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 Post subject: In The Shadow Of The Titan
PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 9:31 pm 
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One Really Big Wolf
Posts: 248
Species: Ludicrusly Large Lupine
Location: 3rd Rock From The Sun
In The Shadow Of The Titan
A Story
Christopher Thomas Cimafranca
Warren Walter William Woulfe

Chapter One - Down on the farm.

Gary was laying on top of a haystack day dreaming. Looking at the clouds floating by. He didn't have a worry in the world. Why should he ? Life was good. In his daydream he was a knight going on a great quest. He'd seen them ride by the road by the farm. Armor gleaming in the sunlight. Horses covered in fine colored cloth and armored as well. What he wouldn't give to be a knight. Unfortunately Gary had one small problem. He was far too big to fit in armor. He looked over his huge muscular frame. He got that way from working on the farm. The huge hulking wolf felt a tap on his foot paw.

"Get up and get to your chores" The farmer scolded at him "Or there be no supper for you"

Even though the farmer only came up to his knee, Gary minded him for he was older then him and had kept him sheltered all his life. The old fox was silver with age. Gary didn't know who his real parents were. He was found on the farmer's doorstep when he was still a cub. Gary got up off the haystack and finished the rest of his chores. It didn't take him long with his huge size. He made quick work of plowing the field. He carried a number of bails of hay out to the animals.

All the while pretending to carry treasure from the quest he was day dreaming about before.
He imagined fighting a dragon. A big one. Using a pitchfork held backwards as a sword. Take that and that he thought in his head. The pigs looked at him like he was out of his mind. Gary didn't mind. He always fantasized like this every day of the week it seemed. Not on weekends, because he and the farmer went into town on weekends to sell the crops.

The town of of Thunderfalls. Called so because of the nearby waterfall that sounded like thunder as it fell down the side of a cliff near the town. While the farmer went to the market to set up a booth, Gary would go to the arena where he could watch the knights joust and whatnot. Steel clanged against steel during the tournaments. Gary loved the sound as they hit it would sound like a bell going off. Like sweet summer music to him.

Gary also loved going around the marketplace. He would see many strange objects there. Things from far away lands. Also there would be magic acts, Jugglers, and strange foods that smelled wonderful, and tasted even better then they smelled. Mintrals would also wander around the marketplace and sing songs of great quests and the knights who went on them.

Gary couldn't wait for the next visit to the town of Thunderfalls.

Chapter Two - Thunderfalls Marketplace.

Gary didn't have to wait long. He helped the farmer next morning load up his wagon with goods to sell at the marketplace. He walked alongside the cart as it was pulled by one of the farmer's horses, a pretty big fellow that always pulled the farmer's cart to town. The farm wasn't too far from town. To Gary it seemed like miles only because of his excitement. The smells of the market entered his nose long before they got there.

Fresh breads, sweet rolls, tarts, cakes, candies, assorted fruits and things that made his muzzle watered as he smelled them, cured meats lightly salted topped with herbs and spices. Once at the marketplace Gary helped the farmer set up in one of the booths near the other farmers in the marketplace. Gary got his weekly pay and then went exploring like usual. The marketplace was it's usual hive of orginized chaos. Folks shouting about one deal or another.

Gary was treated rather well by the folks in the marketplace, he always asked if he could sample whatever new dish that draw him towards it by his nose. He tasted some noodles cooked in water then drained, and strange spices added to them. He always commented how good the food tasted and thanked the chef for letting him sample it. This was why he was allowed to do this in the first place. He was polite to everyone.

Gary also helped others setting up shop while in the marketplace, whenever he saw someone needed help, he'd help them. That's just how he was raised. Once everyone was situated in the marketplace and Grey had sampled all the new dishes available, he headed to the arena. Along the way he heard a few new songs and poems and stories about adventures.

Chapter Three - Thunderfalls Arena

Gary soon was standing off to one side of the bleachers at the arena, he did so because the seats were too small for him naturally, and it gave him some privacy as folks who go to these matches aren't from around here and stare at him because of his hugeness. Gary is shy around new people. He's not sure where he picked that up from. He's been like that for as long as he can remember.

Gary watched a few matches. It was as exciting as ever. Clang, clang, thump, thump. Swords swinging, hitting shields. There were a few times Gary wanted to come out of his hiding place and join in the action. He tried to stay more or less hidden behind the wooden fence, that only he could see over thanks in part to his great height.

The crowd really got into it, cheering for their favorite fighter or knight. Once the sword fighting part was over the Jousting was next up. Gary watched as the fighters mounted their steeds and started towards one another. Ever see a bad fall ? It's like everything moves in slow motion to you. One of the knights horse's tripped. Gary's eyes went wide as the horse loaded with armor fell right on top of his rider.

Gary more worried about the knight who was pinned under the horse then his own safety or his shyness, leaped over the fence in a single bound, landed right by the horse and Knight. Gary then lifted the horse off the Knight without even thinking about it. This all seemed to happen in slow motion to Gary. In actuality it happened quite fast.

"Are you alright, Sir ?" Gary blurted out rapidly.

You could of heard a pin drop in the seconds that ticked by. A gasp from the crowd seeing the Knight down like he was. Not from the sudden appearance of this 25ft large wolf. A few more seconds ticked by as the other knight, who was still charging full steam ahead, made contact with Gary. Needless to say Gary was fine, but the other Knight's lance didn't fare so well against the massively muscled wolf, it broke in several places as a matter of fact.

The first knight came to from the din that followed as one might imagine the sound of a lance snapping in several places can be quite loud indeed. He looked up at Gary and thought he was dreaming. He'd never in his life seen someone so huge as Gary was. He groaned.

"I'm as well as one can expect after having a horse land on oneself." The knight said.

The horse in question was in a bit of a shock himself after having been lifted and tossed aside as if he was nothing. It took awhile for the trainer to calm the horse down. Of course once everyone saw the Knight who had fell was alright, there was a huge sigh of relief from the crowd. This is when they noticed Gary standing there large as life. As if he wasn't there the entire time all this happened. Like I said only to Gary it seemed to happen in slow motion.

Instead of a panic and staring there was cheering for Gary as they realized it was him who helped the Knight who fell. This was new to Gary, he never been cheered before. It felt good, he was a hero, like in the stories, granted all he did is what anyone else would of done had they his strength and power to do so. Everyone was up on their foot paws clapping and whooping and hollering. Gary being the modest type was blushing up a storm.

Just then Gary noticed the smell of fire. He looked past the Arena and saw smoke coming from the town, not just from the town, but from the marketplace. Gary's heart sank. Oh no he thought, the Farmer. Gary rand past the crowd who watched were he was headed and saw the smoke as well and followed him.

Chapter Four - Farmer Fred Foxworth

The marketplace was on fire. Furs were running here and there trying to put out the flames. Handing buckets from one another. Gary heard something about bandits from the wild wolves woods had attacked while the matches were taking place. Gary helped by scooping up huge hand paw fulls of water and tossing them at the flames. He was joined by the furs who were at the matches as well as the knights who were also at the matches also.

Gary then saw something that sent a chill down his spine. Farmer Fred Foxworth, the fox who had raised him after he was found on his doorstep, the fox who fed him, who clothed him, who took care of him all these years had arrows stuck in him at odd angles. Gary fell to his knees. Why did the bandits do this ? Why hurt someone like this ? Gary howled mournfully, he knew deep down that the farmer was dead.

"Don't... cry... " Fred coughed.

Gary's heart leaped for joy, the farmer wasn't dead after all and everything was going to be okay. He knelt down closer to the old graying Fox who looked like a pin cushion with all the arrows in him. Gary's heart sank again. Fred was loosing a lot of blood as he laid there.

"Don't worry about this old fox, Gary, you have your whole life ahead of you, I wouldn't have lived much longer anyway, you take care of yourself now, you hear me ?" Fred sputtered.

Gary was at a loss for words as Fred spoke, telling him to follow his dreams and not waste his time worrying about what happened today to him. Fred looked at Gary with love in his eyes "Goodbye my son" Fred said with his last breath. Despite the fact that Fred wasn't his real dad and Gary wasn't his real son, he still loved him as if he was his real son.

Gary sobbed openly. Even if Fred was tough on him every now and then he still was like a dad to him. Gary just sat there for the longest time crying over the loss. A gloved hand paw touched his arm. It was the knight he saved earlier. "You saved one life, only to loose another." Said the Knight. That was true thought Gary. However with his parent gone what will he do now ?

Chapter Five - Sir Richard

Sir Richard, the knight who's life Gary saved, asked Gary to join him, be his Page. Gary seeing that he had no future here in Thunderfalls as he didn't know the first thing about how to take care of the farm that was now left to him. He gave the farm to the towns furs as he didn't know what else to do with it. He returned to the farm to gather up the few belongings he did have. Being there sadden him as he remembered playing in the fields with Fred years ago.

Gary was only to happy to put it all behind him to get away from the sadness the farm and the town brought him. Ahead the future awaited. The open road, adventure. Gary felt the call of adventure stronger then he ever did before. This time it wasn't a day dream. He was off to see the world. Perhaps even go on a quest. Gary carried Sir Richard's equipment, easing the burden from his horse.

Down the road leading away from the farm and from Thunderfalls they went. Sir Richard on his steed. Gary walking by them, making the two look small next to him. The were quite the odd sight to see, that's for certain. Adventure was waiting for them. Gary's heart raced as they went on and on. Gary kept expecting something to happen as they went over each hill. After several miles of nothing happening Gary calmed down. So far this adventure was nothing like the stories he heard. Mile after mile went by. Rolling hills of green wild grasses. Flowers dotted here and there.

Bumble bees buzzing about doing whatever it is they do during the day. Gary started asking Richard if he had any stories about his adventures seeing as he was board out of his skull from the walking mile after mile and seeing a whole lot of nothing. Richard told him many a tale about his past adventures. This made the traveling a lot easier as there was something to occupy them both from the monotony of the open road. Richard was only too happy to tell Gary about his past adventures too.

Gary imagined what it must of been like for Richard as he told his tales. Picturing these far away places in his head as Richard spoke about them, taking in every detail of the stories.

Chapter Six - The Quest

King John looked over his kingdom. So far not one of his subjects of his Knights wanted to go on the quest. It was a dangerous quest after all. He looked towards the distant mountains. Someone needed to awake the Titan, the only one who could save the kingdom from the menace that plagued it. Yet no one was brave enough to take the journey or crazy enough for that matter. After all the tales of the titan were rather extraordinary indeed.

What he needed was someone from outside his kingdom who didn't know of the tales of the titan to go on this quest. It was at this time as he was thinking about how to get the word out to neighboring Kingdoms and towns outside of his own when he looked to the East and saw the answer coming up the road. A knight with a rather large wolf walking next to him. Perfect, King John thought to himself, and he thought he could save some money also.

Gary and Sir Richard approached the city and castle, it looked like a war zone. As if something attacked the place from overhead, there were also burn marks here and there. Dragon thought Gary, maybe we'll get to fight it too. His heart raced along. They were stopped by guards as the neared the castle. "Halt, you can't enter the King's castle." one of the guards said nervously looking up at Gary.

Just then who should open the gate from the other side but the King himself "Welcome, welcome, welcome to my kingdom." King John said. "Ignore that fool, I see your a knight and I welcome you inside my castle." Now this took the guards by surprise, took Gary by surprise, and took Sir Richard by surprise as well. Before too long Gary and Sir Richard were guest of King John.

Now Gary had never been inside a castle before, even with his large stature he was able to get through doors as everything about this castle was BIG, huge rooms with high ceilings. Gary liked this for he didn't have to crouch down to be inside. Nothing like the Farmer's house at all. The place was beautiful. Huge curtains, stain glass windows. Paintings of every shape and size. Gary was amazed by the castle, he looked at every nook and cranny as they were shown around the castle.

King John was very nice to them both and told them about his kingdom and his castle.

Gary whistled a few times as he saw jewels and gold sewn into things and adoring things here and there throughout the castle. So this is what it must be like to be rich he thought. Soon they were lead into a huge dining hall and a huge feast was laid out before them. Gary couldn't help himself he had to sample EVERYTHING there was on the table. He was quite hungry from the long trip after all.

He didn't even bother to ask first he just dig right in. "Guess you had a long trip to get here ?" King John commented as Gary dug into the spread on the table. "You might say that." said Sir Richard. King John was fascinated by Gary watching him eat as much as a hundred men in one sitting. While Gary ate John talked to Richard about his situation because Richard mentioned seeing the city in ruin for the most part.

Gary heard only bits and pieces of the conversation as he tucked the meal away like crazy.
Once he heard the word QUEST, he stopped cold. "I'm game, let's go." Gary said. Now he didn't know what the quest was, he just was itching to go on one. "Now wait Gary, we can't just up and go right now." said Richard. "Why not ?" said Gary. "Well, we need supplies, and other furs to help us." said Richard. "Like what and who ?" said Gary.

Sir Richard then went through a list. Gary had no idea what and who one needed for a quest. They needed a mage in case they ran into any magical creatures or traps. They needed a thief to pick any locks on any chests they might encounter or locked doors or booby traps. They needed a healer in case any one of the party was injured. Gary had no idea a quest was so complicated. The only thing they didn't need was a barbarian, for Gary filled that roll.

Gary however was unlike any barbarian Richard knew, he had a lot of strength, but would he use it to harm someone who was trying to harm them if they were in a tough spot. Only time would tell. Richard thought Gary will have to grow up pretty fast for this adventure. It sadden him too, as Gary was so gentle and kind hearted, to turn him into a monster seemed wrong.

Perhaps he wouldn't have to, there had to be a way to keep Gary free of the horrors of adventuring, he saw it in Gary's eye, he was still a cub even with his great size and strength. Sir Richard hoped he wouldn't have to force Gary to make a tough choice, after all he had saved his life, it seemed only fair to return the favor to him.

That was the answer, thought Sir Richard, he would do everything he could to keep Gary safe from the horrors of adventuring even if it cost him his own life in the end.

- To be continued -

 Post subject: Re: In The Shadow Of The Titan
PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 10:38 am 
User avatar
One Really Big Wolf
Posts: 248
Species: Ludicrusly Large Lupine
Location: 3rd Rock From The Sun
- Part 2 -

Chapter Seven - The questing party gathers

King John had set up a meeting in a nearby Inn where Richard and Gary would meet the other party members for the quest. At least King John was able to get them easily enough once the word had gotten out that a knight was going on this quest to awaken the titan. This new day started rather well. Gary woke up refreshed from a good nights sleep. He slept on a pile of hay on the floor by Richard's bed. They had become friends along the way to here while Richard told tales about his life.

Gary was awake before Richard was. The lion fast asleep on his bed. He looked so peaceful, Gary let him lay there as he went to get breakfast downstairs, still dressed in his farming cloths from the past few days. Gary poked his head in the kitchen of the castle and was asked to leave as he smelled awful after bing in the same clothes the past few days. Before Gary knew it he was sitting in a washtub getting scrubbed with large brushes by the castle's servants. His old clothes were tossed away also, he felt a twang of missing them, but they were rather dusty and dirty after walking on the dirt roads after all.

Gary then found himself getting measured and brand new clothes being made for him. He didn't like all the poking and prodding from the staff as they made new clothes for him. Once they were done, Gary no longer looked like the farm cub he was before. In fact he looked quite smart indeed, a proper shirt and vest and pants and shoes, he felt fancy in his new duds. "Gosh I look like a different wolf altogether now." he commented as he looked in a mirror in front of him. The staff made other outfits for him to wear as well.

Gary thought this was too much trouble just for him, how many outfits did one need after all he thought one was plenty. Gary before too long found himself back in the huge dining hall with a light breakfast set before him, unlike the day before he wasn't as hungry this morning and ate lightly for someone of his size. Richard was up as well, dressed in a simple outfit like Gary had on, only a lot smaller of course in comparison to his own.

Breakfast was a rather simple affair, eggs, toast, bacon, potatoes, a glass of milk and whatnot. Richard was surprised how little Gary ate, well, compared to the night before anyway. Granted he still ate more then the average fur would eat but that's a given. Gary after breakfast did some exploring of the castle and it's grounds on his own. He didn't mind the stares he got here as he had a proper set of clothes on now, even if they were a bit snug here and there, but then he's quite the muscular guy as I said before.

Gary of course helped out around the castle whenever he saw the need to help. Soon he had to pack up his new outfits along with a few of his old things he still had from the farm. The staff had made him a haversack to put everything in. It was just his size too. Gary loved all the pockets it had on it. He organized his things into the pockets. In the main part of the sack he put his lunch that was for later on in the day.

Soon Gary was ready to go to the Inn to meet up with the rest of the party. Richard was back in his armor, it was all shiny for it was cleaned by the staff while Gary was exploring. He looked like the Knights Gary day dreamed about for so many years. Off they went to the Inn. The inn was a typical Inn of the day, a sign hung outside it reading "The Dewdrop Inn" Gary had to stay outside while Richard went inside to meet the others. Gary tried to see what was going on inside by trying to look through the front windows, but he might as well try to see through bricks.

The front windows of the Inn were more like the bottom of beer bottles then a window. All stuck together this way and that way forming a brownish window in the window frame. Gary unable to see through the glass put his ear to it instead, at least he could hear what was going on inside even if he couldn't see what was going on. His imagination took over for that.

So that's the quest we're going on. Richard's voice he knew that one. What's in it for us ? Gary figured that was one of the others speaking for the rest of the party. The conversation continued like that for awhile. Voices going back and forth on the other side of the glass. Gary imagining who was speaking to Richard as the talk continued. After what seemed like hours to Gary an agreement was reached. It was only a few minuets in actuality.

Chapter Eight - Meet the party members

The front doors of the Inn opened and out stepped the oddest bunch one had ever seen. The mage was a fox, much younger then old farmer Fred, and a lot more energy, he moved like a flowing river as he bowed and tipped his hat at Gary. "Sir Richard wasn't kidding, you are a big one indeed." The Fox Mage said to Gary. Gary stood there rather gob-smacked by this gentlemanly Fox for a second or two before doing a slight bow back.

"Gggrrrreatings, Sir Fox." Gary said as he wasn't sure how one addresses a mage. "Please, not so formal, my name is Jack." Jack said and swept his cape about. Another fur Gary never met before bounded up to him. This one was tiny, really tiny as far as Gary went, for he came up to the knee of Jack, so to Gary he was about the size of one of his paws. It was a mouse.

"Well wot do we 'ave 'ere gov'na looks like quite the blighter, ay wot Jack ?" said the mouse as he inspected Gary from Jack's shoulder. This was the thief of course an expert at picking locks and disarming traps. Gary was taken aback a bit by the cheeky mouse. "This is...." Jack started to say, but was interrupted by the mouse. "Reginald Fonzworth Kirkpatrick Donald Robert Samual....." said Reg. Jack stopped him "Reg, we don't have all day to hear your name."

"It's a right proper family name ay wot, handed down from me dad and his dad and his dad...." Said Reg . "And on and on and on." said Jack. Reg tried look hurt "Wot, are you sayin' my name is too bloomin' long ?" said Reg. "Yes." said Jack. "Well cut me whiskers while yer at it, it's my name after all bloody heck." said Reg. "And it gets longer after each adventure." said Jack. That did it, Reg was quite miffed about the whole thing and didn't say another word. Gary just laughed at this entire thing. "You'll get used to him, eventually." said Jack.

The healer then joined them outside the Inn. He didn't speak much, he was an old gray wolf, looked older then farmer Frank ever did, and wise beyond his years. He just nodded at Gary who nodded back at him. "That's Tim, he doesn't talk much but he's a damn fine healer." said Jack. A cook from the castle joined the party riding to the inn in a wagon. Richard had exit the Inn at the same time as the cook arrived. "Good I see the King has provided us a cook for our meals so we don't need to carry so much in our sacks." said Richard.

The cook introduced himself as Emmett to the party. One by one the party members mounted their steeds, well except Gary and Reg. Reg decided to ride on Gary's shoulder seeing he was still miffed at Jack for giving away his secret about his name. It was the truth as you've might of guessed. Reg just added onto his name after every adventure. He picked them at random, sometimes it was an old foe he fought or a friend he knew from the past. The point is, is that his name was really short, he just added to it so it'd be more impressive.

Chapter Nine - The first day on the open road

Gary walked with a spring in his step, it felt good to be on the move again. Reg bounced a little on his broad shoulder as he walked. Reg couldn't stay miffed at Jack all day long. He started to talk to Gary. Gary of course was happy for the conversation, and listened to the mouse tell of his deeds. Gary knew that the mouse was telling tall tales as he talked about how he defeated giants bigger then Gary himself. "So there were how many again ?" Gary asked him. "25 of them, taller then th' trees 'round 'ere." said Reg.

"A second ago you said there was 5 of them and they were only as tall as the trees." Gary smirked at Reg. "Who's tellin' this bloddy story here ?" said Reg. "Uhm, you are ?" said Gary. "Right yew are, anyway, there were 100 of 'em, taller then the hills 'ere...." Reg continued his story as the day wore on and the walk towards the distant mountains continued. Gary let Reg go on and embellish the story as he started telling it over and over, each time adding more giants and bigger ones with each retelling. "And you fought them all by yourself ?" Gary asked.

"Well, Jack and the others helped, a little, but I clobbered the most, all with my trusty sword." Reg said and pulled out what to jack looked more like a silver tooth pick then a sword. Reg swung it around pretending to fight invisible giants. "I gave them a left an' a right, and a left an' a right." Reg continued sweeping his small sword in tiny arcs. "What a mighty warrior you must be." Gary was laying it on thick. "You really think so ?" Reg said. Gary humored him by nodding. Reg puffed up his chest proudly like. "You see that Fox !" Reg said directly to Jack who was in ear shot of the whole thing.

"Your great at something I'll say, spinning a good yarn." Jack said smiling broadly. Reg paid him no mind for he decided that Gary was now his new best friend and stuck his tongue out at Jack. Who just chuckled at the cheeky Reg. The sun was high in the sky when the party stopped for lunch. Each of them opening a sack and pulling out the lunch that was made before they left. It was like being on a picnic thought Gary. A slight twinge ran through him as he remembered going on picnics with farmer Fred.

He tried not to dwell on it as he was here with all these new folks. Gary ate and listened to stories from everyone else there as they lunched. Reg retelling his story about facing giants, which was often interrupted by Jack saying he didn't remember any of it happening at all. Gary had to laugh at the whole thing as it was rather comical to see these two banter back and forth like an old married couple.

"That didn't happen, and if it did, it was I who saved you." said Jack.
"No, I saved yew, yew were tied up, remember." said Reg.
"I wasn't tied up a second ago in the story." said Jack.
"Must of slipped my mind, ay wot." said Reg.
"You have the slipperiest mind that I know of." said Jack.
"That's why I was able 'ta escape an' free yew." said Reg.

Gary was entertained by the two friends going back and forth during the entire lunch. It passed by quickly thanks in part to the banter provided by the two furs. It was easy to tell that they were still friends even with the arguing back and forth between them. Gary could see they knew one another quite well and this wasn't the first time they had argued. Truth be known they were close friends, and they did do this all the time.

Reg still rode on Gary's shoulder once they started down the road again. Reg liked the big wolf as he listened to his stories and didn't interrupt them as often as Jack did. Gary liked listening to the stories even with the embellishments getting more outrageous as they were told to him. Gary was getting used to the cheeky mouse, that much was for certain.

Chapter Ten - Orcs attack the party

Reg stopped in the middle of one of his more outrageous tales as he felt something in the air. The rest of the party also went silent as well. You could of heard a pin drop in the silence. Gary smelt something he never smelt in his life before, it was nasty that was for sure, very nasty. The tress seemed darker in this part of the woods. The air seemed stiller, the mountains looming in the distance. The rustling of the leaves by a soft breeze.

It happened all at once. They were all along then suddenly they were surrounded by Orcs. Gary had never seen an orc before, they were downright ugly to him. Green and baggyish, smelly as all get out. Clubs swinging, swords swinging from the party itself. Gary didn't know what was happening as it seemed to go so quickly. Arms failing about. Thwock. Thunk. Thwap. Clang. Green blood arcing.

It's one thing to read about a battle, it's quite another to be in the middle of one. Gary tried to get his bearings as several Orcs tried to bring him down. Reg stabbing their hands left and right, the mouse moved quickly around Gary's body going at the Orcs with gusto. They couldn't grab him as he was too quick for them. Gary was impressed with the mouse's skills, he may tell tall tales but that doesn't mean he can't fight a good fight.

Gary spotted what must be the chief orc going after Richard. No fair the chief was twice Richard's size. A club hit Richard's shied and he fell from his house shield still in hand. Gary didn't know what happened next. For one second he had several orcs on him and the next second he was holding the chief orc in one hand paw high above choking the life from him.

Once that happened the orcs left quickly. Gary stood there dumbfounded he'd never hurt anyone before in his life, yet there he was, the chief orc limp hanging limp from his handpaw. Gary let go and the chief orc fell to the ground in a heap. This was nothing like the stories, Gary had killed someone, and it ate at him as he stood there looking down at the lifeless body at his foot paws. He was in shock. He couldn't believe what he had done. He wanted more then anything to run away back to his farm, to be a simple farming cub again.

Gary fell down on his rear with a thud. He wrapped his arms around his legs and slowly rocked back and forth. Richard knew what was going through Gary's mind right now. His promise he made to himself about Gary was broken. Gary had done the one thing he hoped he wouldn't do. Yet it happened anyway. Richard tried to talk to him, but Gary wanted no part of it. He missed his home, he missed farmer Fred, he missed the town, he felt bad about killing.

Richard told the others just to let Gary be for awhile. He hoped that Gary would get over it all by himself. Gary continued rocking back and forth on his foot paws still in shock.

Chapter Eleven - Reg helps Gary out of his funk

How long Gary sat there he didn't know. Nor did he care anymore, he just wanted it to be over with. After what seemed like hours Gary stopped rocking on his foot paws. He felt horrible, his belly felt like it was in knots. He wanted to get up and run away back to the town, back to the peace and quiet, back to the simple life he knew before. He saw in his mind the orc chief in his hand paw who then became farmer Frank and said why to him.

Gary felt a tiny hand paw touch him, followed by something climbing up him. Reg looked at Gary from his shoulder. "Look mate, I know we don know one 'nother ta' well, an' I tell some gawd awful whoppers of tales, but, iffin' yew hadn't done wut yew did, Richard would be a goner, jus think about that wont yew." said Reg to him. Gary realized that Reg was right of course. "An' the rest of us might of been captured, then wot ?" Reg continued. "So don go be blamein' yerself over wot yew did Gary, yew just did what yew had ta' da' ta' protect yer friends ya' big lug." Reg stated. Reg made Gary feel a lot better.

"Yew fought like a real warrior, an' take it from one who knows wot he's talkin' 'bout, remember I fought off a million giants after all, all by meself." Reg beamed. Gary couldn't help but to cheer up at that statement. "Don't you mean a thousand giants ?" Gary said. That alone told Reg that Gary was going to be alright from now on. Gary got up and walked to where the rest of the party was. They had set up camp not to far away.

"Ah look who's here, the hero of the day." Jack said to Gary. "Of course I am." said Reg. This started a whole new round of bantering between the two of them. Gary just smiled, yes everything was going to be just fine. The mood lightened and dinner was served by Emmet. Gary ate happily the meal before him, it was one long day for him, and he felt grown up.

Gary wondered what was in store for them tomorrow. Richard looked at Gary and no longer saw the farm cub, but saw an adult sitting there now, that's two you owe him now. Richard knew there wasn't anything he could do to protect Gary from the horrors out there. He'll just have to face them one by one, and end up owing the huge wolf more lives then he could count with all his digits.

Chapter Twelve - Are the stars out tonight

The party soon was done eating dinner and tents were pitched and sleeping bags unrolled and one by one the party members went to sleep right away. The only two that didn't were Gary and Reg. Gary was laying out under the stars, asking which group of stars were which. Reg told him what he knew. Something was bugging Gary, nagging at the back of his skull.

"Are there really Giants ?" Gary asked outright. Reg felt that this wasn't time to play around with Gary as it was an honest question after all. "There are, Gary." Reg said. "Are they really as big as you said they are ?' Gary asked again. "Heavens No, th' buggers are only a hundred feet large usually." said Reg. "You think my real dad was one of them ?" said Gary. This Reg didn't know the answer for. "After all I was found on Farmer Fred's porch more or less." said Gary. "Bet you he gave me up so I'd be raised to be good, unlike the giants in your stories." said Gary. "Not all giants are bad, those are just stories, you know." said Reg.

"Even the stories I heard when I was younger ?" asked Gary. "Yes." said Reg. "Wha' do you think this titan is we're on our way ta' wake up ?" asked Reg. "No idea, what's a titan ?" asked Gary. "Bloomin' heck, no one's told yew ?" asked Reg. Gary shook his head. "See me next to yew 'ere ?" said Reg. Gary looked down at Reg who was standing on his chest and nodded. "Well, I'd be a giant, an' you'd be a titan, got it ?" said Reg, who then laid back down on Gary's chest.

Gary thought about that. It took awhile for his imagination to picture it. "Holy Cow !" Gary shouted as he came to the realization of just how big this titan must be. "Wake up th' whole camp why don' cha'." said Reg. "Sorry about that." said Gary. Gary just had another thought enter his head. "Is it friendly ?" asked Gary. However Reg was fast asleep already. Gary will ask again tomorrow.

Gary fell asleep. He dreamed he was standing on on a mountain and beyond was a valley that was dark as the night. Beside him was a huge gong with a stone hammer hanging from a pin. He lifted the stone hammer and swung it at the huge gong. GONG ! It rang out across the huge black valley beyond the mountain top. Two impossibly huge blue eyes opened up and a massive black shape arose into the sky from the black valley. Higher and higher it rose as if it was standing up from laying down curled around itself. Gary felt tiny as this huge shape rose before him. It didn't seem to stop rising up. As if it was growing larger as it rose. Just when it seemed the huge black shape would touch the moon and the sun with it's triangular shaped ears. It crouched down. Then Gary was face to face with the biggest black wolf he'd ever seen in his life. "You rang ?" said the towering mass of wolf in his dream.

- To Be Continued -

 Post subject: Re: In The Shadow Of The Titan
PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 10:59 pm 
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Oracle of the Slipper
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AwwwwwWWW! And you leaving it hanging THERE!? You're mean! :) Want more more more!

 Post subject: Re: In The Shadow Of The Titan
PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 3:56 am 
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One Really Big Wolf
Posts: 248
Species: Ludicrusly Large Lupine
Location: 3rd Rock From The Sun
Dinosorceror wrote:
AwwwwwWWW! And you leaving it hanging THERE!? You're mean! :) Want more more more!

Muh hand paws were tired after typing all dat, needed to give 'em a rest.
Part 3 will be done sometime taday.

- W -

P.S. Then again, make that sometime this week, had to do the bill paying stuff yesterday.

P.P.S. I've got freakin' writer's block again =P

 Post subject: Re: In The Shadow Of The Titan
PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 6:26 am 
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One Really Big Wolf
Posts: 248
Species: Ludicrusly Large Lupine
Location: 3rd Rock From The Sun
- Part 3 -
(about time, yes ? )

Chapter 13 - If it wasn't for bad luck, you'd have no luck at all

Dawn, the next day....

Gary woke up to find the rest of the party eating breakfast, he had stranger dreams following the one about the titan, ones he tried to put out of his mind, they kept occupying it though even as he sat down to have breakfast with the others.

The most important meal of the day.....

Emmet had made the group scrambled eggs, toast, bacon, some oatmeal, and the choice of juice or milk to wash it all down. After a long night everything looked good. Gary didn't know where to start, so he had a bit of everything.

Some light conversation....

Gary remembered to ask Reg what he wanted to ask him last night. If the titan was friendly or not. Whatever everyone was talking about before suddenly stopped. It was the moment of truth, would Reg tell a tall tale or the truth ? Turns out Reg didn't know, no one knew.

About the Titan....

It seems the last time the titan was woken up on a quest like this was hundreds of thousands of years ago. So all anyone knew about him was that he was called awake to do the same as this time. Rid them of a problem that they couldn't handle on their own. Therefore what everyone knew about the titan was basically a story.

Gary couldn't believe it. "You mean to tell me this Titan may not even be real ?" he shouted out. Everyone in the group nodded. "Or at least no longer alive, as it's been so long he could be nothing more then a pile of bones for all we know." Gary had calmed down somewhat from his shout. Again everyone nodded.

Gary looked like he had just heard the worst news of his life. What was the point to this quest if they get to where they're going an no one is there, then what ? Then the dragon might as well find a home in the kingdom to live in, take over the king's castle and whatever have you.

No, that wasn't a good Idea, Gary knew for things to be set right the titan had to waiting for them at the end of the quest. He looked towards the mountains, they seemed so far away, yet so close you could touch them, it was going to be a long day.

Chapter 14 - Over the river and through the woods

The party was once more on it's way toward the mountains. Just ahead was a huge river with an old stone bridge crossing it. Now mind you it looked just like every other bridge crossing every other river. That's normal. However this bridge and river combo was different for Gary. For he'd never seen a canyon before today.

That's right, this bridge was crossing a canyon, the river was way down at the bottom of the canyon. One of those deep canyons that must of took ages for the river to carve out. All Gary could think about is how far DOWN it was from the edge of the canyon were they all stood at presently.

"It must be miles." Gary said.

"No, not miles, at least I don't think it is." Jack said.

"Thousands of feet perhaps ?" Reg asked.

"3,465.12 feet to be precise." Richard said.

"Wouldn't .12 be an inch ?" Emmet asked.

"Yes." Richard answered.

"Then why wouldn't they just say it's 3,465 feet and 1 inch ?" Emmet asked.

Everyone knew Emmet was right of course, but the conversation ended right there due to an interruption, this interruption came in the shape of a troll. In fact several trolls who had come out from under the bridge they were only a few feet from.

Now these weren't your normal trolls that you read about in stories. Heavens no, these were your 'Spent one too many years in their parents basement starting flame wars on BBS's for no other reason then because they are desperate for attention' Trolls also known as UberNerds or LeetGeeks.....

Excuse me ?

Yes ?

I think your stretching the credibility of this story by introducing people from the 21st century into what is clearly something set in ye olden times.

What if it takes place in the far future after civilization has collapsed mister smarty pants ?

.....Hadn't thought about that.....

Can I continue ?

Yes, feel free to do so, I won't interrupt you again.

Okay, now where was I ?

Something about Basement Trolls.

Ah, yes.

Chapter 15 - Troll Bridge

( Yes, that's a horrible pun, feel free to kill the writer later on. )

Now these weren't your normal trolls that you read about in stories. Heavens no, these were your 'Spent one too many years in their parents basement starting flame wars on BBS's for no other reason then because they are desperate for attention' Trolls also known as UberNerds or LeetGeeks..... (Wait, we said that, fast forward)

HOWEVER, they had spent thousands of years evolving or devolving whatever the case may be into big, ugly, smelly, green, slimy, putrid..... (I so need a thesaurus) bags of flesh. In other words they hadn't showered in the thousands of years they been evolving, devolving, whatever, they've been living under the bridge.

In other words they looked like the classic Troll found under a bridge, only with pocket protectors and thick heavy nerd style glasses on them, and can beat you over the head with all the useless trivia they know, that you don't WANT to know.

In other words they can play six degrees of Kevin Bacon better then ANYONE.

Now orcs, the party can deal with, these trolls are another matter. Instead of fighting them they have to avoid them and their endless chattering about who is connected to whom and what film they were in with whoever and who that actor is and how they are connected to KEVIN BACON !

The party makes their way across the bridge as fast as they can....

"I can link Eddie Deezan to Kevin Bacon...." one Troll says as they pass right by him.

"Back, back, I say" Richard says as he pushes the trolls away from the party....

"No, really, I can link Eddie Deezan to Kevin Baaaaacoooooon....." The troll they passed by screams as he falls from the bridge, and falls, and falls, and falls, it's quite a long drop, and falls, and falls.... "Hey, I can see my house from up here." the falling troll says. And falls, and falls, and falls, and falls, and falls, and falls some more.

Suddenly, he feels a tapping on his shoulder and looks to see who it is tapping on his shoulder. It's a scrawny looking Coyote, holding a sign. On the sign it reads 'Let an expert show you how it's done.' The troll scoots over a bit while still falling, allowing the scrawny looking Coyote to plummet before he does. He watches the coyote fall and hit the ground next to the river. FUHWHUMP !

"Oh, this is going to hurt, isn't it ?" The troll says. Yes, indeed it is. W H A N G !

Now, don't worry about the Coyote folks, he has super regenerative powers, so he's fine and dandy, the troll however is street pizza for $1.95 a slice. Yes, I wrote this chapter JUST so I could have a cameo by Wile E Coyote in my story, and do a Tex Avery gag too.

The party makes it across the bridge and standing there is the biggest baddest looking troll this side of the Mississippi. This side being the west side of the Mississippi just so you know just how big and bad this troll is folks.

The giant troll holds out a hand before the party. "PAY !" he snorts from his grossly
misshapen face. "Do we fight him ?" Gary asks the others. "PAY !" the uglier then sin
Troll says again. "No, we do not." says Reg. "We have to pay him money." says Jack. "How much ?" Gary asks. "PAY !" the horribly disfigured Troll shouts again. "Just give him money until he shuts up." Richard said.

With that the party pays the Troll who then lets them pass by.

( See, it was a Troll Bridge after all, just like the chapter title said it was. )

Chapter 16 - Paul Bunny-uhm : The weally weally weelly weally wide wabbit.

( No more puns, I promise )

The party was a bit shook up after the encounter with the Trolls, but none the worse for wear. "Are all Trolls like that ?" asked Gary. "No, just the ones who live under bridges like they do." Reg said. "We managed to escape with our wits intact." Jack said. "Could of been worse." Richard said. "How ?" asked Emmet. "They could of challenged us to round of Trivial Pursuit." Richard said.

Everyone agreed they got off easy, nothing is worse the playing Trivial Pursuit with a bunch of Bridge Trolls who know all the answers I might add. The party took five at the next clearing to gather their thoughts and to check the map to see where they were to see if they were making any progress or not.

Now using the map they realize they are close to Paul's Place.

"Who's Paul ?" Asked Gary. Now that's is a good question right there you betcha.

"He lives in this part of the woods, you'll like him, he's shall we say, different." Reg said. Different is good, trust me on this one.

"We'll have lunch with him." Jack said, "Bet he'll have carrot cake."

"He always has Carrot cake." Richard said. True enough.

"So I'd win that bet, wouldn't I ?" Jack asked. Also true.

A log cabin sitting in the woods was where Paul lived. Now this was no ordinary log cabin by any means. First it was made of redwood trees, and lots of them. Second it was BIG, I mean really big, I mean really, really big, I mean really, really, really big. Like a log cabin on steroids basically.

The party parked their horses just outside the massive log cabin's porch. Gary whistled as he looked over the huge building. "This is why we brought climbing gear along." Reg said. Indeed, they had to use ropes to get up the porch steps. It didn't take long to get everyone on the porch mostly because there were only 3 steps.

On the porch Gary saw two doors, one a size the party members could fit through, an another that towered high overhead. "So Paul's a giant I take it ?" Gary asked. "Yes." said Richard. Gary couldn't wait to meet him, perhaps he was a wolf like he was, only larger, much larger.

Turns out Paul wasn't a wolf, but a rabbit, as wide as he was tall, his ears bent over from the ceiling of the cabin. He also didn't or couldn't speak and pantomimed everything to converse with everyone.

He bowed in greetings when everyone entered his home. He used his hand paws a lot to represent his guests who only came up to his ankles. He asked how long it took for them to walk there, tapping his wrist to indicate time, then placing two fingers down and walking them along his other hand paw to indicate the walking party.

Gary did like the huge rabbit, for he was comical as all get out mimicking the trip they had so far as it was told to him, asking questions about the orcs, then the Trolls as each was mentioned in the tale.

Granted the tale was told by Reg who embellished it greatly like he does. 50 orcs. No, it was 100. 100 orcs, you say. No, it was 1000. 1000 you sure about that ? Jack couldn't help but help Reg out with the story of their trip to Paul's place.

As big as Paul was he was as gentle as could be, as they were served Carrot cake for lunch, Just as predicted. It was a fine lunch, good conversation and a host unlike any other Gary had ever met before.

Gary wondered about his dad as he watched the massive rabbit listen and interrupt the story as each point that was brought up by Jack about how many creatures they fought. Granted they didn't fight the Trolls, but that didn't stop Reg from saying they did.

It was a perfect lazy afternoon.

Now mind you when I said that Paul was as wide as he was tall, I didn't mean he was chunky or fat, no, he was as muscular as all get out. Like he built the stone bridge they had crossed earlier. Truth be known he did indeed build that bridge a long time ago.

Gary once he found that out, looked at Paul, he didn't look like he was thousands upon thousands of years old, in fact he looked quite young, so full of life and energy, nothing like those wise old furs in stories he was told as a cub.

Gary was learning a lot about judging a book by it's cover on this trip.

Chapter 17 - On the road again

( Oh come on, you saw this one coming didn't you ? )

Gary didn't want to leave Paul's place, for the first time on this quest he felt like he was home there with the overly huge rabbit looking after him like he was a cub still. Gary sighed deeply. He wanted to stay, he was missing Paul even after only spending a few hours with the huge rabbit.

Perhaps once this is over Gary thought.

Once again the party was on the open road once more. A bit full after lunch only because the carrot cake was bigger then any of them, even sliced it took some time to eat it all. Good thing Paul helped or they'd still be eating it. Not that Gary wouldn't mind staying there overnight.

There's that whole quest thing after all.

Gary had been thinking about this more and more as they neared the mountains. What he imagined was a group of furs not unlike them, thousands upon thousands of years ago, going on a quest JUST like this one.

Stopping at the same places, meeting the same folks, fighting the same monsters, or in one case just making a mad dash for it to have to not face them at all. He wondered if this was fate. What if the last group had someone like him with them.

His dad perhaps, or his grand dad, or his great grand dad, or so on.

Perhaps they ALL been on this very quest, century after century, age after age, generation after generation of young giant wolves like him riding along this very path, meeting up with the titan wolf far in the mountains.

Gary could practically sees these ancestors of his walking alongside him down this dusty old trail, all with other folks riding on horseback, going back millions of years even, all of them looking more or less like he does, all the riders looking somewhat like his friends do.

All heading towards the mountains.

The craggy peaks were just ahead, they didn't seem so far away as when this whole thing started, back when they first met the king, it seemed like ages ago, it was only a few days actually, but it felt like months had gone by to Gary. He felt a lot older now then the simple farm cub that daydreamed about going on an adventure.

He was having that adventure right NOW. Heading for the great unknown. About to meet a legend, The Titan himself. A creature so huge it makes giants look tiny. Gary thought about Paul and how big he was. He paused and recalled what Reg said to him. "I'm the Giant and your the Titan." Reg told him standing on his chest.

Reg was about hand paw size more or less. Gary felt very small suddenly, as Paul wasn't small by any means, yet this Titan was so big it'd make even Paul seem small next to him. Perhaps his dream wasn't too far off the mark when he saw the rising wolf in them after all.

"We're here." the voice of Richard sounded out and brought Gary out of his trance.

Chapter 18 - The Foothills

The area was marked by a massive sign that was as big as a barn, it was grown over by ivy and moss, impossible to read what was written on it, if they could they would of seen it said 'Beware : No Furs Land' The sign was too old anyway even if they could, the paint and paper of the sign had long gone replaced by climbing and clinging plants.

The sign was augmented many times over the years anyway, a big Welcome to Woulfe's land was added to the Beware later on, then that was replaced by an even friendlier message, and so was that, and that one as well, and so forth and so on.

So if one could see what the sign said NOW, it'd read 'Beware Welcome Mega Fur Land Trespassers Eaten' due to the several signs pasted over one another over the ages, however all it said thanks to the plants covering it was BWMFLTE, which is even more illogical as it doesn't mean anything in any language.

It is known only as The Titan's Sign for it is at the base of the mountains, planted right there at the foothills for all the world to see and marvel at it's cryptic message of BWMFLTE that scholars debate over it's meaning for months on end.

Some say that's the Titan's name, if so it's quite odd at that, also hard to say.

You try it.

"Let's make camp here, it'll be dark soon, tomorrow we start up the mountain." Emmet said. With that camp was set up followed shortly by dinner. Dinner was a light affair, some lunch meat sandwiches, a bit of pastry, and some apple cider. The cider tickled Gary's nose as he drank it. Little was said during the meal as if it was forbidden to speak so close to the Titan's lair as if was bad luck to do so.

Gary kept looking up the mountain they were to climb tomorrow, it looked like it was going to be a long day ahead of them then. No way to make short work of that. The adventure was really starting now. What dangers lay on the mountain itself. What trials would they face still, so close and yet so far at the same time.

Gary soon was sleeping along with the rest of the party.

His dreams filled with a wolf that blocked out the sun, moon and stars themselves, The Titan himself, a creature so big he couldn't get his mind around it no matter how hard he tried. Big and black, why black though, what did he know that no one else seem to know.

Why was it black, and why was it so big that Paul was a speck next to it, how did he know this, why was he dreaming this, was it written long ago that it was his duty to wake the titan and no one else. For in his dream he was all alone on the mountain top.

Titanic gong next to him. Swinging the stone hammer, why was it stone, why was there a gong ? Why did he need to swing it ? He swung anyway as if his life depended on this one act. B O N G ! The world shook to it's foundations. A mighty back shape rose up from the darkness. Any tiny part of it bigger then Gary was.

Bigger then Gary will be, for this shape was bigger then ever in the dream, it could reach all the way back to the kingdom without taking a single step. Gary imagined it plucking the terrorizing dragon right from the sky between two fingers. The dragon wasn't tiny as well. Yet to this big black shape it was merely a fly to it.

Gary was surprised how easy it was to rid the kingdom of the dragon, just plucked right from the sky itself and then scolded by the insanely huge black shape. Then freed, it flew away tail tucked between it's legs. Then the titan wolf turned it's full attention on Gary.

The last thing Gary saw in his dream was a eye bigger then any other looking right at him, the soft blueness of the eye told him not to be afraid of him. Yet Gary was afraid, he never felt so tiny in his life looking back at this eye that filled his view.

Gary awoke with a fright.

It was still night, everyone else was still asleep, what did that dream mean ?

Gary went back to sleep, the next dream wasn't any better then the last one was.

( You're going to hate this..... )

- To Be Concluded ! -

( See told you that you'd hate that.... )

 Post subject: Re: In The Shadow Of The Titan
PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 7:47 pm 
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Oracle of the Slipper
Posts: 2661
Species: Weesaur
Location: Ankh Ridge, Alyeska
Dammit! :)

 Post subject: Re: In The Shadow Of The Titan
PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 10:00 pm 
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One Really Big Wolf
Posts: 248
Species: Ludicrusly Large Lupine
Location: 3rd Rock From The Sun
- Part 4 -
( Let's warp this story up )

Chapter 19 - Onward

Now then the path up into the mountains is too narrow for Emmet's cart so the party set up base camp there near the sign we talked about before. Once base camp was set up it was time for a light breakfast. Well that is if you call what Emmet makes for the party a light anything.

The party ate light though and packed the rest of the food for the trip up the mountain. What awaited them along the way was a complete mystery as the map only came up to the sign, the rest of the trip was just to the top of the mountain before them.

Are we ripping LOTR or what ?

No, this isn't one ton of book you need a forklift to lift to read it.

Okay, carry on.

The path up the mountain twisted this way and that way meandering up the face of the mountain. Anyhow the party started along the path their packs filled with food for the rest of the day, enough for the trip there and back. The party mounted thier steeds, except Gary naturally who walked by Sir Richard.

With that the party started it's long hike up the mountain. The first part of the hike wasn't too bad, the gentle slopes of the foothills easing the path upwards little by little bit by bit. Around this rock around that rock. Climbing higher and higher up the face of the mountain.

Chapter 20 - And Upward

The going didn't get rough until the party got around the 100ft mark on the mountain face, then it was more of a climb then a hike. The rocks getting more in the way then out of the way making the path rougher and rougher. The Party soon had to leave the horses and go on foot to make the going easier.

We gonna spend two chapters on the hike itself ?

Not really.

Okay, just checking.

With the rocks along the path it made it a perfect place for an ambush. Now the reason I mention this is because at that very moment just ahead, hidden among the rocks was a group of Goblins. Waiting for the party to get there to attack them. Why ? They're goblins, do they need a reason ? They are eying their packs though.

Possibly because they think there's treasure in the packs. I think the Goblins are going to be mad when they find out the packs only have food in them. In fact I can count on that. The party rounds the bend unaware what is about to happen. The party wasn't ready for the attack and was caught with their guard down.

Gary instantly thought of the Orc attack, and tried to stay out of the fight as best as he could. The fight wasn't going good as the goblins had numbers on their side. Do something his mind told Gary, you know you can put a stop to this madness. Find the leader. Gary couldn't tell one Goblin from the next each one could of been the leader for all he knew.

"Go." said a voice.

Gary looked around, he spotted Sir Richard swing his sword madly around. "Go, wake the Titan, we'll keep them occupied." Richard said above the din. Gary nodded, he dropped his pack and made a dash through the hoards of Goblins. They couldn't hold him back no matter how hard they tried.

Just as soon as Gary got to the edge of the battle he hard a cry of anguish. He turned to see Jack bent over the prone body of Reg. No, not Reg thought Gary. Reg was dead or dieing, it didn't matter, it was like losing Fred all over again, only worse as the mouse had become a friend. No more like the brother he never had. Gary looked at Reg, he was saying something to him.

He couldn't hear him, but he could read his lips, he was saying "Go." Gary tried to not look anymore, he turned around and ran as fast as he could, he tried to be brave, he tried not to cry he had a task to do and he had to succeed. Everyone was counting on him. Just him alone on the last part of the quest.

Chapter 21 - And then there was one

Gary was alone on the mountain side, climbing, running on his way to the top, the sounds of battle behind him. He imagined Jack going crazy on the Goblins sending volley after volley of fireballs at them after all the arguing between him and Reg they were still the best of friends.

Gary was a mix of emotions as he scrambled up the side of the mountain, soon the sounds of battle were far behind the top of the mountain didn't seem so far away as when he started. In fact it looked closer then ever, thanks to his running and climbing quickly up the face of the mountain.

Gary's dreams came back to haunt him as he neared the peak. That's why he was alone in the dreams, the others were distracting the latest attackers while he....

He was there, it was just like he dreamed. A huge gong, a massive mallet made of stone, only this time he wasn't dreaming, he was wide awake his heart racing along. This was it, the moment of truth. He thought about Frank dieing, about Reg dieing, and if he didn't do this, who else would die Paul, Richard, Jack, The King, the people of his town, himself.

Yes, that was the one thing he didn't think about, his own death, gone was the simple farm fur without a care in the world, in his place was a hero. He HAD to finish the quest. All he needed to do was awaken the Titan. He looked at the gong on it it said in plain English 'Please Ring For Service'

Now that was different then his dreams, it was always strange writing on the gong or the gong support not English. "Please ring for service" Gary read aloud. "Well, it does say please, perhaps that's a good sign." With that Gary grabbed the mallet and swung it as hard as he could at the gong.

"B O N G !"

The world seemed to stop as the gong sounded off, the sound made the battle far below halt, the dragon who was terrorizing the Kingdom stopped flying around as if he knew what was to happen next. The King stood up and looked towards the mountains. Everyone in far away ThunderFalls stopped in the middle of whatever they were doing.

Chapter 22 - In The Shadow Of The Titan ( Finally )

Gary knew what would happen next for he'd dreamed it time and time again. Only this wasn't a dream he kept reminding himself. Rising from the darkness in the valley was the Titan, a creature of myth, a creature of tales, a creature unlike any other. There he was towing into the sky over larger then life.

" W U R F F ! " the titan said.

Like the gong made the world stop this sound made it start up again. The dragon saw what made the sound and high tailed it out of there never to be seen again. The kingdom saw the dragon fly away and everyone cheered. The Goblins ran away not staying to battle anymore.

That's it thought Gary, all the Titan did was speak, he didn't lift a finger, he didn't DO anything. "What'd you expect ?" The titan said in a deep bass voice as if reading Gary's mind. Gary turned to face the titan, well, seeing as titan was far over him, not face to face, but it didn't matter.

"Having power means not having to use it when it isn't necessary to use it." The Titan said. "Haven't you learned that ?"

Gary thought about that question, long and hard, he remembered killing the Orc King and how much that had bothered him. Such power he himself held. If he didn't have to use it, if he didn't need to use it. He suddenly knew what it meant to be responsible for ones own actions.

Gary looked up at the Titan's face. He had a collar on. On the collar was a tag it read 'Woulfe' Gary suddenly knew why the Titan had said what he said to him, his dad had done this quest and his grand dad, and his before him and so on. It was a test, a test to see if they learned or can learn not to use the power they have if it isn't needed, only used as a last resort.

Gary looked at the massive foot paws of Woulfe, miles large each one was, he could of just stepped on the Dragon, but then what, he would of been a worse menace then the dragon was. Gary understood all to well now. He still needed to be that simple farm fur, loosing that part of himself caught up in the moment of the quest.

It came back to him now, he wanted no more adventures, he wanted to return to a simple life, not the one he had, that wasn't possible, he wanted to a new life and he knew where to go to have it.

"I'm sure Paul won't mind it." Woulfe said with a wink.

Gary wished Woulfe wouldn't do that, but he knew he was right. Gary made up his mind. Yes, Paul wouldn't mind he was certain of it. Gary turned around to thank Woulfe for his advice, but the Titan had gone back to sleep for who knows how long. One things for certain he knew his son if he has one, will go on this same quest, and his son, and his son, and so on.

Gary made his way back to the Party. His heart sank as he remember Reg was.....

"There you are, I was jus' telling these buggers 'ow I single 'andedly defeated a million Goblins with an injured arm no less...." Reg said.

To say Gary was relived that Reg was still among the living and telling tall tales even with one arm in a sling. Jack was also in high spirits "Oh, sure I didn't help I was tied up." Reg for once gave him credit "You 'elped bandage me arm." Reg said.

"What's this a compliment for Reginald Fonworth Kirkpatrick Donald Robert Samual....." Jack started. "Reg, The Goblin Slayer" Reg corrected him. "Oh, I give up." Jack said and threw his arms into the air.

Some things never change.

Chapter 23 - The Trip Home

The party made it's way back to Emmet where they had dinner.
"Did you see him ?" Gary asked Reg once they were alone.
"Yes, I did, he's bigger then I thought he'd be too." Reg said.
"Not my dad though, but I think I know what my dad was like." Gary said.
"Oh ?" Said Reg. "He was like me, or like I am now." Gary said.
Reg knew what he meant.

Gary didn't have any more strange dreams, all he had was dreams about his future, living with Paul, tending the garden of carrots, and eating carrot cake as well. Maybe telling the story of his adventure to others. In fact Gary started writing down everything that had happen even the parts that were greatly embellished by Reg.

The next day the party was back at Paul's Place, No one was really surprised by Gary's choice to stay there, Paul was surprised, but the rest of the party wasn't they saw how he felt when they stopped there. Somehow it just seemed right to theme that Gary live the rest of his days out here in the peace and quite of Paul's place.

Gary somehow knew he'd return here and call it home and settle down there.

He watch the party leave Paul's Place, heading back to the King and to more adventures as well. Gary knew they would, it's their job after all. His quest was over, but he had a full life ahead of himself, one with fewer adventures, but he no longer minded settling down.

He still would daydream, but those daydreams were more like Reg's stories, nothing like the real thing at all, but no one died, not even the bad guys, but they didn't get away as well. They wound up in jail, but that was it in his daydreams. Gary seemed to be a better giant after everything that happened to him.

Kind and gentle, not quick to temper, and tells stories to cubs, any cubs.

Chapter 24 - The End

Gary finished reading his book aloud. The large group of cubs there eyes wide as he read the book of his adventure to them. "I left a few things out, but it doesn't matter, it's how it happened, more or less." Gary said to the group of cubs there. They were all sitting in Paul's lap while he was fast asleep having heard it before many times.

So many of the visiting cubs reminded him of his friends, who still drop by every now and then and tell him of their other adventures. Gary's not sure if any of them are even true anymore as they've been embellished a lot by Reg, The Goblin Slayer. He wouldn't have it any other way.

Reg still has his sling on, even though he doesn't need it anymore, it's like a badge of courage to him. Gary notices them looking oder and older with each visit. The bad thing about having a long life span, it's both a blessing and a curse. It's a blessing because he and Paul enjoy one another's company and age slowly like all giants.

A curse because his old friends are growing older at a much faster rate, but he loves their visits none the less. Gary often wonders if he'll see Woulfe again, or if it's a one time only thing. He's kept Woulfe's name a secret, as he think that to tell The Titan's name in a story isn't as effective as just calling him 'The Titan'

The cubs all get a bit a carrot cake and head home on the coach outside Paul's Place now that the story has been read to them. They'll each tell the story to their friends, and so on, and so on. Gary watched the coach leave carrying the cubs back to the Kingdom.

Gary closed the curtains on the window, he went back to his reading chair took up the book he just read to the cubs, added a few new lines to the story. Once happy with the new lines he wrote in his book. He then wrote two words he knew weren't really true, as he still had the rest of his life ahead of him.

However he felt his story should end like all stories do with simply....

The End

 Post subject: Re: In The Shadow Of The Titan
PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 10:55 pm 
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Oracle of the Slipper
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Awww, sweet ending. :)

 Post subject: Re: In The Shadow Of The Titan
PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 7:21 am 
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One Really Big Wolf
Posts: 248
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Location: 3rd Rock From The Sun
Dinosorceror wrote:
Awww, sweet ending. :)

Possibly the longest story I've ever posted online.

I'd like to Illustrate it someday, maybe.

- W -

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