Well, those present at yesterday's SSD meeting were there when I discussed changing the shift of the focus of the project, hopefully for the better.
First of all, I want to change it from a game to a roleplay simulation. I got to thinking, the whole reason I was making SSD was to make a computer game that's exclusively for spooging to, instead of us usually hunting for spoogie moments from commercial games that happen to have macro stuff. And then I thought...why the hell even have a game at all? Much like that SexyBeach 2 I had pirated a year or more ago, I thought, "Who the hell wants to play stupid little games? People want to masturbate to this stuff, dammit, stupid games and puzzles just get in the goddamned way! Just gimme the damn pr0n!"*
So from hereon in, the project won't be about gaming at all. No points, no goal. It will simply be a 3D realtime macro roleplay simulator. This means it will have text as well as graphical components, and you'll be able to do stuff solo with an AI partner/partners or do stuff realtime over the net, and be able to log such sessions. So think Faibanx MUCK, only with a realtime 3D view of what's going on, with text filling in the ambience gaps.
The next thing that I at least decided is that I'm sick of the SSD name. One, I'm sick of people thinking it's some gay Dance Dance Revolution with claws instead of arrows. Second, see number one. So I'm open to suggestions for a name change for the project. SimMacro might be a suitable pun, but I know there's something more funny and/or appropriate out there. So let's have some ideas!
*And also much like how the stupid missions in the GTA games keep you from going around and killing people
Dinosorceror, Administrator
Lava Dome Five Enterprises