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Posted 6/2/2006 1:55 PM

Supreme Being
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Active: 12/11/2009
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(Don't underestimate the power of cartoons!)
Megas sees the missles from a mile away, and easily knocks them out of the sky with More Missles. Then, Megas whips out the Light Gun and fires three quick shots toward MechaStomp while charging forward and readying the other fist for Pounding!


Dedicated to all those who stepped on this sacred ground (and its inhabitants), determined Da Dome "wasn't for them" and left without a word.
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Posted 6/2/2006 1:58 PM

Supreme Being
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Active: 6/17/2007
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Urrghhhh DragonStomp jaw gets punches as he is sent flying into a building just before hitting the ground the mech dragon pounts his tail and fires it like LOZ Hookshot item then launches his  Mecha dragon claw Austin being shocked that this dragon adapted to claw weapons from FFMQ (final fantasy Mystic Quest) Just before he can act. Dragon ston slashes Megas outer armor. with a clean cut.
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Posted 6/2/2006 2:14 PM

Supreme Being
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(Cor blimey! Those claws can take a lot more off than paint!)
Shaken, but not stirred, Megas promptly retaliates with three more shots from the Light Gun, and an Eight-Ball Fireball for good measure.

Austin ponders. (I have yet to find a weakness in the mecha's movements or armor. I guess I'll just have to make one!)


Dedicated to all those who stepped on this sacred ground (and its inhabitants), determined Da Dome "wasn't for them" and left without a word.
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Posted 6/2/2006 2:35 PM

Supreme Being
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Dragon stomp clangs and and breathes out electricity from his breath hitting the robot as he is taking damage from the shots Aw cmon every robot has a weakness so i'm going to make one Dragonstomp charges into megas and rapily does clen cuts non stop.
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Posted 6/2/2006 3:22 PM

Supreme Being
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After considerable "wear and tear" of the chassis from the zapping and clawing, Megas melts the claws away with an extremely-close-range Heater Flamethrower. He then knocks the dragon into the air with a devastating uppercut. As the beast descends, Megas whips out That Cool Giant Energy Sword Thing and holds it high, directly underneath the dragon.

What, short of a miracle, will keep MechaStomp's landing from being extremely painful? Stay tuned, folks!


Dedicated to all those who stepped on this sacred ground (and its inhabitants), determined Da Dome "wasn't for them" and left without a word.
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Posted 6/3/2006 8:34 AM

Supreme Being
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Roars loudly and crashes into the ground roarring in pain. Can'  Function damaged........ Can't use foreclaws anymore got my hind claws but i got to get rid of that Cool lloking sword..... *coughs up bolts and screws as he shoot his thunder breath right at megas sword casuing him to feel a lot of pain as he breathes out his electric breatrh in random directions.

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Posted 6/3/2006 5:45 PM

Supreme Being
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As a thunderbolt hits Megas' sword-arm, it goes "numb" and the Cool Giant Energy Sword retracts. Megas charges forward, dodging the following spray of bolts (which weren't too accurate to begin with). One of them hits the same arm, and with extreme luck, the arm is controllable once again (sans much of its outer armor). Megas then reaches is arms around MechaStomp's head. When they are in place (which takes fractions of a second) he brings them together insanely fast, clamping MechaStomp's jaws shut, much like an alligator. Try as he might, MechaStomp is unable to un-twist the metal.

(Conisder it a favor. Now you're finally rid of that cough!)


Dedicated to all those who stepped on this sacred ground (and its inhabitants), determined Da Dome "wasn't for them" and left without a word.
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Posted 6/4/2006 10:20 AM

Supreme Being
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Dragonstomp: MMMPHH (Let' go) MMMMPHHS and tries to breath out another thunder breath but ....... BOOOMM dragonstomp jaw get's blown off as he is sent flying into a gas station causing a huge explosion....

D.....Destroy......... Me............ g.........a.......... phases out slowly struggling to get upthen he unleases all firepower all over the city... If i can't defeat you i'll take you with me!!!!!!

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Posted 6/4/2006 2:56 PM

Supreme Being
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(So much for my deposit...)
Flaming meteors spread out from the overpriced gas station, striking every remaining building in the city, as well as Megas. Austin tries to press on, but the core system overrides, ejecting Austin from the convertible car. As Austin's parachute deploys, Megas zooms away with rocket boots, eager to find a auto-body shop by itself.

One blinking light is the remianing movement from the wreckage formerly known as MechaStomp. Austin slwly climbs the hulking structure. At any moment, it could explode once more. Upon reaching the light, Austin unsheathes his sword and plunges it deep into the metal. The light immediately stops, but suddenly Austin hears nearby screeching. He turns and finds four, no, five miniature versions of Hako Dorachai!

(Apparently, MechaStomp is controlling them from beyond the grave! Do mechas even have graves? Whatever - time to mash some minions!)


Dedicated to all those who stepped on this sacred ground (and its inhabitants), determined Da Dome "wasn't for them" and left without a word.
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Posted 6/5/2006 3:03 AM

Supreme Being
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Active: 6/17/2007
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HS Dorachi: Hahaha i got myself a new tempoary body remember my drones.... i was waiting for this...... time to end this.........

*begins to attack in position* Time for the power of anime! can your cartoons take out five animeated versions of mty controlled drones....

(unless you find out who or what controlling them) Heheheheh...........

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