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Lonesome Dove
Posted 11/2/2006 4:04 AM
Supreme Being
Supreme Being

Group: Forum Members
Active: 3/5/2007
Posts: 69
DISCLAIMER: please Keep all comments and critiques to PM. I do want critiques, however, if you are going to give one, make it short and to the point. I don't want two pages of cliffnotes on personal opinions, if it can't be said in one short paragraph then it does not need to be said. comments or questions, shoot me as many as you want so long as it is all in PM form so as not to distract from the story.
This story is parraleling events in my life, metaphorically representing emotions and all comes from the heart. Some things are direct incedents, some are only mentioned and some never happend and are fabrications to help the story stay interesting, if you have questions, pm me.

The weather was cold on that fateful day. A child was left hopeless in the cold by men who didn't give a damn. However he was not alone for long, as he was abducted by a scientist with heinous plans for new species. This child might just be the one to complete the experiment. Those innocent eyes did not stir this evil cold hearted man of corrupted science. The switch was thrown and the painful treatments began.
Karo Hardskale bolted upright in bed. He was sweating heavy, his fur was soaked. Throwing the covers off, he swung his legs over the side of the bed and planted the large, oddly shaped paw like feet onto the floor. He placed a paw like hand on his forehead and sighed as he rested there for a moment before standing and making his way to the bathroom. His padded soles scuffed against the floor ever so lightly.
He lifted the seat and proceeded with his business, he could hear his neighbor, one that he actually shared the bathroom with but really didn't seem to like, dispite not really knowing the guy. Hid neighbor was up, as usual, and listening to the same tribal music that was always heard through the wall but never really understood, it as an African dialect and this guy was definitely from there. Karo really despised the man because he'd been unable to sleep many a time for the weird singing that came through the wall.
Upon finishing his duties in the head, which was the nautical term for a bathroom, Karo headed back out, locked the door and turned on the kitchen area light to make himself a midnight snack. He stopped though, to look at himself in the mirror. His neon lime green head fur was all disheveled between his large oval and mobile ears. The black fur on the backs of his ears cascading down from their green tips that matched the head fur was a bit ruffled as well. The black fur on his face and that same shade of green on his lower muzzle that traced down to between his legs and to the end of his tail on the underside, was just a little matted from the sweat. His ears pinned back on his skull at the thought of that dream, that memory haunting him yet again. This brought Karo's attention to his right arm, it was nothing like his left. It was cold and metal with some plastic bits covering portions that needed more reinforcement and protection. Nearly all his joints were ball and socket now. All of it made of some type of extremely durable alloy. Karo's left arm and hand was just fur flesh and bone, and muscle of course. The arm was black fur all down to his palms and fingers which were that same bright and almost glowing green. His legs and feet were the same way, though they matched.
He leaned on the counter in front of the mirror medicine cabinet, hanging his head and sighing again. He gazed down his muzzle at the white porcelain of the sink. The gaze wasn't intentional, it was just distant. A kangaroo, Karo was a kangaroo, or at least mostly a kangaroo. The nightmare from years past always haunted him; he had been a human child, an innocent human child.
He shook himself out of the brooding and pulled a bottle of rum from the fridge. It was a damn good thing that there was no work on the weekend, this shore command was neat like that. Karo proceeded to down a couple glasses of the stuff, and since he was thin and had a history of alcoholism in his family, he was thoroughly out of it after just the small amount. He stumbled back to the bed and conked out.

Saturday morning was met without any more breaks in sleep. Seven A.M. was the latest Karo could ever force himself to sleep in; the military had that effect on a person. He slipped out of the bed, bleary eyed and grumbling at the clock for showing the time. Karo stumbled over to the chair that his jeans hung over and pulled them on over his boxers. Deodorant was next, the spray kind to get into his thick fur. He grabbed his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles T-shirt, vintage 1984, it was all black with a sliced in half picture of each of the four turtles faces on the front. Since he was kind of old fashion at times, he tucked the shirt in. He then put a belt on with the fox racing emblem on the buckle, though he'd never raced nor had the urge too, he just liked the look. Next he went for his boots, combat boots and specially made for his feet. Though only a size twelve at 22 years of age wasn't entirely unheard of, his feet were oddly shaped and he had some long claws on the toes that needed the specialized boot. Specifically, there were three holed in the front to allow the claws to stick out, these holes had rubber lining on them to keep out dampness during in climate weather. He was a kangaroo, but he was also partially husky, and still had quite some human DNA in him as well, this gave his feet an odd appearance; somewhere between a kangaroo foot, a human foot and a dogs paw.
Now that he was dressed, Karo grabbed the necessities for going out, keys, wallet, and phone. He grabbed his black leather jacket with the white stripe down each sleeve as well, it was a bit chilly outside, even for him. The jacket was a real smooth and sleek leather, and had a little double snap button at the collar, it was a motorcycle jacket but it looked sharp.
Donning his shiny green shades with the black frame that bore green flame decal on the sides, he stepped out the door and into the hallway. He descended down the stairs one flight to the first floor, and then to the front doorway in the lobby. The long sidewalk out the curb between the east and west buildings of barracks 61 had a hard cold wind blowing between them as usual and Karo had to zip and button his jacket.
Eventually he made his way out the front gate where there was one of the human male sailors trying to get past the anthropomorphic Doberman guard, the lump of pink flesh was drunk and the bulking canine smelled it from a mile away probably. Karo had to snicker at this, the sense of smell was one of the few things that made it worth wile to not have his humanity since the age of four. Sometimes it was a curse though, especially when females were about, anthrop or feral.
Karo had decided to go to Starbucks for his morning coffee, coupled with the fact that a certain keeper of the piece that he knew would be there around this time. This morning though, his walk to the coffee house was considerably more reflective, especially given the nightmare reminder he'd gotten last night. The fact was though, that it had happened, and the nightmares stung, hard.
Winter had come early that year, even for Ohio. The weathermen were confused as much as everyone else. Then the blizzard struck at the same time they did. The papers and news channels said it was a terrorist organization that had somehow created a way to disrupt weather patterns within localized areas. The Dayton Ohio region wasn't the only area to be struck at that time. Numerous other spots and cities all over the U.S. were struck as well, and with the suddenness of the attacks and confusion of the weather pattern, the group rolled over the specified areas without contest.
At four years old Karo could not have done much to save his house or his family, he did however remember throwing a turtle action figure at one of the goons, and biting one on the hand. Even more vividly, he remembered balling his fist and giving one a problem with his jewels. In the end though, the black cloth clad soldiers had gotten the best of him and carted him off with a few other children in the area. That’s what they were there for, test subjects and to put a hurting on American moral. Most of the city and it's surrounding suburbs was leveled, or burning. The small boy had to watch his house amidst the fields burn and crumble as he was carted away clutching a couple stuffed animals with tears rolling down his cheeks.

Karo snapped out of it and realized he was approaching the coffee house, and that his cheeks were wet and cold. He wiped them off and entered the building. Shooting straight to the counter to ask for his usual Carmel macchiato, he barely noticed his favorite police vixen sitting at a table drinking a cup of joe and relaxing in her police hoodie on her day off. He did, however catch her gaze as he was grabbing his own drink.
He sat down at her table and she smiled at him with that smile she always had that made her look as if she were going to start giggling any minute. "Good morning Officer Zarita."

"Oh good grief Karo, how many times do I have to tell you not to call me that when I'm not on duty?" She said, pinning her black tipped ears against her crimson head fur. "We've been friends plenty long enough that you can call me Vixy like everyone else, unless I have that uniform on."

Vixy, that was her nickname. It was simple, it was cute, it fit her. Her full name is Valencia Zarita. All her friends called her "Vixy" though. She is Spanish. She was born an anthropomorphic vixen though, whereas Karo was an experiment in gene splicing and chemical enhancement, and a failed one at that. Vixy's mother and father were both anthropomorphic foxes. Vixy herself was typical coloration for a fox. She had beautiful and soft red orange fur over most of her form, a delicate and near spotless white fur on her lower muzzle and stopping between her legs, how Karo knows this is his business. Her hand and feet paws are mismatched in color; her right hand is black furred and her left is white, her feet are opposite of her hands so that her left is black and her right is white. Currently she has them stuck down in a pair of pink boots with a fuzzy lining, she may have her winter fur in but it's still pretty nippy out. On her legs currently were a pair of worn out blue jeans.

"Yeah I know I just like to mess with you." He smiled at her as she rolled her eyes and shook her head a bit.

"Any way, how are you Karo? You look a little distressed this morning." She asked with a slight worried expression.

"I do?" he was trying to act as if nothing was amiss, but she gave him the look then. That look that all females have. It varies slightly depending on the woman and the man whom she is looking at, but they all have it. It is the look the dives into your soul and you know you better fess up or something negative may happen. Karo sighed and told her about the dream and the thought processes it has brought back up.

"Ouch, hey why don't you stay at my place this weekend hun. We can try and cheer you up. I have been in need of a foot massage or two. I'm off duty all weekend and I could really use the company." She playfully nosed him on the cheek. They were real close friends, sometimes too close for their own good.
Karo blushed at the nosing. It wasn't a real cheek reddening blush but he felt real warm in the face and felt his smile that he couldn't break. "Yeah, well that might help." He said. Vixy always knew how to get to him, one of the disadvantages of being so close and open with each other. "I don't want to feel like you are doing out of pity or anything though."

"Please Karo, it's as much fun for you as it is me. Come on my bike is parked across the street, chug down the rest of your macchiato and let's go. We'll grab some pj's for you from your barracks room on the way." She was almost giggly about it all.

She was always giggly when feeling playful. Karo and her had shared many things in past years, including his quiet quant little fetishes that he wouldn't speak of to just anyone, save for certain social settings. His main one was feet, and or feet paws, and Vixy knew this quite well, not that Karo minded of course.
He did as she said and downed the rest of his macchiato as they walked across the street to her bike. Not being knowledgeable on motorcycle models, the only thing Karo really knew about the bike is that it is a Harley.
The ride to the base and then to her apartment was uneventful other than the fact that it was cold. The temperature was dropping off for some odd reason, and in the middle of October. It was dropping off more than usual at any rate. The cold only served to bring the memories back even more so.
He was taken to some sort of camp where they had several young ones from all over the globe held captive. Most of the rest of the children's families were gone too. Karo remembered that all the other children were extremely frightened where he remained optimistic, at first. Through time of about six years, his optimism faded and he lost touch with the hopeful little boy he had been. Then the goons and scientists started conducting tests and experiments on him and the rest of the children. For what seemed like years, that was only months, the treatments ensued. Pain beyond comprehension was all he felt as different enzymes were injected to review the results. To this day Karo still doesn't know how exactly he lived through them, especially since much of it was nuclear and radioactive substance testing as well as gene splicing. In fact he didn't remember much except the pain until the day he woke up a kangaroo hybrid.
Karo snapped out of it again, they had arrived at Vixy's apartment complex and her voice brought him back to reality.
"Hey hun, we're here. Are you okay, you were pretty quiet for the ride." She said and looked at him concernedly.
"Yeah I'm fine, just trying to get my thoughts sorted a little." He said, scratching his ears a bit.
"Come on you'll feel better when you see my new house slippers, they're real fuzzy and cute." She giggled again and trotted up the stairs to her second story apartment.

House slippers, she really did know him well. With his foot fetish, slippers seemed to draw him in the most, specifically the fuzzy kind and even better if they were printed. How he'd gotten this insane thing in his head, he'd never know.
"Yeah, heh, grr you are so mean to me, you're a tease you know that? Why'd I ever tell you about those things?" Karo said in a mock frustrated tone.

"Cause you luuuuve me that’s why, hee hee" She darted into her apartment, giggling.

Karo lugged his sea bag full of clothes up with him to her apartment and noticed that she was not alone. Geckina, a female lizard friend of theirs was lounging on the couch watching television. She had been in a similar boat as Karo and was subject to tortures and experimentation at a young age. Geckina is very gothic and very commanding, she has a hell of a dominance streak and Karo is very submissive, though he does have his boiling points where he'll be more dominant natured.

"Hello Geckina. How are you this morning?" Karo asked, and then looked at his watch instinctively to be sure it was still morning.

"Oh I'm alright there bungie butt. How bout you, ya look a little distracted." She was lying on the couch so that her tan colored, scaly feet were up on the wall and her head was upside down toward the floor. Her long black hair with pink highlights flowed to the pink carpet. Karo also noticed that she isn't wearing much, just a pair of black panties and a extra large t-shirt that said Sobe' it with a pair of yin yang designed lizards under it. She is a slave to that herbal beverage.

"Yeah, I am a little, had some nightmares last night that brought back some painful memories." He looked down to the floor for a moment then plopped on the couch next to the lizard.
She had breasts, some thought this unusual for a reptilian, a species outside the mammalian family. For what Karo knew about his own experience in gene splicing, the mammalian organs came naturally as a result of the tests being done on a human female body. Geckina is a warm-blooded, American female, anthropomorphic lizard, and she actually appeared to have some dinosaur DNA in her, but no one was certain of that since the files to those projects were said to have been destroyed. Her scales are mostly dark brown with an underbelly, tip and underside of her snout down to the base of her tail, tone of lighter brown or tan. She had bright blue stripes going down her back that actually glowed in the dark or under a black light, possibly a side effect of chemical experimentation, similar to Karo's bright green fur. Her eyes are that same blue. Her hands and feet were actually padded, if one could call it that, the soles of her toes, heels, and balls of her feet were calloused and actually marked by that same blue color, though the calluses were like an dogs paw pads, it was very strange.

"Aw, that sucks, but ya know I have those too." She said, and it was the truth, she had undergone the a similar experience, in fact Karo could vaguely remember still, crossing paths with her after the experience was over, when they were all rescued and sent to homes.

Vixy had disappeared into her bedroom and Karo could hear the shower going, and with Geckina mostly focused on the TV he started to go into another bit of memories that were sparked by Geckina's last comment. He remembered the day they were all rescued pretty well still. The military came in force and arctic camoflauge. The terrorists got jumpy and went to kill off the evidence. Karo watched as one of his best friends in there, a young boy who had been treated with Australian Sheppard DNA, his name was Mickey, was slain by one of the terrorists before Karo's eyes. It filled Karo with sadness, it traumatized him more than being stuck in that place all this time. Though he was still a bit shaky from so recently being mutated and not fully aware of himself yet, he felt some type of force well up in him. To this day he doesn't remember quite what happened, but suddenly he was on top of that guard who was on his back, and there were claw marks on the man's face, so much so that he was unrecognizable. A soldier had gotten in and picked Karo up off the man. He clung to the soldier, whimpering a bit. After four years of being in that place, eating food that was barely edible, being taught about life and beliefs in untraditional fashion, and being toyed with genetically, they were all saved. Each of the kids were sent to good homes, or orphanages.

Again Karo was snapped out of his trance, this time by Geckina, she had just snapped a fly out of the air.
"Uhg! Do you have to do that?" Karo said after realizing what the slight snapping sound was.
the artist does not make the character, but rather the character makes the artist. and hey! watch were yer steppin
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Posted 11/9/2006 4:26 AM
Supreme Being
Supreme Being

Group: Forum Members
Active: 3/5/2007
Posts: 69

            "Sorry, it's a lizard thing. I can't help it." She said and tried to look innocent and sweet, then tapped Karo's nose with her toe.


            "You're evil." He told her, feeling the slight bulge in his pants, along with the familiar tingling that noted she had gotten to him.


            Geckina Giggled "I know, but that’s why you love me, and Vixy for that matter." She then displayed her uncanny tongue abilities and slurped Karo on the cheek.


            He felt the blush again, and more of the tingling down below.  It was then that he noticed the shower had stopped and Vixy's door opened.  Karo could hear her slipper clad foot paws padding down the hallway with the soft scuffing of the soles against the carpet.

She came around the corner into the living area and she had on a fuzzy leopard print robe with the house slippers to match, it was also apparent that she had nothing else on, since she had not tied the robe closed.

            Geckina whistled a little, then darted off back the hall, she came back with only a pair of fuzzy pink flip flops on and was grinning from ear hole to ear hole.


            Karo was feeling very warm now.  Why slippers got him going, he did not know, neither did he know why feet had that effect in the first place.  Then of course there was the fact that two mostly naked females were standing in front of him. 

            Karo squirmed in his seat; he was uncomfortable at the crotch. "Uh, nice Vixy, and erm, Geckina." 


            "What's the matter bungie butt, feelin a little tight?" Geckina said with a mischievous green, showing her small but sharp teeth lining her snout.


            Vixy then chimed in as she sauntered over and knelt down on the couch, then moved to a sitting position with her legs partially crossed.  "Aw, leave the roo alone, he's had a rough day."  She lapped his lips, as they were.


            Karo was becoming considerably aroused. His attention was devoted to the two semi naked females in front of him.  Even with this insurmountable distraction, Karo's tireless mind still found a way to reflect, even against his will. 


            Growing up as a Kangaroo hybrid had been an interesting experience.  He remembered his Kangaroo parents, the ones that took him in after his whole experience.  Even though his teeth and digestive system was created for Omnivorous feeding habits, they didn't mind.  In fact, they bought special meals and food products for him.  Mr. and Mrs. Hardskale, or mom and dad for him had taught Karo everything he knew, and had helped him grow to be attracted to females of nearly any species, though they stressed that he should get with a nice young flyer.  He hadn't met any flyers though, or at least not any that were attracted to him, or even bearing similar interests.  Of course Karo had developed his own tastes despite his parent's thoughts on the subject.  Still being so open to so many species of female, and having as many kinks and fetishes as he had, made life interesting.


            Before he knew it, Karo was on his back with a vixen bouncing on his crotch and a lizard woman with her feet in his face while she assisted with his groin by using her tounge.  He found his fingers on the left hand were quite warm and busy between Geckina's legs as well, on top of being wet and dripping.  His mechanical right set of fingers, with their gleaming silver joints, seemed busy as well, massaging one of the tan, blue soled feet of the lizard that was lying on him with her rear and feet toward him and tail twitching wildly in the air.  From what he could see of vixy, she had lost the robe and was happily bobbing up and down on his stick of persuasion while Geckina licked around it and the soft flesh of vixen cunt and roo dong.  He couldn't see that she was licking these, but he could feel it, and could only assume that she was lapping at both.  Vixy was moaning quite loudly.  To his own astonishment, so was Karo, usually he was rather quiet during sexual interactions. 

            Karo rubbed faster with his right hand on Geckina's foot and was more violent with his left in her puss.   For a Lizard it was strange, but for an anthro lizard perhaps not so much, but Geckina had hair on her puss, hair that matched in color to the hair on her head.  This drove Karo insane, it was so kinky and exotic to him, but then a lot of things were since being raised by conservative and set in their ways people.


            The truth was that Karo really did not feel right all the time when he indulged in these sexual activities.  Before he had been taken by the terrorists, he went to Sunday school at church and learned about Christian teachings.  After the whole ordeal, Karo lucked out and his Kangaroo foster parents as they were, happened to partake in the same religion and encouraged him to go to church to continue his teachings that somehow stayed with him through all his tortured young life.  Since being on his own, those teachings had fallen by the wayside and his bible usually kept it's place on a shelf.   Moments like these seemed to remind him that there was something missing in his life, something was wrong. 


            There was a surge of tension in Karo's groin, Vixy actually howled, which is unusual for a fox, and Geckina was having giggle fits.  A triple orgasm had taken place, even with Karo's mind divided.  He was now lying on his back, panting hard and covered in three different liquids.  One would think that this would be enough to keep His mind quiet for a while, but it only served to make him feel emptier.

the artist does not make the character, but rather the character makes the artist. and hey! watch were yer steppin
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Posted 11/30/2006 6:00 AM
Supreme Being
Supreme Being

Group: Forum Members
Active: 3/5/2007
Posts: 69

            After that spout of fun, Karo promptly passed out, this kind of thing always took it out of him.  When he woke back up it was dark outside and the clock said somewhere around midnight.  He decided to go ahead and sneak out, they knew he would, he always did.   Karo grabbed his things and put his clothes back on.  His sea bag, a big army green duffle bag that buckles at the top in the fashion of three rings clasping onto one hair pinned wire and then clipped by the shoulder strap, newer versions of this have two shoulder straps and the clip is separate, was only half full since he hadn't brought a whole lot of clothes.  He slung it over his right shoulder and kept it hoisted with his metal hand as he quietly slipped out the door and into the cold night air.  

            Karo was used to walking, in fact he enjoyed it.  He like the solitude of it, not like a bus or the metro subway system where there were always people.  Perhaps it was just being alone most of his young life, but Karo did not like people, especially in big groups.  He tended to get edgy and irritable in big crowds, this is one reason he avoids theme parks.  As he made his way down the street, it started snowing.  To no one in particular he grumbled "Damn snow, go to hell."

            After walking for a good hour, and being about two blocks from the base, Karo sat down on a bench that was set back from the road a ways.  The emotional pain was getting to him something fierce at the moment and he had to sit down and really think on it.   The tears were falling again, he could not hold them back, things that seemed so simple and every day to some, only served to cause Karo pain.   When he would talk about his experiences with others they would say that stuff like that happens all the time, or that they had been there and knew what he was talking about.  The truth was that no one knew, no one could know, because they were not him.   

            As he sat there, Karo really examined himself, physically, mentally and spiritually.  Physically he was currently focusing on his hands and arms since they were the most diverse about his physical appearance.  On his left was the normal black furred, moderately muscled limb with short furred neon green fingers and thumb.  Only his digits were so colored and contrasted sharply against the black fur.  Running his awkward right hand over the soft thick fur of his left.  This brought his attention over to the right, the gleaming silver mechanical limb.  It was not as inviting as his left, in fact in some lights it was down right creepy.  The joints on his fingers were spherical in shape the fingers themselves were smooth and cyndrilacle.   The main portions of the arm were cyndrilacle as well, and tapering down at the joints for a smooth look, and nothing but more gleaming silvery metal. They were shielded by some type of plastic that seemed to repel the effects of magnets.  His elbow was spherical in shape like his finger joints and his shoulder stayed a typical ball and socket.  The plastic substance that covered and shielded his arm also shielded his shoulder structuring where the mechanics met the flesh.  He really wasn't looking at much more than his hand, since his jacket covered the arm itself, but he knew what was there. 


            Karo was abruptly shaken out of his trance by some odd noises coming from around the corner.   He put his back against the building that the bench he was sitting on sat in front of.  Slowly he edged closer to the corner, dropping his sea bag lightly on the ground.  He slid up to the very edge of the wall and turned his head around it slightly to view whatever the sounds were.  It was an allyway, and there was a male horse person standing over a young joey who looked frightened beyond measure.  

            He could hear the child whimpering as the equine moved closer to him.  Karo could not abide this; it was obvious from the fact that the horse's pants were undone what was going to happen if no one intervened.  He came around the corner and promptly slugged the horse on the side of his long face with his right arm and fist.  There was a cracking sound that said the horse's jaw was broken from the blow.   This did not phase him, he was obviously drunk and immediately turned, with blood dribbling out of his mouth and reached to grab Karo.  Being a kangaroo does have its advantages; Karo thought as he put his weight on his tail, gained a bit of balance, and then launched his feet forward into the bigger and thicker equine, this threw the creature into the wall.  The horse just lay there then, breathing, but not moving. Karo turned to the joey that looked confused and scared with his ears back and a wet spot on his jeans.  He felt compassion for the little guy. 

            "Hey are you alright bud?" He asked softly.

            The little one nodded slightly, but also shook his head.

            "I'm not going to hurt you little guy. I'm going to call the police and tell them about this. Do you have a home? A Mommy or a Daddy." Karo asked him.

            The little one nodded.

            Karo pulled out his cell phone and dialed 911 as he knelt down to the little ones level so the joey knew Karo wasn't going to hurt him.  The officer on the other end of the line told them to wait right where they are and a unit would be there shortly.  Karo just hoped they didn't wake Vixy up.

            He turned to the little joey again, the child could not have been much over four or five. He was wearing a Spiderman hoodie and a little jean jacket, and a pair of jeans on his legs, his feet were not covered and looked too big for his body, his ears looked a bit big too, but then children at that age often look disproportioned until their body catches up.

            "How old are you buddy?" Karo asked with a light smile

            The joey held up four fingers and spoke timidly "fouw."

            "Do you have a name?" He asked the little one

            He nodded "Toby"

            Karo smiled and held out a hand paw to shake "I'm Karo"

            Toby timidly put his little hand forward and shook then moved up and hugged him around the neck, possibly out of shock and realization of what had happened.  Karo hugged the little one back and they stayed that way until the police pulled up.  There was an adult flyer with them and she ran for Toby. 

            "Are you okay hunny? Oh my goodness who's that? Did he hurt you?" the woman asked rapidly. 

            She was obviously Toby's Mother and Karo handed him to her without hesitation when he reached for her.  She had asked about the bloodied horse over by the wall who was now regaining consciousness as the police cuffed him.  The cops knew Karo because of his relations with Vixy and for reasons that he was currently being protected by them as well as the military.  After he explained what happened, the police took the equine into custody without question to Karo's word.

            Toby's mother had been looking Karo up and down, he had caught her out of the corner of his eye.  She made her way to him after the police were done with him and had moved on to Toby to see what information he could confirm. She apparently trusted the police with her child while she spoke with Karo.

            "Hey, I just want to say thank you, I don't want to think of what could have happened to Toby had that monster gotten through with him." She said, looking generally concerned and worried for her son.

            "How'd he get away from you?" Karo asked, he wanted to be sure she wasn't a deadbeat, though she didn't seem like it thus far.

            "One minute he was in the backyard playing, and in the next he was gone." She said looking down at the ground to hide her tears a little, though her face was already soaked already.

            Karo put a hand on her shoulder.  "It's okay miss, sometimes we have no control over these things, the point is that he is safe now and all are wiser from the experience."

            She rushed the Hand and hugged him around the chest, burying her muzzle in his abnormally thick chest fur and sobbing. The shock had obviously started to take hold on her and the realization of what could have happened.  She was pulled away by the police, they had the information they needed, but she came back over to Karo before she left to go back home.


            "I'm sorry about earlier, this whole situation has me a little emotional.  You know, I have a sister and she could use a good boomer like you.  Here's her number, I'll tell her about you if you're interested. My name is Beyonica by the way Beyonica Wulf, Thank you so much again you are a hero. " She said. "Oh!, here I have a picture of my sister in my pouch here." She pulled out a Picture of a lovely red flyer.  Before Karo could say anything else, she was gone. 

            The police brought Karo back to the base since he had such good relations with the cops in the area thanks to Vixy.  He went straight up to his room and went to bed after his eventful day and night.


            Light broke through the curtains to Karo's room, morning had fallen. He pulled the covers tight over his head to block out the sunlight; he didn't want to get up yet.  However, his computer wanted otherwise.  It automatically turned itself on with an urgent e-mail message and an annoying buzzing that was impossible to fall asleep under.  Karo was wanted for his surgery in the O.R.  A surgery he'd been waiting on desperately.

They were actually going to give him a new arm using his mechanical one as a skeleton for it.  A breakthrough in science had been made that would allow them to create a type of realistic flesh and fur over the metal that would function and look like a real arm.  Through the fogginess of just waking up this information took a minute or so to set in, but when it did suddenly energy surged through Karo.

            He went through a quick shower and dried his fur roughly and almost half-assed. The outfit he wore was actually already waiting on the floor; a pair of baggy black TRIPP pants from hot topic, a black Punisher wife beater, a batman zip up hoodie, and his long brown oil cloth duster.

the artist does not make the character, but rather the character makes the artist. and hey! watch were yer steppin
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Posted 1/22/2007 6:35 AM
Supreme Being
Supreme Being

Group: Forum Members
Active: 3/5/2007
Posts: 69

A fashionable dresser was one thing Karo wasn't and never planned to be.  With his clothes adorned and his fur smelling nice, he darted out the door, being sure to remember his keys.

            The Hospital wasn't far at all, just a short walk across the base and most of it was indoors, though for the stretch that wasn't, one is happy to have a coat.  Karo raced across to the hospital as the wind and cold cut through his fur like it was nothing.  The snow from last night had blanketed the area as well so his foot paws were freezing and wet by the time he got to the entrance.

            Upon entering Karo noticed the hospital was unusually vacant, even for a Sunday.  No workaholic doctors were scurrying about.  Although pondering why this was, he shrugged and continued to his appointment.  The walk was short, but as fast as his mind worked, Karo had time to ask himself a few questions; why's it so desolate? Why would they make my appointment on a Sunday? Am I just nervous?   No question had an answer, and this made his apprehension all the more vicious. 

            He had reached the Operating room; there was no wait for he was the only patient today.  A young female nurse, human, led him to the table.  The doctor was already there, he was some sort of lizard with a pair of horns coming off his head, one would call him a dragon and be accurate for the spaded tail that was also present. 


            "Alright Her- er Mister Hardskale, we are doing a bio-reconstruction on your right arm today correct?" the draconic Doctor asked in a gruff German accent.


            "Uh, yeah you're rebuilding it off of the mechanical skeleton it is presently, or so I was informed.  I don't know how this is accomplished though." Karo said, very timidly and eve slightly frightened, this doctor was giving off an evil vibe.


            "Well well my dear boy, or Joey as the case may be. We are using this revolutionary new devise that actually breaks down the minerals in the metal of that contraption on your right and reconfigures the molecules into real, flesh and bone.  It is rather painful I am told though, so I am going to administer a slight sedative, nothing to knock you out, but it will numb the pain."


            Karo was slightly befuddled by the docs wording on things, but shrugged and nodded.  He'd always been passive and agreeable on the first take of things whether he understood or not.  It was after the fact that he would think about things and go into panic mode, or kill mode, whichever was needed.

            The Doctor put the needle to Karo's left arm to start the process of sedation. Despite he had been told it wasn't going to knock him out, he felt a little tired, and couldn't focus his eyes or thoughts.  He thought he saw a swastika tattooed on the doc's scaly forearm.   The vision passed, but came back several times until it became a flag and he could hear soldiers marching.  Something wasn't right, in fact something was wrong, Karo knew something was wrong and he started trying to wake himself.  Suddenly it felt as though icy hands were pulling him into a void of pure death destruction and despair.  Memories, painful memories began flooding through, they didn't depress him though, but instead, simmered and fueled his anger as did the Nazi flag flying in front of his vision.      The flag began to tear and burn as Karo's vision cleared and focused on the doctor's arm.  There was a swastika.  He saw it quite clearly as the arm was right in front of his eyes.  The good doctor was preparing to poke a syringe into his right arm, a right arm that was physically there.  Karo flexed and the doctor jumped back in shock.


            "Why'd you jump back?" Karo asked in mild surprise himself.


            "Ach, you scared me is all."  The doctor replied, but looked a little nervous as he was glancing around a bit.


            "What's in the syringe?" Karo asked as he moved and flexed his new arm and it's fingers to be sure everything worked and appeared okay.


            "It is an antivirus to fight any infections that may manifest within your newly reacquired limb"


            Karo noted the hesitation in this physician's voice. "What's your name sir? Dr….?"


            "My name? Oh yes it's Jolter, Dr. Calvin Jolter"


            Jolter looked very pale suddenly, and itchy, as if Karo was keeping him from something gravely important.  "Is there a problem Doctor? Aren't you going to give me that antivirus?"  Karo was sitting up now, he had been for the past few minutes and he was sure to fix his vision directly on Jolter.


            Dr. Jolter stepped forward, not bending his legs. The man was walking in much the fashion that the Third Reich soldiers had so many years ago.  He glanced at the floor and then back to Karo several times in the short strut back to the table.  Karo found the doctor amusing now and decided to play.  He smacked him in the face for apparently no reason.  While Jolter's attention was drawn to this and about to say something, Karo grabbed the syringe out of the dragon's hand and jammed it into said dragon's arm.


            "You fool! Stupid marsupial, you won't get away with zis our organization will eradicate you!"  Jolter said in a fit of sudden rage as the area around the syringe began bubbling.


Karo lunged forward and gripped the doctor's labcoat, then pushed him up against the wall. His arm felt no different than before for some reason, it was obviously now flesh and bone, but it felt normal. "Who is your organization and why would they want to eradicate me? TALK!"


Jolter spit, and Karo clawed him across the face, the scales were surprisingly weak. 

            "The NNRO, Neo Nazi Reclamation Organization. They are the ones who made you, foolish creature.  You didn't die when you were supposed to." The dragon was going limp and looking a bit distant.


            "What?  What do you mean?" Karo shook Calvin, but the dragon was completely gone now, no heart rate in the slightest.

            Looking over the body and thinking quickly on what was happening, Karo found himself slightly anxious.  He was sweating; he could feel the dampness in his fur as he ran a hand-paw through his head-fur and between his ears.  "Nazi's? in todays age? I thought they were just a bunch of crazy fundamentalists."


            His ears then caught sounds coming from a nearby closet door and went over to open it.  When he did, he found an anthropomorphic brown wolf, totally brown furred save for some grayish fur between his ears.  A pair of rectangular gold rimmed spectacles adorned his muzzle, as wells as a rope tied around it to keep him quiet.  He was in a pair of khaki uniform trousers and black shoes, typical of an American Naval Officer.  His shirt was missing, all he had on his torso was a wife beater. 

            Karo undid the canine's muzzle obstruction. Only to be berated by a stream of unintelligible gripes, grumbles, and curses.   "uh… your welcome?"


            The Candid looked at the dead dragon with the lab coat and swastika tattooed arm, then back to Karo, then repeated this motion a few more times while muttering and moving his fingers as if he were counting or figuring.   "My Dear boy! Did you do this?"

He asked in somewhat of an English accent.


            "As a matter of fact yes. He tried to kill me, after giving me a new arm, if that makes any sense at all. And who might you be mister wolf?"  Although he lived on a military base and worked around the base sometimes, Karo was not employed by the government, but rather protected by them given his past troubles, as a result though, he rarely used such courtesies as sir and ma'am even if he knew he was speaking to an officer.


            "Dr. Furfeld, and don't you dare snicker at my name or I'll have your throat lad.  Oh my  you're him aren't you, Karo, Project Karo?"


"Yes I am, I—"


Karo was cut off "Excellent! I have been wanting to study you ever since arriving at this duty station. This gentleman you have slain is obviously one of the blighters that made you, or assisted in the project.  Nasty buggers, we knew they had spies about, we just couldn't uncover them, this one came to us as an intern last year.  He was a core man for the German Army, or so he said originally. With all the camaraderie between international services these days no one thought anything of it.

            Anyway child, step over here, I must have a look at you. Some say you are dangerous, That your blood is nuclear, and alien in make up.  My god you are a magnificent specimen."  The wolf circled Karo repeatedly, poking and prodding at his arms, tail, and jaw, anything he could poke without being questioned for perversion.


            "Specimen? I thought you were a doctor, not a physicist. " Karo didn't have to look down or up, the doctor was nearly his own height.


            "Well, my magnificent marsupial, I happen to have a doctorate in both, thank goodness for my own experiments in gene tampering or I'd be dead long ago and wouldn't have gotten both those degrees.  Your particular story has intrigued me, you were created during a time when gene experiments were an abomination still.  Now people see them so much differently. I'd like you to accompany me to my lab, we will take this poor dead fellow as well, I'm sure we can dispose of him in my incinerator. 

            I know I am moving quite fast dear boy but you must understand, I have been watching you for sometime and so have others, some not necessarily for good intentions."


            "Are you saying that someone is out to get me? And how do you know if there is? And I don't even know you, why would I come with you?" Karo was utterly confused and bewildered.  This guy could be one of them, whoever them was.


            "Dear god boy, are you really so dense?  That buffoon tied me up and tried to kill you, how you picked up on it and turned it around on him I'll never know, but seriously now? I haven't tried to hurt you either.  Now be a good lad and pick that poor dead fellow up and let's be off. His friends will probably be here any second."


            Karo hesitated for a moment or two, but then complied and picked up the reptilian.  Harold led him to a green Chevy Blazer, shiny metallic green of a light pine color.  The vehicle was a ZR2 model.   After placing the dead weight in the back, the two of them squealed off the base and into the Appalachian Mountains. Karo actually fell asleep for the duration of the trip and had no clue where this crazy wolf was going until he woke up at a rest stop to find the canine putting embalming fluid into the departed dragon to keep him from decaying until they got to their destination.


            Karo looked around a bit after nearly retching at what the doc was doing. "So uh Harold" Karo started as he looked anywhere but at the wolf. "Where are we? And where exactly are we going?"


Harold's ears perked, he turned his head, pushed his spectacles into position on his muzzle. "To my lab, in the mountains, high in the mountains.  A place where we…er I am rarely disturbed."


Karo caught that we part and simply shifted his weight and crossed his arms, and stared at the doctor.


            "Right well, um, you see, as I said I have been watching you for some time and with that I had helpers, helpers that unfortunately got rather close to you and have done naughty things with you in fact and then I have a whole regiment at my disposal and…or damn, I've said entirely too much, get in the bloody vehicle and let's go." Harold said, obviously trying to detour Karo and failing to do so.


            Karo picked the wolf up by his labcoat and threw him up against the vehicle, hard enough to show he was serious but not break anything.  "oh no, you are going to explain things  to me now, I don't trust you and I can easily kill you with one bite, I ain't like normal roos pal."


            Harold groaned from being slammed, but then began to spill the beans in logical, sensible paragraphs and order.  "Your friends, Vixy and Geckina, they are lab assistants of mine, they have been helping me watch you and keep you safe so to speak.  Yes Vixy is a police officer, that is her profession and it just happens to fit and help you more.  You have no idea how capable you are of taking down the cultish group currently on the verge of taking this world and twisting it to their own ends.  They created you, project 777, but when they saw what the experiments did to you and what you were to become, they scraped the project and killed anyone involved, but they missed you because you were not where you were suppose to be.  The American military had already gotten to you.  The NNRO operatives assigned to destroy you and your project, failed to get to you in time."


Karo relaxed a bit and let the canine down. "What do you mean?  What am I that these guys are so scared of?  And why are you so eager to protect me?  I was on a military base."


Ha, since when can the military protect themselves let alone a freak of nature, the military just follows orders mindlessly, whatever their superior tells them to do.  Besides, that dragon fellow obviously got in and past everyone.  If you hadn't picked up on his sinister aura, you would be dead.  Do you never wonder about that little sense that you have there, the one that tells you someone is no good?  What does it really say about me eh?  Stop listening to your brain boy, listen to your chemically enhanced heart.  I want to help you, because I can, and I want to see the bastards that made you get what's coming to them and I want to see you give it to them.  Stick it to the one who created you and wanted to use you for evil, the ones that took you from your home."


            Karo thought about this, the wolf before him stood on two legs and certainly wasn't wearing sheep's wool.  The man was honest; he admitted he'd been spying on this poor roo for sometime.  "Alright, I trust you, home James." Karo said as he climbed back into the vehicle.

the artist does not make the character, but rather the character makes the artist. and hey! watch were yer steppin
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