Zagnos wrote:
Not to offend you Blue but I don't really understand what your pic is saying. I do get that it's saying not to just talk about yiff. In conjunction with what ESC posted, I'm starting to get a picture here.
YIFF: furry-themed online or RL (real life) activities about sex that make or are meant to make the humans behind it ejaculate.
CSI: Popular TV series with an episode that says furries are sickos that have gang orgies in suits pretending to be animals.
(and that consequentually do it with everyone when the animal they think they are does it and have to be shot by farmers)
PRØN: Weird spelling of the word 'porn', either to make it look cooler, to fool last century's keyword filters, or to make fun of people who think it does one of the former.
PIZZA: Popular junkfood. Symbol of an unhealthy uncaring and yucky lifestyle of people who dont have a proper (family) life.
Wearing animal ears or furry feet: Something a lot of furries do. Not something that makes people take you serious.
Wearing an animal collar: Something a lot of furries do. Not something that makes people take you serious or think you are a properly grown up adult.
Having unattractive body parts exposed: Something a lot of furries (and other slackers too, admittely) do. Not something that makes people like you more or think you are a decent person.
Having a little plushie animal impaled on your erection: Something some furries do. Not something to help people think you are a decent person or sane.
Combining all that to sum up the furry community and claiming cons are all about that, but have all that alibi stuff on the right purely to make them look better and easier to grasp for outsiders: Awesome.