare one of his own foot paws to the print.

This must be how Macros feel around himself he thought as he compared the titanic paw print to one of his foot paws. He could see the dermal ridges in the print clearly. Whatever made this print could squish him easily between two toes as if he were a microfur. He felt like one too looking at this massive paw print. Impossible he thought, nothing could be that big.

Well, you are as big as you are he reasoned in his mind, so why wouldn't there be an even bigger fur out there. He carefully made his way into Colorado, glancing about as not run into whatever made that paw print. However he saw that normal sized folks were playing around in the print as if it wasn't dangerous at all. A few macros were as well, as if it was nothing to fear at all.

These folks were certainly braver then he, that much was certain. Terry let himself be more at ease watching others act as if the print was no big deal. As if they knew where it had come from, another print wasn't too far away from the first. Terry soon realized they were heading right for "No Furs Land" the Rocky Mountains. He came all this way for this?

He wondered if it was too late to go back home, no he told himself, you came this far, keep going. Something inside him was more curious then afraid of whatever had made these prints. He followed them into "No Furs Land" uncertain what he'd find there.

Chapter 2 - Woulfe

It was nightfall when Terry climbed over the top of the first set of mountains, beyond was a huge valley in total darkness. He couldn't see a thing for the mountains on both sides of the valley made it like a bowl, light could only get in if it was daylight. His night vision helped a little bit, but all he could see were basic shapes in the valley itself, that would have to do for now.

In the center of the valley looked like to Terry some outcropping of mountains there, he would rest there until tomorrow to continue his journey, for he lost track of the prints in the darkness. The mountains weren't like any he had crossed before, something was odd about them. He couldn't put his finger on it, oh well he was too tired to care after his long trip here anyway.

Terry dreamed some very odd dreams, well for him they were anyway, he dreamed he found what made the prints, it was an even bigger version of himself, this struck him as odd, as he knew he was one of a kind as far as timber wolf-taurs went anyway. In the dream he was trapped between two toes that were bigger then himself and seemed to grow bigger or he was shrinking one or the other.

Terry awoke to a sun up in the sky. It must of been 9 o' clock in the morning. What a strange dream he had. Looking around the mountains he had climbed on he suddenly knew this was no mountains at all. Thick black fur surrounded him, he had to stand up to see over it. What he saw when he stood up made his heart jump. He was on a massive black wolf.

Now this is what had made the prints he saw before, he was certain of it. But it's one thing to see the prints, it's another to be wake up laying on made them. He realized he was smack in the middle of the wolf's chest. Massive pecs towered over him from where he was. He was in panic mode. Well, until he realized the wolf was sleeping soundly.

Terry calmed down once he realized the titan wolf was asleep. No need to panic just yet he told himself. He crawled around on the wolf to get his bearings. Soon he found the neck of the titan, where he discovered a blue collar with a bell on it and several dog tags. One of the tags read simply 'Woulfe' on it.

So that's his name Terry thought. The tag was bigger then himself, but not to the point where he couldn't pick it up to look at it to see if there was more information on it. Terry turned the tag over, on the other side of the tag it had more information indeed. Height 1,000,000ft - Terry stopped reading after that. 1,000,000ft? No wonder he felt so tiny next to this wolf, he was tiny next to this wolf.

Terry put the tag back down and backed away slowly. Now this wolf was indeed too big in his book. He found himself on one of the wolf's hand paws as he walked. It was pads side up. Terry looked at the huge pads, no blood, no concrete dust, no signs of death or destruction on them. Terry felt a little more at ease. Okay not one of those he thought to himself.

It was at this point Woulfe woke up to greet the day. Terry fainted at the site of this titan wolf yawning and sitting upright as he awoke. The wolf was huge as it was laying down, sitting up it looked even bigger then Terry thought it would, this is why he fainted.

 Post subject: Re: Story time
PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 4:38 pm 
User avatar
Posts: 471
Species: Snow Leopard
Location: South Australia
Wow that was interesting, A short swim over the atlantic ^^.., Cant wait to see the rest of this one ^^.

 Post subject: Re: Story time
PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 5:29 pm 
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Oracle of the Slipper
Posts: 2661
Species: Weesaur
Location: Ankh Ridge, Alyeska
Yeah, we want more, Woulfe! You're always writing just up to the part where we get micro/macro interaction, and then you never finish! We want more! MORE! :)

 Post subject: Re: Story time
PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 6:51 pm 
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One Really Big Wolf
Posts: 248
Species: Ludicrusly Large Lupine
Location: 3rd Rock From The Sun
Well, if this dream I had picks up where it left off tonight, I'll write more for it.
The dream ended with Terry fainting.
I hate cliff hanger dreams.

If the dream doesn't pick up where it ended I'll try to wing it as best as I can.

- W -
* Nods *

 Post subject: Re: Story time
PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 12:02 pm 
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Blue Raptor
Posts: 1277
Species: anthro raptor
Location: Raptorland
That's an interesting and well-written introduction, and sure a nice try to put mega macros into a world.
Nice going big one. :)
I am raptor.

 Post subject: Re: Story time
PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 1:25 pm 
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One Really Big Wolf
Posts: 248
Species: Ludicrusly Large Lupine
Location: 3rd Rock From The Sun
Chapter 3 - Dreamland

Terry dreamed he was a micro fur, and he was standing in the middle of a hand paw of a normal fur, who was standing in the middle of the hand paw of a macro fur, who was standing in the middle of a hand paw of a mega macro fur, who in turn was standing in the middle of the hand paw of the wolf he saw early before he fainted....

From this point of view the wolf was even bigger then ever. Terry felt very tiny indeed. Strands of fur miles upon mile long to Terry. He dreamed he fell of the hand paw that was carrying him. Down, down, down, down he fell, right into that deep thick fur of the titan wolf. It was like being on the surface of a strange alien planet. Trees without branches or leaves towering high above him.....

Terry explored this landscape. He became quite lost in it. Not knowing where he would end up as he wandered aimlessly in the Forrest of fur surrounding him. Up & down, up & down, he figured he was on the wolf's massive abs going by the way the landscape dipped & raised. Soon he was in a gigantic canyon between the wolf's massive pecs.....

Terry scaled up one of the pecs, where he found the male's nip, which might as well be Everest at the size he was currently. He started to climb, as he climbed, the nip became bigger, or he became smaller, one or the other. He reached the summit after a long time, once on top he felt even tinier looking around at his surroundings.....

The surroundings grew more, or he shrank more, he was in a canyon made up of the skin print ridges on the nip of the now beyond planetary huge to him wolf. Terry wondered if he was ever going to wake up from this crazy dream as he kept shrinking or the wolf was growing, whichever the case was Terry felt smaller and smaller as his dream progressed....

Terry forced himself to wake up just to end the weird dream just as he got to the point where he was sub-atomic to the titan wolf....

 Post subject: Re: Story time
PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 6:13 pm 
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Oracle of the Slipper
Posts: 2661
Species: Weesaur
Location: Ankh Ridge, Alyeska
Yay, nice addition to the story! :)

 Post subject: Re: Story time
PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 6:32 am 
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Somewhere in somerealm
Posts: 5
Species: size and shape-shifter anthro-wolf
Location: Human Realm
Wowwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O_O! Finally you come up with new story. You won't believe that how long I waiting for your new story. Please keep writing more. I want more moremore!!!
Don't think who I am from my appearance otherwise you will regret in your thought.

 Post subject: Re: Story time
PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 7:23 am 
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Posts: 471
Species: Snow Leopard
Location: South Australia
Wow ^^, That one is great as well.

 Post subject: Re: Story time
PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 4:15 am 
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One Really Big Wolf
Posts: 248
Species: Ludicrusly Large Lupine
Location: 3rd Rock From The Sun
Chapter 4 - Awake (in more ways then one no less)

"You okay dere lil guy ?" The titan wolf asked Terry. Terry looked around at his surroundings and felt like he was at the bottom of a cliff or something along those likes as he figured out where on the massive wolf he was. He was laying in the middle of the paw pad of the hand paw. Looming just over him was the wolf's muzzle. Fangs like mountains flashed as the wolf spoke. Terry was slightly nervous so close to the gigantic muzzle. He was soon put at ease as the wolf gave him a soft lick with his titanic tongue.

Terry had to remind himself that he was in fact as big as he was, it's just that this wolf he was with was just a heck of a lot bigger then he was. Looking up and around didn't help much, the mountainous wolf was all around, there was nothing else to judge scale with. "I'm f-f-f-f-f-f-f-fine." Terry said nervously. Terry felt embarrassed sounding all nervous like to the mass of wolf before him. He couldn't help it. The gigantic wolf looked so powerful, like he could move the world if he wanted to do so.

Terry felt a stirring between his legs. Dang it he thought, not now. Yet it continued the more he looked at the gigantic wolf before him. He was ruggedly handsome for someone so huge and foreboding. Muscles on top of muscles on top of muscles. That and the gigantic wolf was friendly and gentle, licking and lapping Terry with that huge muscular tongue. It was a turn on for Terry, he wouldn't admit it, never in a million years would he admit that being treated like a tiny plaything would get him turned on.

Yet that's what was happening. Terry knew he couldn't hide it as well, as he was built rather large between his legs, like most 'taurs were, he had to spread all four of his legs apart as he became more turned on by this gentle mountainous wolf's licking and lapping. In the back of his mind he was thinking 'So this is what a macro blow job feels like.' Terry didn't want it to stop. He started thrusting himself against the gigantic tongue, even as it became harder to move from the expanding sheath & shaft between his legs. He was no longer worried about being so tiny to the huge wolf, he was enjoying himself too much.

Terry soon felt his shaft pulsating more and more, any second now he would release a torrent of seed from it. Granted to the ungodly huge wolf it would be a drop, but that didn't seem to concern Terry at all right now. His shaft shot out it's load onto the huge tongue before him. He might of coated a taste bud or a few, he didn't know, nor cared at that point. Terry then fell over panting laboriously after his release. It felt good to let that out of him, he'd never done that before. Terry looked up at the massive muzzle, a huge grin was plastered on it, guessed the titan wolf enjoyed it as well.

 Post subject: Re: Story time
PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 2:34 pm 
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Oracle of the Slipper
Posts: 2661
Species: Weesaur
Location: Ankh Ridge, Alyeska
Wow, awesome! :) I never thought you wanted to get that explicit in stories, Woulfe, it's awesome to see. :) Moremoremoremore!

 Post subject: Re: Story time
PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 4:38 pm 
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One Really Big Wolf
Posts: 248
Species: Ludicrusly Large Lupine
Location: 3rd Rock From The Sun
Dinosorceror wrote:
Wow, awesome! :) I never thought you wanted to get that explicit in stories, Woulfe, it's awesome to see. :) Moremoremoremore!

I wanted to test the waters here with that, seeing as I had a dream very close to that before I wrote that.

- W -
* Tail wags *

 Post subject: Re: Story time
PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 12:11 am 
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Posts: 471
Species: Snow Leopard
Location: South Australia
That's a nice story it is :D., Love it ^^

 Post subject: Re: Story time
PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 7:34 am 
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One Really Big Wolf
Posts: 248
Species: Ludicrusly Large Lupine
Location: 3rd Rock From The Sun
Chapter 5 - Exploration

Woulfe stopped licking Terry, much to Terry's relief as he was tapped out after that first bath by the titan wolf. Now that he wasn't being licked he decided to explore the vast wolf under him. He wandered down the vast chest to the rippling hills and valleys that made up the massive washboard abs of the wolf.

Up and down and up and down Terry went over the abs, it was quite the trip as it took awhile to go up and down each ab. Terry felt like someone wandering in a odd forest as he continued his trek down the front of the wolf. Soon he arrived at a vast plane of blue denim shorts. What was in the middle of this vast plane made Terry's heart skip a beat.

A vast bulge in the middle of the shorts reminded Terry that he was on a very large wolf, not on some alien world. His groin twitched again, but he was too tried after the tongue bath to go at it again, perhaps later he mused. After I've explored some more of this titan, he looked down the legs to get his mind off the huge bulge before him, after all it would still be there later he reasoned.

Terry marched passed the bulge trying not to think about it too much as he made his way down the right leg of the titan wolf. The leg was very muscular, just like the rest of the wolf, so the hike wasn't any easier for him then the rest was. One thing was certain this was one powerful wolf he was exploring currently. Even the veins of this muscled bound mountain made Terry feel like a shrimp next to them.

Soon terry had reached the end of the wolf, well one of the wolf's huge foot paws was before him that is. The foot paw in question was laying on it's side, well, that would make the next part of his trip easier. He hiked to the edge and looked at the bottom of the foot paw itself. It was like being on some vast cliff, the foot paw spread out under where he was standing at. Terry whistled softly to himself. Dang that's some drop he thought to himself.

He used the huge strands of the titan wolf's fur to lower himself down to the foot paw pad. Once there he compared his pad to that of the titan wolf's. He somehow knew it'd look like nothing next to this massive pad, but he did it anyway. Terry then rubbed the vast pad before him, it was soft, yet firm as well. Terry felt very small down here as he rubbed the huge pad before him. A soft rumbling from above told him he was doing a good job even with the vast size difference involved between the two wolves.

Terry then made his way to one of the three toe pads. Terry looked again, yes the foot paw ended in just three toe pads not the standard four like his. Not that it mattered as Terry still felt incredibly tiny as he started to rub the middle toe pad that seemed to go on for miles from his point of view. Terry wondered if this is how he looks to normal sized folks. He tried to imagine a normal sized fur here, the toe pad ridges would be like canyons to a normal sized fur if they were here with this titan wolf.

Terry felt a little bigger thinking about that, but even so it didn't stop the titan wolf from being incredibly huge to him none the less.

 Post subject: Re: Story time
PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 10:48 am 
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Oracle of the Slipper
Posts: 2661
Species: Weesaur
Location: Ankh Ridge, Alyeska
*gets all melty at pawpad moments* Yay, I love paws! :) You really made me think I was there along with Terry exploring that megapaw. :)

:slipper: :slipper: :slipper: :slipper: :slipper:

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