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 Post subject: Evil Genius - Ch. 4
PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 8:43 pm 
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Posts: 176
Species: Wolf
As the days went on it seemed as though Rook could not be happier with his new pet. Every day he would make sure to give Lester some exercise. He would make sure to feed him and bathe him as well. He didn’t want to be a candidate for animal abuse. He loved his little wolf and he was sure that the little wolf loved him back just as much. In fact, he seemed to be quickly adapting to his new home with almost no negative reinforcement.

Today was just another normal day for the tiger. He exited the playroom with his now worn out pet pressed gently against his soft chest. The little wolf seemed to have exhausted himself to the point of a midday nap and Rook was hard-pressed to interrupt it – he did look rather cute when he slept. So he placed him gently onto a soft, little makeshift bedding consisting of cottonballs and paper towels atop the counter.

He didn’t think it was necessary to place him in his real bed as he was going to be down here for a while working on his pet project. He just couldn’t pull himself to put the wolf in his cage so early. It’s not like he’d be gone that long anyways. He’d just go put in some more work and come back to wake up his pet and play around with it some more. He was pretty sure that his pet was enjoying the attention so he’d make sure to pamper it right after he was done just because he was in such a good mood today.

With a gentle pat on the wolf’s head, he headed off into his project room, closing the door behind him out of habit so as not to be disturbed.

Richard slightly lifted an eye as he heard the door shut. He then sat up straight and peered around. He didn’t see the tiger so he must’ve definitely gone to a different room. He had decided that today he would be making his escape. He had planned this out beforehand, somewhat. Every day that tiger went into that room to work on something. It was impossible to escape at night because he would be stuck in his cage, as comfortable as it is. This was one of the few times that he had the free run of the room without the tiger’s watchful eyes to hinder him.

He looked around the room and quickly spotted the broom leaning against the wall near the cabinet. If he could make it to that then he could simply slide himself down the handle. The only problem was somehow getting it to touch the counter… or if he could get to the broom himself. Alternatively, if he had something long enough he could throw it over the edge and climb down it. He couldn’t climb down the counter, there weren’t any good footholds and if he slipped and fell well… it would be the end of his plan and it would likely take him much too long to recuperate supposing he did survive.

It was at this time that he realized he hadn’t thought his plan through fully. But that didn’t matter. What mattered was not wasting this chance to try and get as far as he could. He looked around on top of the counter. There wasn’t a whole lot that was up here that he could make use of. His eyes widened as he eyed the microscope atop the counter. I can use the cord to slide down! He quickly made his way to the device and tediously unwound the cord that was wrapped properly around the base. He then pushed the heavy plug over the edge and watched it fall only halfway to the ground. Crap, not long enough.

He needed something to somehow make it longer. It was then that he spotted the Bunsen burner with rubber tubing wrapped around it. He scrambled to it and worked with it a bit to detach the rubber hose from the burner. Once he was finished he began to tie it to the base of the microscope’s plug. He tied is as tight as he could and held on to it as he straddled the microscope plug. He knew that the microscope wouldn’t move as it was very heavy – even he couldn’t budge it – so he thought it would make for a good weight.

Now was the time for him to try out his half-hatched plan. He slid down slowly, pulling the knotted rubber tubing along with him. Once he made it to the bottom of the cord he pushed down on the rubber tubing to make sure it wouldn’t just slide over the edge of the plug. Once he was sure he took a deep breath and began to climb down the rest of the way with the rubber extension. He was halfway down the rubber tube when he felt the rubber give way as his knot began to untie from his weight. Before he could react it untied itself leaving him to freefall the last quarter of the way. He landed with a ‘Yip!’ and rubbed his butt which was sure to bruise up later.

That wasn’t too bad, but it could use a bit better of a landing.
He looked at the door the tiger went into to make sure he hadn’t heard anything and then ran for the exit. The massive wooden door would be nigh impossible for him to open himself. Luckily, he didn’t have to worry about that. The door didn’t fully reach the ground and there was just enough space underneath for Richard to crawl under, though it might be a tight squeeze. Nevertheless, he had no time to think of what might lay beyond this door. He bent over and somehow managed to fit himself under the narrow space and into the darkened hallway, barely lit by floor lights.

He shivered slightly as a cold draft came over him. He couldn’t see the end of the hallway but he knew that this would at least get him one step closer to freedom (more like a tenth of a step closer if you were at a giant’s point of view).

After what seemed like a couple of miles to the wolf he ran into a dead end. All that lie here was a tall bookcase filled with hundreds of books. He sighed to himself as he wasn’t sure what to do now. He knew that this had to be the right way. There wasn’t any other path he could have taken. It was then that he noticed that one of the books was not in place like the others. It was tilted at an angle, as if it were about to fall over, yet it was not. Richard knew that this had to hold some sort of clue to getting out of here.

He sighed to himself again and then prepared to climb up the bookcase to examine the book more closely. I am totally out of shape.

Rook was busy working some more on his newest invention. It was really just a more updated model of an older project, but he was enjoying his work nonetheless. As he stretched his arms he gazed at his clock and realized that he had been working for a bit longer than he had anticipated. Almost a full hour had passed him by and though he was getting close to completion his mind began to wander to his pet.

He decided that it would probably be a good idea to take a break for the day and spend some more time with his little pet wolf. In fact, he began to think of what would be a good reward. He decided that he would let him have his own choice of what to do in the playroom. It’s not like he’d given him much choice of what their exercise activities would consist of.

He exited the room and walked towards the counter where he had left him. The cottonball bed was empty, he noticed. “Lester? Where are you?” he asked, peering about but getting no response. He noticed the cord to his microscope dangling over the edge of the counter and the rubber tubing lying on the floor. He absently picked up the tubing and placed it on the counter before trying to make sense of what he had found. It’s not like he can escape anyways. He’d have no clue how to get out.

He decided it would probably be easiest to use a quick and fail-proof method. He went to a different area of the lab and opened a drawer, pulling out a small hand-held device. He turned it on and a small circle appeared with a red dot flashing. In fact, this machine was a portable tracking device. He had built it himself. The signal being transmitted to the device was cleverly built into the collar which he had given his pet. He wasn’t sure that he would ever have to use it but he felt it would be of great value should he ever lose his pet.

The device was pointing him towards the exit. He walked to the wooden door and wondered how his pet could possibly have gotten through this. That didn’t matter though as he opened the door. He would figure this out later. He began to walk through the darkened tunnel all the way to the end and in front of the bookcase. As he peered at his screen he stared in disbelief. It said the wolf should be right in front of him. It was then that he noticed something was off. Something didn’t look right. As he stood there pondering it occurred to him. The lever isn’t sticking out!

It was something of a habit for the tiger to absent-mindedly leave the switch pulled out. It’s not like anyone would think it odd for a single book to be sticking out. After all, he was the only one that would see it. But he didn’t think about his pet or the fact that he might try to escape or get this far. He began to panic. In fact, he believed that this could easily mean he didn’t see the wolf because he was on the other side of the door already!

Richard was tired. He made it up to the book and was somehow able to pull it down. He thought it would be a good idea to rest so he could muster up the strength to pick it back up. After resting for a while he heard the sounds of something coming down the hall. He decided to move out of the way quickly behind a different book. The sound stopped just in front of him. He was almost sure that the tiger had found him and was going to put him back in the timeout cage for his escape plan. He held his breath, hoping that he would go unnoticed.

He heard something shift nearby and then the bookcase began to vibrate. Surprisingly enough it began to get brighter. Indeed, the wolf could make out the edge of sunlight outlining the shadows just above the books. His heart began to race. Maybe I just might make it out of here. Unfortunately, the tiger did not move. Instead he seemed to still be in front of the bookcase. It was as if he were waiting for something to happen. As if on cue, a doorbell began to ring quickly followed by several knocks on the front door.

Rook nearly jumped when he heard the sound. ‘Oh no!’ was all that came to his mind. He instantly knew who was at the door. “Crap,” he sputtered. He looked down at the radar in his hand. The red dot was right beside him. He could only guess that he was still on or near the bookcase. If he was hidden behind one of the books then it could take him a while to find his pet. Of course, it was entirely possible that the wolf was on the opposite side of the bookcase. But either way, this was not a good turn of events. He did suppose that he could merely ignore his unexpected guest.

He began to pull a few books from the shelves when another knock resounded on the front door. “Hun? Are you there?” came the dalmatian’s voice. Rook knew that he had no time. It was obvious that he was home and his mate knew where the spare key was hidden. He gave up and made his way to the front door, making sure to pocket his tracking device.

He opened the door with a smile on his face to welcome his canine. “Um, hello, sir. May I help you with something?” The tiger was greeted with a lick to his cheek.

“It’s highly possible,” Quartz said, stepping inside, but finding himself blocked by the tiger. “Hey now, what gives?”

Rook thought fast. “I’m afraid I’m a bit occupied at the moment. I don’t think I have time to do anything right now.”

The dalmatian looked confused for a moment and then laughed, placing a paw on the tiger’s bare chest, noticing that all he had on were his pants. He even made a small note that he seemed rather shaken up or distraught in some way. “Oh hun. I don’t mind if you’re masturbating in front of me. In fact, I think I can help with that. Don’t be so embarrassed.”

The tiger didn’t know quite what to say to that. “Er, no, that’s not it. Right now’s just not a good time.” He had to say something else. “Could I just get back to you in an hour?”

Quartz now sported a sheepish grin. “An hour? But I came all the way here just to see you.” He placed a gentle paw over the tiger’s more sensitive area, eliciting a purr from his mate as he used his other paw to gently push him backwards to let himself in. He closed the door behind him. “I’m sure that I can help you take care of that in much less than an hour.”

Rook knew he had no choice but to let the dog in. It’s not like he could tell him the truth and he was no good at coming up with lies. He brushed Quartz’s paw off of him. “Fine, fine just come in like you own the place.”

“Well, it’s not so much the place that I own. It’s more like you that I own.” He gave a whimsical wink.

Rook began to feel as if something was amiss. He grabbed the dalmatian by the shoulders and pulled him close, smelling his breath. “Hun, are you… drunk?”

The canine responded with another giggle. “Drunk?” He shook his head and stumbled into the tiger, wrapping his arms around his waist. “I’m just a teensy bit buzzed.” He saw the look his tiger gave and responded quickly, “But I didn’t drive here. I walked. I promise.”

Rook wasn’t sure he believed the part about being a tiny bit buzzed but he knew his mate wasn’t totally dimwitted enough to drive around after drinking. He sighed, “You and me are going to have a talk.” He decided to pull the canine to the living room at first but then thought twice about it. If the wolf were in the bookshelf still then he didn’t want his mate to have a possibility of seeing him. He decided he was going to lead him to his bedroom instead. As he tugged his mate towards his bedroom the dalmatian pulled back against him. Before he knew it the dog had somehow made him lose his balance and brought him to the ground, Quartz tumbling over him. He landed with a ‘yowl’ and before he could say anything his face was being smothered with a wet doggy kiss.

“Oh hun,” said Quartz, “You know it’s too far to get to your room.” He gave the tiger’s groin a gentle squeeze, eliciting another gentle purr. He then used that moment to straddle himself over the feline. “Why don’t we take care of business right here on the floor.” He bent over to nuzzle into the tiger’s soft chest fur.

Rook was clearly enjoying the attention yet he wasn’t sure that this was the proper time to be enjoying such extracurricular activities. He pulled his arms up to reach for the dalmatian’s sides but quickly found his wrists being grabbed by the canine that was topping him and forcefully being pinned back to the floor. He knew that he could overpower the culprit, but part of him began to lust for the attention. His tail began to lash, furiously. Sure, he was worried about his lover and his reasons for getting drunk, but if receiving pleasure from him helped relieve whatever was stressing him then he would gladly take it.

“What’s the matter, little kitty? Am I just too much for you?” Quartz jeered. Though they both still had their pants on he couldn’t help but mock the tiger with a few pelvic thrusts.

Rook smirked. “Well I suppose every dog does have to get their day at least once in a lifetime.” His response was met with another grope and the gentle jingly sound of his pants being unfastened.

“You sure do like to talk a lot but we’ll see who’s the top dog soon enough.” He then began to pull down the feline’s pants.

The tiger was already forgetting about what was around him at this point. It wasn’t too often that his canine friend mustered the nerve to be dominant in their sexual encounters. Not that he didn’t enjoy being the dominant partner, sexually, he just wanted a change of venue every few hundred miles. It wasn’t the sheer fact of masculinity nor the sense of vulnerability that spiced him up but, oh heck with it – he purred as the smooth canine paw caressed the bulge that was easily apparent under the tiger’s briefs. Quartz became a bit more bold in his strokes as he gripped the tiger’s member firmly, the fabric of the undergarments now making a bold outline of the sexual organ. All that Rook could muster were a few moans and grunts.

“Look who’s got the cat’s tongue now,” he said, giving a good squeeze to the appendage. “It’s like this whole area is some sort of instrument. If I press in the right spot,” he gave a gentle squeeze towards the base of the appendage which caused Rook to grunt, “then the sound changes a bit.” This continued for a few more moments consisting of the dalmatian brushing, squeezing and poking around the private area until he finally stood up.

Rook was about to sit up and ask something before the dalmatian’s pink-padded foot pushed down on his chest, forcing him back to the ground. “Ah ah ah,” said the canine. “I didn’t say you were off the hook just yet. You have yet to please me and until you return the favor then somebody is not getting off on the floor.”

The tiger mewed, “What must I do to sate you, love?” His loins began to burn with a desire that he was now forcing himself to ignore. As soon as he asked, the canine’s paw began to press more firmly into his chest, his toes flexing to grab at tufts of chestfur.

“I think my paws are in need of dire attention.” He wasn’t quite steady standing on one foot, which caused him to counter by putting more weight than normal onto the tiger.

Rook was eager to continue being pleasured and if this was what he had to do then so be it. It’s not like anyone’s watching anyways. “Alright, alright. Just lay off a bit on the weight.”

Quartz was eager to oblige if it meant that he was going to get a paw massage. As he pulled a bit of the weight off he began to lose a bit of balance and he fell onto his rump with a yip. Rook immediately sat up in response and Quartz moaned in pain. “Ooooh.”

“Are you okay?” the tiger asked concerned.

“Ow, my paw hurts. I think it needs loosened up.”

That was Rook’s cue that the dalmatian was merely milking this for all it was worth. Well… he’s not milking it yet. The tiger gave a gentle chuckle and grabbed the dalmatian’s foot into his hands and began to rub his thumbs into the main pad. This easily caused the dog to lay back limply. He was amused by how easy it was to please his mate. He continued to barrage the supple pads with the soft pads of his hands. Quartz’s toes curled in pleasure every time the tiger stroked between his toepad and the main pad. Rook enjoyed watching this reaction and did it a few times in between more firm rubbing to the rest of the foot.

After a while of this it seemed as if the tiger was growing tired and he interlocked his fingers between the toes and pulled the dog’s foot. “Okay, does that feel better now?”

Quartz feigned another twitch of pain. “Ah, I think that if you kissed it then it would feel so much better.”

Rook smirked in response to that. He’d better live up to his end after all this. His fingers still interlocked, he pulled the foot to his face. He unlocked his digits and held the foot by the ankle as he leaned forward to give a gentle kiss. It wasn’t as simple, however, as the dog pushed his foot into the tiger’s face as if he were trying to smother him. “Hey now, you’re only getting a kiss. I’m not going to eat it.”

The canine chuckled and quit messing around long enough to feel the soft peck of the lions lips on his pads. “Heh, well it seems that it feels a lot better now.”

“I’ll bet,” chided the tiger.

And with that Quartz stood up and pushed the tiger’s chest back down again with his foot. “Now for the main course.”

“Wait now, we’re not having dessert again, are we?” Rook asked half-hopeful.

“Silly tiger. I told you that now you’ll get to come on the floor.” Quartz then slid his foot over the tiger’s belly and down to the briefs where he nimbly used his toes to pull down the tiger’s briefs down. “Well look what the cat dragged in.” The tiger’s bulging sheath was now exposed with a lot of pink showing. “It looks like there’s a snake in my boot. I guess I’ll just have to stamp it out.” Before the tiger could protest he pressed his foot onto the appendage and began to rub his foot into it.

Rook clenched his fist at the feel of the dalmatian’s smooth paws on such a sensitive area. He moaned at the firm grinding sensation. Quartz continued this for a while as pre began to coat the tiger’s shaft. It was then that he then splayed his toes so that he could grip the tiger’s member in between a pair. And with that he began to stroke up and down. The tiger’s tail thrashed about in ecstasy but Rook restrained himself from reaching down and finishing the job. Besides it just felt so – “Good Dog!” he cried out as his member began to do a 21-gun salute. His fists clenched at the floor and his legs flexed about.

Quartz giggled with delight as he viewed the tiger’s wave of euphoria. He gave the shaft a few more strokes as Rook thrashed in glee and then planted his foot back on solid ground. He stared at the tiger’s face, smiling at the smile the feline wore despite his closed eyes. It was then that something grabbed the dog’s eye. He spotted something running across the floor that just disappeared into the bedroom. Did I just imagine that, or did I just see a, “Wolf?”

Rook mistook the word for a ‘woof’ and he meowed in response.

The canine peered down at the tiger bemusedly. “Did you just see that?”

“See what?” Rook said in an exhausted, yet pleasured state.

“I swear that I just saw a tiny little wolf running on the ground,” he said, peering back at the spot.

Rook felt his stomach lurch and his eyes widened, though Quartz wasn’t paying attention to the feline’s face. Dog gone it!

 Post subject: Re: Evil Genius - Ch. 4
PostPosted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 11:37 pm 
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Oracle of the Slipper
Posts: 2661
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Location: Ankh Ridge, Alyeska
Very, very nice! Moremoremore!

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