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MUCK crash on Jan 7th - better check recent stuff
Posted 1/8/2007 12:50 AM

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I just heard there was a rather severe crash on the MUCK today/yesterday, probably still due to the new MUCK software, and some of the recently made changes to it were lost. I dont know how many days back that reached, but changes made until December 28th seem to be fine.
So if you created or changed anything in the last few days, you better check if it's still there.

As for the reasons or measures taken that prevent it... perhaps Dino has something on that.

Blue anthroraptor, Iconeer
Resident anthrosaur

(Linking the Faibanx muck map here hoping that helps google find it properly: )
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Posted 1/8/2007 3:29 AM
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i was wondering about that, my character Desc and wixxx is compleatly gone and i was like 'WTF???', also im not able to logon with my other user (wich was just made like jan the 6 @.@)


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Posted 1/8/2007 6:20 AM

Forum Guru
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Aw, Namuy.

When you just complete something like a description, sometimes it's good to log it, or even do an @archive me (which prints out all the commands neccessary to re-create your character) and copy the results to a file...

This usually isn't a big deal though.

Anyway, Dino and I are e-mailing back and forth, and it looks like what's been happening is it's saving to a different file than it should be, so when it copies the saved file back to the actual database, it gets the wrong one, and thus a corrupt/nonexistant one and crashes. Dino's working on fixing it, and it shouldn't be too hard. I've had this problem before, and there's an easy fix that should work.

Also, if he's to copy the file it's been saving to back to the database, you might get your stuff back, Namuy. Also anyone else who added/changed anything in that time before the latest crash.

Wow, December 28th? Now that's interesting. I wonder which database that is. If it's been saving to a different file than it's been loading from this whole time, I wonder how much of ANYTHING has stuck around? Perhaps the deltas-file saved it until now. Hm. Oh yeah, but if it doesn't even do a dump again until it crashes, and stuff's been lost every that does make sense.

It's just been saving to the wrong file since it was ported. Well, that'll be fixed then soon, hopefully. ^_^

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Posted 1/8/2007 8:43 AM

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Darn I know there were a few newcomers that came to the muck as well. They may have to type up their desc again unless its saved somewhere..
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Posted 1/8/2007 8:58 AM

Forum Guru
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I have logs of Deja's wixxx, I know, and maybe his desc, too...yes, I think so, because I remember jokes about clothing. ^_^

Namuy, I'm not so sure about. But hopefully that'll all be fixed when it's all copied back to the right place anyways.

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Posted 1/10/2007 8:37 PM

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Things are looking better, stability-wise, and I should be able to recover stuff as well if anyone needs anything.  I gots tape backups. 


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Posted 1/11/2007 4:27 PM

Forum Guru
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Alright. Well, I know two people at least who've lost information, including an entire new character that was erased.

Also, I ported a globals program to see what commands you can use in the MUCK, and I wrote a safer recycle program that will warn wizards when they try to recycle another player's objects, in case they accidentally typed the wrong dbref.

I'm also waiting for the recovery before I add anything new, like the actionlists program that's nearing completion.

So yes, I believe a recovery of the database is in order. ^_^ Just don't recover restart.ini or fbuck.exe, as in any files which may have contained the 'save to minimal.db instead of the one you're supposed to.' bug. Which is pretty much just those two. ^_^

But yes, if the problem's taken care of (did you change restart.ini to point to minimal.db anyways, or did you run fbmuck to change it's default, or what? I'm curious. ^_^), recovering the database with all the new stuff would be nice. ^_^

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Posted 1/13/2007 4:08 AM

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Hmmm, looks like the MUCK is down again. Been trying to log on since late last night (Jan 13th). No dice. Getting "Timed out" errors from the server.

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Posted 1/13/2007 5:38 AM

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Yes, it is, for some 20 hours now. I wrote Dino pretty early but it seems he didnt get to read his mail today / yesterday.
I am sorry.

Blue anthroraptor, Iconeer
Resident anthrosaur

(Linking the Faibanx muck map here hoping that helps google find it properly: )
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Posted 1/13/2007 10:49 AM

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A short story

It`s raining heavily. A small Megaraptor is standing in front of a door. The door leads to Faibanx, and the Megaraptor (let´s call him Talon) knocks and knocks at the door, knocks relentlessly... but in vain.

And it is cold, and raining, and uncomfortable...

And the Megaraptor opens his muzzle, inhaling as deep as he can, letting out a loud evil scream...


*Thunder! Lightning!*

(Whoops! Seems Dino better fix the Faibanx error rather quick!)
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