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Paradigm Faibanx 3D! :)
Posted 7/20/2005 7:35 AM

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One can also DL DX9.0c from M$ directly [you know where to go folkz]

As you all know DX9.0c is a copyright THE EVIL EMPIRE [tm]

- BTW -

When Dino mentioned a Body Shop type program I envisioned something along the lines of the one for The Sims, hear i'll just show ya' instead...

Yea, kinda sloppy but I did it up really fast whie the idea was still fresh in my head, just to give a general idea what it could look like, yanno....

* Somethimes I draw too fast & things come out like dis *
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Posted 7/20/2005 8:18 AM

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That's just cute.

Blue anthroraptor, Iconeer
Resident anthrosaur

(Linking the Faibanx muck map here hoping that helps google find it properly: )
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Posted 7/20/2005 2:15 PM

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Thanks, I tryed to use the KISS programing principal in mind when I did this up, so even someone who's tottally 'puter illiterate could understand it

Even so I see I left out torso, an oversight on my part, won't happen again I promise, really.

Even without it, it's pretty straight forward, the basic structure is over one one side [ ala famous artist rendering of the human body, bet you can guess who ]

You choose your parts which are placed over the basic structure to give you an general idea of your form, to thin, look for a diffrent belly, too fat, again look for a diffrent belly, and so forth & so on.

Longer tail, shorter tail, the possiblities are endless, moreso when each part could be a diffrent color even, thus you're only limited to your imagination, eh ?

Heck add in diffrent textures & then you could IF you wanted to make a pink dragon with purple spots [ a film referance, BIG cookie to who gets it first ]

Modifiable from the get go is a Good Thing [tm](r)(c)(p) 2000 The Evil Empire.

That way NO ONE can say, but I can't make my char.... add this.... and that... and the other thing.... Yadda yadda yadda.... Allways good to have everything right out of the gate, 'course that won't mean you'll think of EVERYTHING... That's what updates are for after all, eh ?

Muli-limbed critters even are taken into account knowing you guys, 4 legs, 2 legs, 4 arms, 2 arms, Wings (that's why I drew many arms I figured they could be arms OR wings, both get covered that way, eh ?) Heck one could just have Wings & no arms IF that's what they want, right ?

What about back spines, you bet that should be there, can't make Gojira without dat now can ya' ? One of the reasons I did an Other on there was just in case I forgot something important, like the Torso, and whatnot

Whatnot should come in a multitude of sizes, from - need a eletron microscope to find it, all the way to, put that away you could put out the universe with that thing, didn't yer mother tell you to allways put clothes on when out in public, I mean really, sheesh.... [ ah-hem ]

Anyway, one could make themselves rather cartoony if they go nuts & deside to have a small body, huge paws, massive arms, huge legs, massive hands, and an itty bitty head, or go all Anime, and have a huge head & small body, arms, legs, and so on, the possiblities should be endless as one could imagine.

Just picture this in your head, someone wants to make an avatar that's all beefy like, to make the muscles look larger they place a small head atop this hulking mass of body, then that's the beauty of something like a Body Shop program, if you can put the right parts together you'll have just dat.
(minuhs de horruhd Aush-tree-an auhckunt ov Arh-old de Gov-in-ay-tuhor)

On the other end of the spectrum, one could make a furry / scaley that's really thin, placeing a enlongated head atop it to accent the thiness of the avatar.

That's just for starters too.

I'm sure if I sat here long enough I could dream up all kinds of veriants that could be covered & still only end up with a verry simple interface for the end user to deal with.

The Programing Creedo....
Keep It Simple, Stupid.

An easy to understand interface goes a looooooooong way following that idea.

Windblow$ took it to the extreame end by makeing it far to simple to use, yet hard to understand what it is actually doing.... But I digress....

I learned that back in the days of BASIC programing, that by streamlinging the programing to a bere minimum & haveing a simple set of instructions made it easy to use the program & made it easyer to write said program as I eliminated tons of code to type out, the whole less is more thing.

Games are a good place to see KISS in action, most game interfaces are verry stright forward, heath over here, ammo over there, oh look a cookie, pick up cookie, get heath boosted, yea, happy camper

The Internet as a whole has a verry simple interface, well, the WWW part of it anyway does, <- back, -> foward, little house icon, x inside a stop sign icon, and so on, granted a browser is a lot of code, but the interface is pretty easy to understand & not horribly cluttered, well, FireFox isn't, can't say the same of IE tho'


Just my $0.02

* Okay i've rattled on long enough now, back to drawing up an interface *

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Posted 7/20/2005 4:39 PM

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Perhaps someone is becoming a bit of a backseat driver, no?

Walter -- your idea for a slider interfaces is plausible, but there will be a lot of code in modeling that will be required to make the armatures and the RVK's lineup, and I'm not so sure that BASIC can do that kind of thing (spatial editing, that is).

Now, I have a few logistical questions. 1) Which format(s) are/will be taken by the program for importing models? 2) Will armature blueprints be released for the different character types for those making custom models externally? 3) What about walk cycles? If standard implementation does not work for a given imported model/rigging, how would one work/be inputted, (other than clunkyly, of course)?

I know the nosy technical-question-asking people like me can make life harder, and I'm sorry... I know you won't be able to answer them all as of now, but what information you do have is appreciated.

Something more important than Patch's sentiments: SAVE the goddamned INTERNET!
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Posted 7/20/2005 8:15 PM

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I'm not doing any programing on this as the BASIC programing I know is back before there was a thing called windows even, not VBasic or anything else more current.

You know, that BASIC, the one that was before ya' were born even, for all I know

- BUT -

Dino hinted that it should be fuliy custimizeable by the end user by way of a Body Shop type program, and I figured it'd be somewhat like the one for The Sims, which although verry powerful, can't do furs due to the whole tail thing for starters.

I drew what it might possibly look like, it may not look like that at all, I just envison things in my head, I don't know if they can be implimented or not, i'm no programer, just a guy who draws 'toons

* Notta Programer, But I Play One On TV, heh heh heh heh *
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Posted 7/21/2005 3:26 PM
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What about us vores? *pouts* Is it just gonna be stompy, or are we gonna be catered for too?
I am the General. But alas, I'm small... probably in lots of trouble here!
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Posted 7/21/2005 7:28 PM

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Don't know....

Ask someone who knows more 'bout it....

* Just An Traditional Animator Type *
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Posted 7/21/2005 9:52 PM

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Yes, I'm sure vore modules will be made for it.    And as for the models, I'm working primarily with .X and .3DS format stuff right now.  There will most likely be the need for a modeler assembly program in the body shop that I'll need to make. 

Anyway, all this input is great.  I still hope to just put out a crappy little physics/engine demo this weekend...


Dinosorceror, Administrator
Lava Dome Five Enterprises

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Posted 7/23/2005 5:04 AM

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Will it be downloadable or ya' gonna e-mail it to folkz ?

If e-mail, do you know my new e-mail addy ?

* Who's surprized he didn't ask dis before now *
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