There are some crappy screenshots out of the pre alpha stage that already show a bit of reptilenes.
File comment: big lizardthing in the background
screenshot1.jpg [ 175.03 KiB | Viewed 2914 times ]
File comment: nother lizardthing
screenshot2.jpg [ 163.2 KiB | Viewed 2911 times ]
File comment: sexy!
screenshot3.jpg [ 166.38 KiB | Viewed 2920 times ]
File comment: lizardy statues!
screenshot4.jpg [ 175.95 KiB | Viewed 2908 times ]
Yes, I know. No feet yet. But, you know, this may strike you odd but...
NOT EVERYBODY LOOKS AT THE FEET ALL THE TIME! I'm more worried about not seeing any decent tails there yet. I'm somewhat afraid they'll take the easy route on that and claim to stick stirctly to some lizardthings they found somewhere in Champions Pen and Paper that dont have tails and leave them out alltogether because they are too lazy to animate them.