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Raptors and Riflemen
Posted 2/25/2007 4:30 PM

Supreme Being
Supreme Being

Group: Forum Members
Active: 6/16/2007
Posts: 381
Here's something I've been trying to type one-handed at night for a while now. Basically, lots of raptors kill lots of humans, then take one back and get him to lick their feet. The setting is irrelevant and this: a dozen or so 18th century riflemen/soldier-type people have set up a barricade inside a small stone room, amongst the ruins of an ancient Mayan temple in an extremely picturesque jungle.

Disclaimers are for girls.

With a harsh crack the wooden beam shattered and the door burst open to the sounds of excited reptilian hissing. Laurence called, "Fire!" but the answering hail of bullets did little to slow the six deinonychus that burst through the narrow stone doorway to confront the cornered soldiers. Through the swirling rifle smoke, the sleek scaled forms of the large reptiles bobbed and ducked, moving fluidly and very fast.

One or two of the more skilled riflemen were able to get off a second shot before the creatures were upon them: hissing, screeching whirlwinds of teeth and claws. Laurence had barely time enough to throw himself to the ground as a green and brown-striped form leapt at him, swinging its powerful hind limbs forward to meet his unprotected body. The creature sailed over the top of him with a rush of air and both its clawed feet slammed into the head of the man behind him with a sickening crack. Laurence whirled around to see the midshipman, Dunne, going down under the raptor, his face crushed beneath its big talons as the heavy creature landed upon him.

Laurence whipped up his pistol and fired at the animal just as it leapt off Dunne's broken head at him. The bullet found its mark and Laurence was able to drop and roll out of the way before the big reptile could bowl him over. It's clawed talons again missed him by inches, and Laurence heard them click and scratch on the stone floor as it landed behind him, still very much alive.

More gunshots rang out and Laurence saw Calloway stumble backwards, his throat in the jaws of one of the advancing reptiles. The man cried out and flailed his arms in distress, but the creature broke his neck with a quick shake of its own, and let him slump limply to the floor. It layed a clawed foot across his unmoving body and and sprang forth from him, pouncing immediately for another victim.

"Fire at will!" Laurence called to his crew before realising with horror that a good many of them had already been killed, the six raptors already having decimated their line. Portis was frantically fumbling to attach a bayonet to his spent rifle, and Evans lay motionless on the floor, his back torn open.

Laurence was abruptly forced to fend off a sudden snarling lunge from the raptor that had killed Dunne. The animal seemed wholly unconcerned by the gunshot wound to its breast, and was able to dodge the butt of his pistol with lightning dexterity as he swung at it. It coiled for another attack, and in the instant that he caught its yellow-eyed gaze, the animalistic malice of the creature seemed tempered by a glimmer of calm intelligence. With a chill, Laurence dropped his empty pistol and drew his sword, resisting the urge to turn as a behind him, someone else gave a deathly scream.

At the sight of the gleaming sword, Laurence's scaly attacker recoiled a little, staying in a low crouch and moving its slender head left and right as though to hypnotise him. He kept his steady sword hand trained on it, vowing to destroy at least this one creature before any more of his men were killed. Behind the raptor he could see Portis limping painfully on his hands and knees, trying to get away while one of the infernal creatures simply walked alongside him. The animal let him crawl a little way, then with a savage flash of its clawed foot, it slashed under his belly and gutted the man. Portis slumped to the floor amongst his spilled intestines and the raptor hopped on top of him to crouch possessively while he heaved his last shuddering breaths under its evil talons.

Rage filling him, Laurence lunged, swinging savagely at his opponent, but the nimble reptile ducked easily below the blade and hissed at him, lashing its tail. It eyed him without any sign of fear, and made Laurence wonder if the savage creatures even saw him and his men as any kind of threat - they were apparently proving not even to be dangerous prey.

The raptor seemed to confirm this as it lunged half-heartedly, pulling back to dodge Laurence's retaliatory swing. It growled a little and lunged again, openly playful. Laurence felt his emotion beginning to get the better of him as he swung and stabbed with increasing rashness, each time missing the nimble animal, which continued to retreat without concern.

Granby, he now saw, was similarly keeping one of the raptors at sword's length, and Laurence began to edge his way towards his first mate with the hope that together they might hold the animals at bay long enough to find some escape for what remained of the crew. The Lieutenant's sword swung out, punishing his raptor's half-hearted retreat with a long gash down its lean front limb, but as Laurence called to him, the man was brought down by two further animals pouncing from his either side. He was hurled bodily to the ground and buried beneath the two deinonychus, which proceeded to trample and tear him apart while the wounded raptor bobbed forward and kept him pinned down, a clawed foot on the side of his screaming head while it licked its bloody forelimb.

Laurence turned away as the cries of his first mate gave out, leaving only triumphant snarls and the occasional slick whipping sound of claws through flesh. The raptor he had shot was continuing to evade his swinging blade, despite the furious bubbling rage that gave strength to his strokes. Abruptly the sword jerked to a halt in mid swing, caught on the animal's foreclaws; but while Laurence tried to heave it free, the big reptile only thrust itself fearlessly forwards, pushing him back and leaping upon him as he stumbled.

In an instant Laurence was on his back on the blood slickened floor, the raptor on top of him. A moment of pained surprise, and then he struggled for his life, trying to get away, trying to lift his sword, trying to heave the heavy reptile off him. His sword arm was beneath the scaled feet that pinned him, held firm to his belly under the weight of the big animal that now crouched menacingly upon him, poised to strike. Primal fear took him and Laurence cried out, foreseeing nothing but death. He swung with his other arm, but could deliver only a glancing blow to the scaled hide before a sudden shock of pressure crushed down upon him, curling him with the force and cracking several of his ribs: the big reptile fully jumped off of him and leapt for another victim, leaving Laurence hunching in upon himself, badly winded and agonised.

The sword dropped from his contorted, straining hand and he rolled onto his side, curling up and gasping breath back into his empty lungs. He tried to gently feel at his lower ribs, but sharp pain stopped him; something was definitely broken and his abdominal muscles felt torn. He let his head rest on the ground, breathing heavily and feeling a slick moisture spread under his cheek; it warmed the stone against his bare flesh and Laurence wondered if the blood was his own or some other poor soul's. He caught sight of one bloodied mess of a man staggering through the smoke to the broken doorway, only to be pounced down from behind, his scaled captor triumphantly posing upon him and slowly dragging its vicious sickle claws through the man's back until he lay still, blood gurgling from his mouth.

At that moment Laurence heard the impact of heavy footsteps behind his head, claws clicking on stone. He was gripped around the skull and felt hot teeth piercing into his flesh, a trickle of warm saliva running down his forehead. He couldn't even bring himself to struggle, so numb was he with the shock of the swift and utter defeat. The noises of battle had all died down, leaving only the quiet growls of the victorious reptiles and the slow crunching of bones. Sickened, Laurence felt himself being lifted by the head, and he grimly tensed himself for the savage shake that he knew would snap his neck.

But no such shake was forthcoming. Instead of death, Laurence was greeted with a sharp pain in his temples and a burning cramp in his belly as he was dragged across the stone floor. Regaining his senses, he shouted out and grabbed blindly at the head of the reptile, ignoring the horrible pain in his belly with grim determination. The creature that held him gave a grunt of annoyance and for an instant, Laurence beheld out of the corner of his eye the tip of a whipping tail, then a heavy blow to the back of the neck stilled him and he slumped limply in the jaws of the animal.

The next memories were a delirious blur of sensation - inhuman noises, flashes of pain, the sensation of moving.

When he awoke it was with dim and groggy awareness. The taste of blood was in his mouth, a stark and horrible reminder of the battle. Laurence almost wept. Gradually he became aware of his surroundings: bright light, a hardness under him, a warmth surrounding him. He was lying on stone ground, hunched with his knees close to his chest. His stomach muscles burned and a strange smell invaded his nostrils. He opened his eyes and the world came dimly into focus, making him convulse in shock.

The sprawled, relaxed forms of several of the deinonychus lay spread around him, lazy and peaceful in their socialising, each of the animals no more than three paces from him. Laurence tried to leap away, but found himself restricted by another large scaly body that lay curled partially around his hunched form, forelimbs and chest sprawled heavily on top of his side while its scaled flank fit around the curve of his back.

Panic taking him, Laurence tried to scrabble free from the creature, which immediately shuffled itself further onto him, curling a large clawed talon over the side of his hips and holding him firm under the weight of its powerful body. The noise drew the attentions of several of the closer reptiles, each turning to stare in his direction, suddenly bright-eyed and malicious. Laurence slapped a hand to his side, but found his sword gone and only met the hard scales of the raptor's foot. It snorted down at him and he recoiled, trembling with a fear that was wholly foreign to him: against any human opponent he would have boldly stared into the face of death, but these savage, intelligent animals chilled him to the bone; they were alien to him and utterly unpredictable.

In his helpless position, Laurence quickly surveyed his surroundings. All six of the raptors were close by, and between them the creatures seemed to have no injuries graver than scratches and the odd charred pockmark of a rifle bullet, scales barely even broken. Laurence felt for his own wounds: he was stiff and sore all over and his broken ribs ached painfully, but he did not suffer from anything obviously life-threatening. His jacket, he saw, was ripped and torn with multiple slashes and his bare arms were gouged here and there - deeply in places; but wherever his flesh bore a wound, the area was clean and the surrounding body hair slicked flat against him.

Before Laurence could give this any further thought, one of the closer reptiles bobbed up and started over towards him, its yellow eyes sharp with intent. Laurence struggled, but a firm increase in pressure and a warning growl from above stilled him. He eyed the big reptile as it came to tower over him; it went slowly down into a crouch and lay on its side, surprising Laurence and making him feel horribly exposed before it. The clawed feet that had killed so many of his crew lay casually before him, curled slightly in grim relaxation. He pushed back from the creature, but only into the scales of the equally deadly animal behind him.

As though enjoying this predicament, the lying raptor insolently stretched itself out a little, facing Laurence and gazing with steady indifference at him while it lay there, totally at ease. It was strange that he should see so human a thing as arrogance in the animal, but through its casual manner and slow, deliberate movements, it portrayed nothing less. After some half a minute of content posturing, the reptile stretched one of its powerful hind limbs and slid a large, black-soled talon up before Laurence's eyes; he started and brought both hands up to shield his head and throat, recalling how easily those terrible claws had torn into the bodies of his comrades.

Instantly his forearms were gripped by the knurled, slender front claws of the deinonychus that was pinning him, and in a moment of startled struggling, he found his arms pulled back down and held to his chest, one of the animal's clawed hands curled tightly around both of his wrists - it was shockingly strong. He tried to kick out at the creatures, but only received a stab of pain in his sore belly and found that the same raptor had curled its thick tail around his legs, holding them fast. Laurence bellowed out for help, the desperation in his voice humiliatingly plain to hear, but only for the brief instant before the lying raptor pushed its big talon to his face and snuffed out his cry.

Laurence writhed in panic, plunged into darkness under the animal's cool foot pads. His head was pushed back against the breast of the reptile behind him and his movement totally quenched. He screwed up his features, fully expecting to feel the great sickle claw digging into him and rending the flesh from his bones with the same horrific savagery that the other men had experienced. But no claws pierced him; Laurence just felt the firm, underside of the big talon pushing to his starkly softer, warmer flesh; it stretched from the base of his nose, where the long clawed toes began, to the top of his forehead, around which he could feel the sturdy digits curling. His mouth was pressed against the broad ball of the scaled foot and his nose slipped between two of the toes. The big talon just rested there - posing, Laurence realised with shocked disgust. He struggled desperately, but was easily constricted into submission; the raptors now growling to each other while they held him, their tones far less threatening than he had heard before.

Abruptly the clawed foot pulled from Laurence, who released his breath with a sharp exhale, his face red with exertion. The big claws did not stray far however, and merely slid to a halt some twelve inches from his head, curling a little. He lifted his stunned gaze to the raptor's muzzle and gaped wordlessly at it. The infernal creature returned his stare with a calm, yellow-eyed gaze and after a pause it simply extended its hind leg again, splaying its clawed toes out, and Laurence had barely a moment of recoiling alarm before his face was covered once more. This time the creature held him with mocking gentleness, the pressure just enough to keep his head still; and with soft growl, it slowly began to rub.

Everything at once became very intense for Laurence as the big scaled foot begin dragging steadily back and forth against him. With no light for him to see by, his other senses heightened - none more starkly than his touch. Knowledge of the unseen sickle claw so close to his face created a hypersensitivity in his flesh that conveyed to him every vile detail of the reptile's coarse sole. As it slid back and forth, his flesh was rubbed to stinging rawness, stretching and folding under the firm, slow movements of the hefty talon.

Laurence's screams came out muted and muffled, ridiculous even to his own ears, and as the breath left his burning lungs he sprawled and writhed in desperation while the big talon continued its painful caress; eventually he was forced to draw shuddering breath between the clawed toes. He cried out again, disgusted, but his spent energy bought him no reprise from the torture. Above the coarse, loud sliding sound of the sole against his flesh he heard soft growls of approval, and the big animal just kept its clawed foot pressed to his face, rubbing him slowly and deliberately while he was forced to lie there and endure it, degraded and utterly helpless.

When it finally released him, Laurence exhaled the full capacity of his lungs and gulped down fresh air, before prising open his eyes so he could glower into those of the raptor, quivering with shock and fury. The creature had pulled its hind limb back and its yellow eyes were roaming over his face, examining the stinging, rubbed-red flesh. Laurence stared stoically back at it and hoped to somehow convey to the animal the pleasure he would gain from putting his pistol between its eyes and blowing its brains out.

As if in answer to this murderous thought, the big reptile stretched out before him, sprawling on its side and yawning in a display of utter disregard. Casually - almost playfully - it pawed at his face with a clawed hind foot. He winced in pain and began to struggle again, but the animal that lay on top of him only curled itself tighter around his body and lowered its head down close to the side of his own. He felt its breath snorting against him, the warm snout nudging at the side of his forehead; Laurence jerked his head away, then abruptly cried out in pain as the animal's teeth punched through the flesh and cartilage of his ear. The reptile bit down firmly, but didn't pull back and only remained with its head down against his own. Laurence groaned in pain, feeling blood trickle down his neck, and feared to move.

A hiss brought his attention back to the second raptor that still lay on its side before him; he flickered his tear-stabbed gaze up to the creature. It made sure to have his attention, then it opened its jaws a little and extruded its long tongue in an odd gesture that seemed to mime licking something. Slowly the creature extended its hind limb again and Laurence braced himself with gritted teeth. The large black sole slid up to fill his vision and the cool toes of the raptor came into contact with his forehead, the tips of its two regular claws digging slightly into the flesh of his scalp. Laurence screwed up his stinging face and waited, feeling his own frightened breath blowing back at him, reflected off the underside of the animal's foot as it lay barely two inches from him.

For several long seconds he waited, his forehead gripped painfully but his face free, and after a short while the raptor let out an indignant snort and swiftly raked its claws through Laurence's scalp. At the same time the other raptor yanked its head back sharply, tearing at his ear, and Laurence howled in agony, his his flesh burning. The clawed foot pulled back from his head and its scaly owner stared frighteningly at him, its upper lip curled in a menacing snarl that displayed the same sharp ivory-yellow teeth that the other raptor currently had sunk painfully through his ear.

As he watched through squinted, tear-stabbed eyes, the creature opened its jaws again and produced the same gesture as before, extending its reptilian tongue and lifting its scaly head as though licking the air. The hind foot of the raptor rushed up close again and Laurence paled as the shock of understanding jolted through him. The clawed toes pushed to his forehead and stingingly dug once more into his scalp, but again his face - and mouth - remained free. He stared, wide-eyed at the large black-padded sole before his eyes and struggled for comprehension. Surely the reptiles couldn't possibly... surely these mere animals... Before he could wonder for long, a low growl rumbled up beside his head and Laurence felt his ear being pulled slowly. With a gasp of pain he screwed up his eyes and opened his trembling jaw. The growling in his ear deepened and the clawed toes began to rend into his scalp. Laurence summoned upon all his strength of will and stuck out his tongue to touch it against the underside of the scaled foot before him.

Instantly the growling stopped and the claws pulled out of his flesh to leave him relatively pain-free. Laurence almost wept with the degradation of it, but as his inactivity began to draw noises of disapproval from the raptors and a fresh twisting of his bloody ear, he took a deep shaking breath and gingerly licked against the base of the raptor's scaled toes. A soft content growl answered the horrific act and the hot fangs of the other animal slid painfully out of his bloody and tattered ear. Laurence spat, shaking with anger and humiliation, but after only the briefest respite he felt the sturdy talons of the lying raptor begin to curl, digging agonisingly into his scalp and slowly tearing his flesh. With a groan of pain he returned his tongue to the sturdy reptilian sole.

For the next few minutes he was subjected endlessly to this torture. The one raptor securely pinned him to the stone ground while the other lay on its side before him, stretched out in relaxation and moving its hind limb occasionally to present Laurence with a different part of its clawed foot to lick. Laurence could do nothing but comply, his face redder now with shame than it had been under the coarse rubbing of the scaled foot. The punishment for his noncompliance was always the claws or teeth of one of the animals punching unbearably into his unprotected flesh, and Laurence quickly found himself obeying without resistance, licking between the long splayed toes, over the broad padded ball and even along the long, narrow, smoothly scaled arch of the raptor's large talon. All the while the approving growls of the two creatures rumbled into him, soft enough almost to be purring.

-probably to be continued


Lair the rex's visit ..... dare you if

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Posted 2/27/2007 9:05 PM

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That's just orgasmically wonderful, Diablo. 


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