hempesthemper wrote:
No two muffins shits, of corse Ahastar is a guy. Why do you think he shoot's out sperm.And for flippen guudness ehh...maahhhh ehhh uuuummm...........WHy Is thERe NO AhA5T4R CrU5hes.1 m34n come ooonnnnah d0 you think ahastar deservise to crush all of them I mean he's not to bad lookin(i would fuck the hell out of ahastar's demon half
).You think there shud be a drawing where he is crushing timithy or something......I LOVE YOU ALL AND YOU DIABLO I KNOW YOU'LL REPLY.
I sincerely doubt anybody wants to answer to such premature internet gibberish with eyesoring spelling in it.
a) (also at the star) If you don't know about how reptiles look down there, you should look it up. Google what a cloaca is. Also, don't claim to be a reptile if you have no idea.
b) If you squish something with fluids in, they will squirt out. I can demonstrate. Lay down here already while I get me a growth potion....
c) You are annoying quite a lot of folks with your spamming of ugly to look at stupid posts, acting like you are the king of the internet, and claiming that very decent people we all know are stupid. Stop it.
And if you are underage, which I by now assume from what and how you comment, please go and annoy someone somewhere else until you grow up.