I thought this section of the forum was abit empty so...
A few free tips that will help those whom like to face their giant foes, on a more level playing field. written by an 'experienced combatant' (and broad spectrum strategy gamer). Ideal for those who would like to keep their roleplay vibrent and their characters alive.
Survival/ basic combat tactics >
First off, know you opponents, who are they, what are they, what it can they do (to you more specifically) and what their goal is.
here's a scenario. A city is under assault by a marauding anthro dragon, you. are a mere 'normal being' on the ground. what do you do to prevent becoming easy prey.
Assess the situation: All cities have sewers, or underground locations. The population would be scattered and fleeing, the armed forces (if applicable) would most likely be already enroute to the scene, the time of day, or night maybe of strategic importance as would be the weather. keep all those in mind as your proverbial. 'ace up your sleeve'
Identify your foe: this dragon, how big is it, is it quadrupedal or bipedal (since quadrupedal creatures can't turn on their axis) , how tough is it's 'armour' by appearence, and most importantly, does it have any significant weak spots. ie:
exposed underbelly *a groin shot/stab will make will bringdown even the biggest macros.
, open orifices *Internal explosions can be fatal
, critical tendons *like Achilles, a severed tendon may cripple a mighty being so much that they are no longer a threat.
Know the enemy's objective: a smart enemy will try and decieve you of their true tactic until it's too late, in the case of macros, this objetive maybe to eat, crush or in some way, make your existance difficult. So, in a battle against a stompy macro, one would probably avoid getting too close to the creature, whereas against a vorrie macro, making it bend over as you scuttle around it's feet may just give you a tactical opportunity.
Advanced combat tactics>
Flanking: some macros may be unable to turn to face you quickly enough, or may fail to notice you as they would likely be too destracted by their 'business'. an Ideal time to strike is when you are directly behind the creature, in some cases, (ie: taurs the creature would be completely unable to defend it's rear end. setting off powerful explosives on spine will have a devastating effect.
Confrontation and withdraw: Guerrilla warfare to be preciest, since most macros do not have effective ranged attact capabilities, on can easily get a first strike advantage, especially if one it unnoticed. Being a miniscule size means one can make a hasty retreat into hiding very easily. Continue doing so and eventually the invader/s may simply give up in frustration. (ironically much like what happened in Vietnam hehe...)
Air superiority: A highly effective tactic if one has access to flight and ranged firepower (my character for one) , since macros are neither good flyers due to their size and rarely if ever have non-magical ranged weapons. a constrant barrage of aerial ordinance will cause even the most determined macro to flee like a child who prodded a bee hive.
Massed fire: For those who face immenant obliteration, a sudden massed shelling of artillary or guided weapons against the offending macro may just give you a chance to escape. It's highly recomened that the massed fire tactic be used only as a last resort due to it's rather unfair supprise.
Incendiary: Most macros will be organic, and organisms will catch alight, napalm works devastatingly well against macros since not even they can put out the flames. Works well as a destraction and can be carried by one's character in the from of a grenade or bomb.
Boarding action: Smaller, or less agile macros, maybe suseptable to boarding, like a spider being brought down by an army of ants, macros can be cut to peices by characters skillful in prmative combat. (think of Legalas vs the Murmakil LoTR)
And that concludes what I have to suggest, if anyone finds this useful, please comment.
So says the man with the duct-taped mouse