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 Post subject: Flight to Helheim (RP With Ahastar)
PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 11:24 pm 
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The DragonLord
Posts: 61
Species: Black-Crowned Dragon
Location: Drethgonian Desert
The black-hearted leviathan reaches for your cage, effortlessly unlatching it with single flick of his talons. He grips his black clawed paw around your frail body. Without warning the dragon gives a colossal roar at his hand with the half-demon heavily clutched inside. Rearing up onto his hind legs, the dragon swings his arm over his head and viciously launches arm forward, throwing you straight into the cave wall* "I WILL NEVER SET YOU FREE!”

The raptor eyes the black dragon with 90% suspicious peer and 10% desperate hope when he reached for his cage, the saurian even still optimistic when you hold his little body - looking like a tiny rodent in that gigantic grasp... that is, until the dragonlord ROOOOAAAAARRRRRRRR’s into his face so badly it bursts both of the saurian's eardrums, rips a few scales out of his hide and actually makes his storm-ravaged body shove over the dragon’s palm just from the air pressure alone! Ahastar is that dazed by the deafening growl that he is too stunned to scream anything even as the dragon CATAPULTS him away, but his little body exploding into a hundred different directions against that cave wall probably proves to be quite entertaining already all on its own.
Out of his sadism, the leviathan gives another victorious, powerful and sadistic laugh, his wings splaying out with great pride at the splatter of blood against the cavern wall. “How precious to think that I would acutally set you free! HA! But that is of course a raptor's nature. You think you are so capable of overpowering everything, because you have a sharp little sickle on your toe? Or is it because your name means "Terrible Claw? More like "Terrible Pathetic Soul".

Just in time, and in a aching state of pain, the saurian revives just perfectly in time to still groaningly witness the black dragon’s mocking speech up there, talked down to his now floor-laying, groaaaaaning with pain body from the dragon’s muzzle, towering in the air. “Yeah... we ARE a proud kin of creature! Yes, we DO think we are above pretty much everything else. And that makes it JUST SO MUCH WORSE to be your trample-victim. Do you have ANY idea how much you hurt my pride with your paws? And I don't even speak of the licking yet!”
The dragonlord lashes his arm at your aching body, snatching the half-demon by your spaded tail. With the dragon towing you to face his crowned skull, he puckers his maw, spitting thick goo of molten saliva, generated from his fire glands. "You truly one pathetic piece of failed creation! Oh don't think you realize just how insignificant your race is! A mosquito could end your life! If you speak of pride, haven’t you seen just how proud we are? The dragon continues to gaze at with his cold sharp eyes, taunting and intimidating you. He can sense your anger welling up inside you, but that is only is what is satisfying him by the second.

“No! No you let me go! LET ME GO!" The raptor snarls out at you as your grasp for his tail, Ahastar trying to crawl away - but you catch his spade easily, paaaaainfully tugging him high into the air, right in front of your fearsome muzzle! The saurian is flustering with rage. He is a PROUD creature! How dare you do this to him?! "Grrrrr... you let me go RIGHT now or I *Gloorrrghhh!*...." Ahastar's words are suddenly choked by getting his face - and mouth - spit full by your petrol-smelling saliva, making him retch and gag. The raptor coughs it out, and then points his slimy hand at you. "How DARE you?! We raptors are a noble kin! I deserve a LOT better than this!"

The dragon mockingly chuckles at your gagging, but then suddenly goes blank with expression. The dragon's eyes look up in ponder, but only to return at utmost sadistic smirk. "Your right...you do deserve a lot better than this". With that reply, the dragon's wings splay out once again, creating a wave of wind to rupture the cavern magma's passiveness. "Saddle up raptor! This is going to be a long flight." Once again the dragonlord shows of his mighty wings in a tensed form of pre-flight etiquette. A great column of lava explodes as the dragon launches ever so fast into the air and dashes out of the cavern, eventually out into the open of Drethenzai's lands. By the time the splash of lava descends to its original state, the dragon and his pet are already outside of the dragon lord’s lair, ascending higher into the sky...
The half-demon, still busy wiping off his face... godasdammit, what IS that spit you snorted into his face there?! It is so thick and viscous, gluey and sticky that it barely comes off, even when the saurian is scratching over his face to get this entire smear away! When the half demon FINALLY manages to rid him of your drool, shooting you a nasty glance... you... don't even look down at him anymore! Seriously, isn't his fury even worth your ATTENTION at least!?! Ahastar almost sputters in anger, but by the time he tries to catch his breath to do so, said breath is already filled with the rushing heat of your scorching desert sands!

The dragon's lands stretch for miles, expanding beyond the line of sight. How could anything survive in this forsaken desert? By now the dragon had been flying for almost an hour, still tightly clutching onto your body. Drethenzai flies with ease, speed and skill. He can manoeuvre without effort, and dive with absolute precision. Some say that he is an excellent creature of stealth, while other say that he will always catch his prey. Indeed Black-Crowned Dragons are very dominant creatures, and demand on call. With the dragon cunning speed, and with and hour - they have exited out of the hellish Drethgonian Desert, ruled by the eternal Lord Drethenzai. The atmosphere is more humid and dense now that the dragon and his slave are passing over a never ending blue ocean. At least it is not hot our here, but still...being lost out here could result in never being found, or possibly death. You have got to wonder where the dragon was heading to, seeing as he is so eager to show the raptor he has in store for him. By now, time is not a factor, the dragon slows down a little, but not to conserve all the energy he has, but slowing down as they soon arrive upon great rock formations and giant boulders, carved out by the natural elements of this realm. The dragon approaches closer to a flat formation, angling himself to land upon it, but just as he is about to land, the dragon lord thrusts his arm forward, swinging you onto the enormous rock, and only to come perching onto you with two neatly stacked dragon feet heavily and comfortably covered over you....

sees NOTHING but damn black everywhere! His eyes are filled with your scales, his nostrils filled with your heavy reptilian smell, a mix of sand, scales, leathery hide and heat. His ears manage to take in nothing but rushing winds, even his tongue is dancing with the fresh flavor of... of... water? Now that is something the half demon hasn't tasted in ages - no wonder, given that the LORD dragon's desert is bare of any fluid, scalding lava and molten rock aside. Yet even after all the hours of travel - which given your tremendous pace must mean we are at the other half of the world by now - all the saurian gets to see is more of your palms, claws and fingers, only a single cloud or two showing up between your talons every now and then. Suddenly though, everything changes! Your speed? Gone. The darkness of your grasp? Vanished. Ahastar's firm hold? Traded in for freeeeeeeefaaaaallllllll! "Arrrrrghhhhh!" The raptor waves his arms, legs and tail on his way down on top of that tremendous bolder, rolling over it for a few times. And when the bruised raptor looks back up, all he sees is your two gigantic footsoles coming down for him. "Noooooo! Not again! NOT AGAIN!" - *squasssshhhh* Oh yes. DOWN under the LORD'S reptilian feet again, making Ahastar crunch and crackle into your behemoth soles.

The Dragonlord lets out a satisfactory grumble, and then leans back onto tail, resting his body and stretching his wings. "Its good to have a little pit stop don't you think? And to look out at the beautiful oceans and it’s good to have a little raptor to play with between your toes. Now reclined back onto his wings, and grabbing you in the dragon's clutch capable feet, he commences to toy around with you for moment, picking you up his dragon feet, dropping you, but only to grab you in his other foot. After a continuous grab-and-drop in the dragon's soles, he finally releases you onto the flatness of the rock, but only to lay one hind paw on top of let the other foot rub against your body. It’s only for a short moment before the dragon then spaces out his soles, almost creating a sandwich like pose, ready to clasp you between them. With a vigorous KLAPP! The dragonlord locks you between his dragon feet, yet allowing to breathe by letting your head poke through his closed feet. The leviathan's necks raises to look at your discomfort between his dominating soles, and then squeezing his toes tighter, constantly wiggling in and out....

Ahastar’s body gets COMPLETELY squeezed out and down flat under your combined 40 ton lizard feet, their black soles steamrolling the half demon into the rock, pressing his arms and legs apart, his mouth wide open. Your feet completely violate that tiny creature beneath their rigid scales and rough hide, making him cry, moan, whimper, beg and screech, and almost vomit and piss himself from the insane pressure. Ahastar *just* so manages to not burst into all of his fluids, and only because you now recline on the back of your wings, balancing and juggling, pressing and holding your “slave” over on top of your upturned soles. Gods... this is... so humiliating. And there is absolutely no escape from the humbling, degrading, crushing and compressing touch of your clenching, pressing black crowned dragon soles. The raptor is such a proud creature. Why – WHY – did he have to end up in the tormenting claws of a dragon not only so dominant and sadistic, but also with such a serious preference for using his huge feet to torment and humiliate his victims with? Finally, Ahastar finds himself compressed between BOTH of your raptor-flat-trampling soles, only his snout still poking out, broken blue and purple. Ahastar looks up at your snout, shaking his muzzle. “No more... no more!” But it is all in vain! You PRESSSSSSSSS together so hard the raptor has to pee himself, his mouth beginning to sob, cry and plead for mercy, drool shooting out of his mouth and nostrils!

The dragon’s two eyes shoot at you with more torment as the dragon begins to compress you even tighter, but it then does something spark in the dragon's mind that he must abort his playful form of "fun. "Woa! We need to go now little biter, wasn't this just so much fun?" he tauntingly mocked. With the strength in his wings, they themselves lifted the dragon onto all four paws. Still one paw remains heavily pressed on top of you. Stretching out his whole body, the dragon begins to flap his wings, accelerating him off the rock, but just in time, grabbing you in his clutching hind paw. The dragon gained more speed as he flapped even harder, but grinned and occasionally looking back you still grasped in his foot. After about two hours of effortless travelling over colossal oceans, that would take man days, the two reptiles then entered a much more desolate terrain. There were burnt trees everywhere and the water tide was red and murky, stretching all around a incredible island, with a incredible Volcano placed in the middle. "Now we walk." he stated, slowly descending to dark and ruined island. The skies where red and smoke rose from within the volcano. The Island looked deserted and almost burnt and destroyed. Charred wood scattered the black soft ground, which was soon discovered to be ash. The trees decorated the island with an evil presence, as they too were black as Drethenzai's heart. There was absolutely no form of any vegetation on the desolate island. The dragon landed just the tide where the dirty water kissed to the ash covered sand. Drethenzai grabs you from his grasped foot with you clutched inside, and grips you in his front paw, now rearing up to walk on his hind legs through the destroyed island...

“PLEASE! PLEASE STOP! I CAN’T TAKE THIS ANY MORE!” Ahastar screams and whimpers, he even tries to bring his arms up to fold his hands in front of you in a pleading manner, but said arms – complete with the entire rest of the half demon’s form – get trash compacted to what feels like being thin as a piece of paper between your two compressing soles, squeezing and squashing your slave together while he cries and screams at your grinning, sadistic face! When you FINALLY let the howling half demon go, you don’t need to be careful – your two village-crushing feet briefly struggle and argue about which of the two soles gets to keep the saurian, but there is never a question about if Ahastar gets loose or not. After THAT compression, his brutally sole-profile-imprinted body stays glued to the sole of your right paw, much to the seemingly humiliated raptor’s terror. Still, you make sure not to lose your slave to the ocean beneath you when you finally rush off, yet again trampling abusing the raptor’s unfit little form as part of your liftoff area, before you heave yourself between the clouds once again, flying off, Ahastar tightly clenched into your sadistic sole. Held down like this, the flight seems to take a lifetime to the raptor, the lizard barely noticing you finally arriving at your apparent goal. Wouldn’t it be for you throwing him up into your forepaws, the desperate raptor couldn’t even see any of this island! And what a horrible place this is! This looks as if the world would have ended, as if the entire island would have faced Armageddon. And the sound of your heavy footfalls does not make it any easier for the saurian’s desperate soul, either. “Where... where are we?” Ahastar finally groans up at you.

Drethenzai continues pacing through the lands of the desolate island, with a thick burnt smell infecting the air. "We are at Helheim's Keep, the place where Varkendrez resides in. You probably would have a mind for what he is like, judging by the villages he has obliterated, and the land that was once peaceful, lush, bright and dormant has now succumbed to his power”. The dragon grins, as they approach closer the immensely oversized volcano, still steaming at the top, blocking out the sun like a building sheathing torchlight. The dragon stops in his mighty tracks for a brief moment, giving a quick whiff over the atmosphere, grumbling at the unseen presence that lies here. The wind blows for a moment, until GWTHUMP! A bright red explosion of light emerges from within the air itself, like a portal giving way to power. A great magic confronted them, as another Black-Crowned dragon, laid kneeling in front of Drethenzai. "No need to bow Varkendrez! It has been centuries; let's embrace this moment as we see each other!" Drethenzai states to the other dragon. "Brother! You still reign eternal!" Both dragon embrace in a sibling neck hug, as they are soon discovered to be brother Black-Crowned dragons....

The half-demon’s desperate eyes can’t stop watching the back of your wake, the trail you leave behind in the charred, scorched lands consisting of gigantic, three toed footprints pressed immensely deep into the bone dry, choking desert soil, grey and black and brown, with a few hues of red very here and there. Ever since he got to “know” you, the raptor has developed a tremendous dislike for ash. It gets EVERYWHERE, into ever single orifice of the body. It fills the air with heat and makes it hard to breath. And, worst of it all... it is immensely hard to lick off of adult sized black crowned dragon soles, not only because it stays so stubbornly stuck to the feet of your kin, but also because it just EATS up saliva like a sponge, meaning that Ahastar’s tongue is bone dry after two, three licks. He once counted it, you know. He needs 1.322 licks to lick one of your leviathan soles clean from the heel to the toe tips. A gruesome task when you have no drool on your tongue. So your brother. Ahastar was afraid you would say that. He knew you had another sibling, and given how these lands look, reflecting that beast’s character, and given that the meeting with your sister ended up with her using the whimpering saurian as her trampoline, you can probably well understand that your slave curls up in terror and fearfully bites his hand claws when he finally finds himself in the middle of a double black crowned dragon sandwich – Lord Drethenzai and his brother, Varkendrez!
The two dragon brothers face each other once again, after countless years.
"So I see you still have made a mess of this place haven’t you?" Drethenzai comments,
"Well! It’s been so long since I took over this island, everything is just still remaining where it was, except just a bit burnt." Varkendrez replies.
"I hear you met up with Sacheira? How is our powerful sister?
"Oh she is doing ever so good, especially having conjured up new spells, but still she remains temperamental and doubtful" Drethenzai continuous to say, eventually shaking you from your curled up stated.
"Indeed you still retain your title as our Lord! It’s good to see you again brother!" Varkendrez replies with a soft tone. Varkendrez was known to be a physcopathic dragon, with tormenting ways which resulted in never ending form of torture. As with Drethenzai, he is much the same, only his size is smaller than Drethenzai. His horns are longer, but are thinner the Drethenzai's. Still the resemblance is uncanny, and both share the same desire...power. Unlike Drethenzai, Varkendrez holds "Gilgondor Blood" the power if indestructibility and the and the ability to teleport. The smaller dragon peers down at Drethenzai's hand, looking directly at you. Still the towering beast gazes down as you with his azure eyes, speechless, but his grinning expressions give away a sense of his sadism...
Given the terrifying circumstances – two GOD reptiles the size of hills, their sheer physical power only still surpassed by the desire for torment, superiority and utmost dominance getting reacquainted – Ahastar tries his best to not be noticed, which really is quite difficult if you are a white scaled raptor in the palm of a black crowned dragon, mind you, the half demon showing up in between the fleshy prison of your clawed hand like a gleaming lighthouse! Badly hiding his big azure eyes, Ahastar still attempts to behold the newcomer. Varkendrez. He looks a lot like you, actually, just a bit smaller, slimmer, and more streamlined. If you are a war axe, he is a fine rapier. Still he looks like he is weighing in at 30 tons, easily, his long-horned skull intimidating and terrifying. Especially when your brother decides to stare point blank at the shivering saurian down in your grasp. Of course Ahastar does not know that your sibling has the reputation of being a psychopathic sadist, but the raptor can well imagine that fact all himself. For one, the expression of his eyes is telling. He wants to torture, to spread suffering, despair, and maybe utmost humiliation. The other hint? This very island! I mean, he destroyed EVERYTHING! It looks as if Varkendrez has tortured the very COUNTRY itself! The trees are rotted. The ground is brunt to a crisp. Even the stones are all crushed and the sky is blood red!

Varkendrez blood hungry eyes gaze into Drethenzai's cold amber eyes. "Y-Y-You brought him here for us to...play? The black dragon questions, almost shaking with suspense. Drethenzai remained silent, only briefly closing his eyes and slightly nodding, signalling to his brother in an affirmative gesture. "Here, I'll let you play with him for a little while; I'm just going to comfort myself inside your humble abode." Drethenzai tauntingly hold out his arm, grinning down at you silent, but then mouths out "you are going to die". Varkendrez' eyes widen he then grasps you in his paw, even more tightly than Drethenzai. He gives a teeth baring smile as Drethenzai lifts of and darts inside the immense Volcano. The dragon stares at you, his eyes burning bright with sadism and torment. "I haven’t held a raptor in centuries! By the underworld, you are a Deinonychus!" Varkendrez instantly identified your species in a second. Straight after those malevolent words, Varkendrez roars out into his domain, flailing his arm around, trying to sicken you out first before he begins to "play with you"...
The saurian shares an eye colour with your brother. That, though, is about as much resemblance his eyes and the raptor’s share – because otherwise, the two peers couldn’t be more different! Ahastar’s gaze is like a creature’s that sees the very gate to hell, and all the torments and tortures that wait beyond it, while Varkendrez’ greedy stare is full of sadism, desire, lust and ecstasy. It is very easy to recognize that if Varkendrez wouldn’t respect his lord brother as much as he does, he would right now rip Ahastar out of your clawed hand and drag him into his lair to do... gods know what! When the saurian hears that your sibling’s voice is actually SHAKING with anticipating sadism, it turns out that your feet pressing the piss out of your slave back on that island was actually a good thing – because otherwise, your raptor would pee himself with fear right now. Terrified to his very core, Ahastar gazes up into Drethenzai’s face – but all he gets there is a whispered sentence of doom, right before you hand your slave over to your devil sibling, then flying off and leaving the shocked saurian alone with – and for – your brother. The deinonychus simply just stares up into the face of the dragon so brutally, nearly crushingly holding him. Studying him. Inspecting him. And all the saurian can say is a disbelieving “...good lizard gods, help me...” – right before Varkendrez SHAKES Ahastar senseless, intending to induce nausea – it works: Ahastar VICIOUSLY pukes bile after just a few shell shocking judders!

All Varkendrez can help but do is cry out maniacal laughs as you soon turn into a puke-pain squatter. Still viciously shaking the life right out of, the evil of Varkendrez pours of him, already being shown just by the island. The dragon soon comes to an abrupt stop. Now with bile all over your muzzle, the maniacal dragon once again, shoot another grin at you, until he then immediately throws you high into the air. The strength the dragon possesses was incredible; he could throw a car for kilometres! It is when he throws he a mile into the air, does he disappear into a red burst of light, only to catch your ascending body out of another burst of red light flashing right above you. As soon as the dragon catches you paw, he then violently throws you back to down to his island. Thing is, he just didn't stand still for one moment, nor for you either. He was all over the place! Just as you are about to touch the ground for the first time, Varkendrez teleports straight on top of you, crashing down on you with 34 extra tons of dragon weight. Still he continues to laugh like the physcopath he is, obviously enjoying himself to the full!

NO WONDER Varkendrez seems to have few LIVE things to toy and torture with and needs to satisfy himself with the probably somewhat boring antic of tormenting his island – because if Ahastar wouldn’t be a half demon, he would instantly die just from tearing apart by the gruesome, vicious shakes of the powerful black crowned dragon! At the peaks up and down in the shaking motion, the raptor’s body is subjected to 50, sometimes 60 G of force before suddenly being shaken back into the opposite direction! Varkendrez is probably – positively – surprised that there aren’t pieces of his puking, vomiting victim flying EVERYWHERE. Even a mile high into the sky! It happens so fast the raptor can’t even say when he was launched off, all he knows is that he is suddenly in between a couple of clouds, so far high up above the scorched island that it looks like a tiny speck of earth down in an endless ocean – and then, the horizon in front of the screaming saurian tears apart into a red portal, a dragon’s black, massive forepaw reaching out, grabbing him again with crushing force, and THROWING him bodily back down towards the “tiny” island once more – the howling raptor shoots down at it like a reptilian meteorite, so fast that he can’t even shut his tearing eyelids! Oh Gods! HO GODS! He can see the floor rushing towards him, promising a hellish impact – but something else STILL happens before that! The air above Ahastar tears apart into a blood red portal yet again, two black crowned dragon feet smashing down out of it – very lookalike to Drethenzai’s but not quite as broad – and STOMPING him down right into the floor, pressing the raptor senseless! *THOUMMMPPP* Ash down below. Ash covering the sadistic trample-soles crushing the raptor from above. And still, the flattened out, gurgling raptor can hear the maniac laughter of the newest slave-flat-trampler of your family, right through his tons heavy feet.
Under his maniacal laugh, the dragon lifts up his paw, to peer upon your flattened body. "Wow still alive! That's impossible! Oh well, this will only take a minute." Launching him into the air, first leaning his weight on top of you and the darting off into another red light. Vanished in thin air, the dragon appears nowhere, until a tiny speck in the sky grows larger, as Varkendrez, like lightning descends down to his domain, with his dragon feet splayed out, ready to come pounding down onto you from miles high into the sky. In a matter of seconds it is not long until the sadistic dragon comes into complete view, only a few metres from the ground. BBBBOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM! A colossal cloud of ashes litters the air as Varkendrez has landed with an incredible crash. It could shake a whole city; it was almost equivalent to an Earthquake! A large crate now is carved in the island, and not even you remain anymore. Varkendrez jumps up like a child, roaring and spurting out fire without control. Metres deep into the ground, Drethenzai is viewing the whole ordeal from the peak of the Volcano. He smirks and chuckles at his physcopathic brother, laughing with great pleasure. Still the air is thick of ash the splashes as the dragon came crashing down onto you....

The raptor gives up. When he first met you, he thought that is only Drethenzai that loves to torture his slave with his dominating dragon feet, in all ways the raptor could possibly nightmare about. When your sister jumped around on him like a trampoline, the raptor assumed that it was just a whim of the moment, frustration about her spell fizzling on her. But now, his body lays crushed, trampled, stomped and destroyed, crying and whimpering, broken and mangled under the soles of your brother as well. That’s it then. This hell will never end. Because apparently, all black crowned dragons are crazy about trampling, and forcing their superiority and dominance upon their victims by making them worship, lick, suck and cleanse their paws until they go crazy from it. *SCCHLLLRRRRTTTTT* When Varkendrez lifts up his flattening, reptilian claw foot, Ahastar’s badly maimed body briefly stays stuck to the underside, before falling back down into the three toed footprint your sibling smashed into the ash ground. “Gllrlrghhlll...ngh...” The saurian brings up a single arm in pleading, begging for mercy, holding it as high as the fourteen fractures in his upper and lower arm allow him to. But there is no mercy, only more psychopathic laughter! It fills the air, growing louder and louder and LOUDER with every mile Varkendrez soars down from his cloud-shredding flight. And then, Ahastar – whose poor body is currently imprinted with the sole profiles of Drethenzai and your sister – gets smashed in a third sole pattern. The one of Varkendrez, the destroyer – he lands with a BOOM that sends and earthquake through the land, trampling Ahastar so deep his bug-crushed remains meet ground water, and explode into complete flatness!
No Hope, No Mercy, No Freedom


 Post subject: Re: Flight to Helheim (RP With Ahastar)
PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 9:49 am 
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Talking Tyrannosaur
Posts: 861
Species: Tyrannosaurus
That's some damn fine dragon tramplage. Brilliant work, guys!

One of these days all the stomplusty dragons at LD5 will have to gang up and have a game of twister on top of Ahastar 8-)

 Post subject: Re: Flight to Helheim (RP With Ahastar)
PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 9:39 pm 
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Snufftastic Raptor!
Posts: 497
Species: Half-Demon Deinonychus
Location: Nürnberg, Germany
That game would probably be over very quickly!
But no less entertaining. 8-)

 Post subject: Re: Flight to Helheim (RP With Ahastar)
PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 11:14 pm 
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Posts: 169
Species: N/A
Location: Japan
It's nice to see another dragon who like to abust the demon raptor! It must be very fun to use him as a toy.:)

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