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 Post subject: Clawhunt for a leech!
PostPosted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 1:06 pm 
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Oracle of the Slipper
Posts: 2661
Species: Weesaur
Location: Ankh Ridge, Alyeska
Well, I sure got a weird summons from out of the blue. No, not from out of the Blue....ewwwww! Actually, I should probably keep more serious, as this is one of those cheese-dick in the fandom moments that apparently needs to be addressed.

One of the distant orbiting stars in the LD5-verse who wishes to remain anonymous contacted me just now, saying that he thinks he's been swindled. I wouldn't say this person is a good friend of mine, but he has kept an aloof presence on the muck and doesn't seem like a dick...it's more that our fetishes don't really cross enough...like with most of the other LD5 folk. :) Anyway, even though I don't know this person extremely well, either, I've known him and of him for years, and have no reason to believe he's a dick.

RoughEdge, however...

"Roughy" burst onto the LD5 scene about 6 to 7 years ago, and man, I think I did the best RP ever with him. So of course, he turned out to be a dick! Somehow. Never really figured it out. He blew off LD5 a little more nastily than some, but a little less nastily than others, after a few months stay. Was disappointed because of the great RP and the seeming interest in me and even doing 3D projects, but then it was like a light switch turned off and that was it. I quickly got over the RP-desire and figured he was more the use-and-discard type of acquaintance...and from the few reports from others I heard in the year or so to follow, he was pretty much the same way...putting on the whole pity party to someone to get what he wanted.

I haven't heard of Roughy in years now, not even mentioned in passing, until today. One of the other distant orbiting members of LD5, as I mentioned, reports that he thinks he's gotten suckered by him, and it cost him some serious dough ("enough for a couple of computers") and now that HE hasn't heard from him in months now, and is wondering if I have any way of getting a hold of him.

So what can we learn from all this, ladies and gentlesaurs? This: there are lots of leeches in The Fandom(tm), and you need to not get enamored by porn or anything else into giving them money -- it's bad enough you give them attention. When someone puts the sob story on you, you need to ask around. Even one person telling you that they got used up and spit out by someone is enough to be wary. At the very least, don't ever give anyone money and actually expect to get it back in situations like these.

So what am I asking for, as the impotent figurehead of Lava Dome Five? Well, I certainly don't expect RoughEdge to come here and defend himself, or even for anyone to "locate" him. He's long since been tossed in the loser bucket, and this episode I've been made aware of just piles more loser on top of him. *rubs his eyes* Geez, Valentine's must be the season for losers...now that I think about it, I also just heard about how Markie had been taken advantage of again by some sleazeball web site operator who was supposed to pay him ad royalties for hosting his funny videos for the past 2 years and never did. 'Tis the season!

Anyway, what I'm asking for is for you all to remember that there are losers in the fandom and you need to stop being so gullible. :) But, on the odd chance there is someone who knows how to get a hold of the accused, let me know either publicly or privately and I'll pass it on to the accuser.

 Post subject: Re: Clawhunt for a leech!
PostPosted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 1:36 pm 
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Blubber Dragon
Posts: 552
Species: Blubber Dragon
Location: Canada
Couldn't agree more there Dino! You do need to be wary of some folks from time to time. I know I've been bitten a few times by scum, and have needed to dish out the odd public ass kicking. Always be careful if you're getting into a situation where you can be screwed.
Silence is Golden. Duct Tape is Silver.

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