From: Date: 5/14/96 9:47PM Subject: Story Bored #27: Oh no! Not *MORE* characters! Address: To: Story Bored #27 Oh no! Not *MORE* characters! "We'll never find the TURDIS!" moped Dino as he crashed down to the ground. "It's been *HOURS* sinec we started looking, and we still haven't found it yet!" X sighed as she dropped down next to Dino. "Yeah, it's not looking very hopeful, is it?" "Um, what in blue blazes is that thing coming out of that cactus?" Red managed as he stared and pointed at a huge robitic dragon that was ambling out of a nearby cactus. Setting her gun to "Short Circuit New York," X whirled on the strange shape and fired off several rounds. Huge lightning bolts arced over and hit the large dragon, but didn't seem to do more than hit him, as he didn't stop moving towards them, although he started grinning stupidly. "Hey! Thanks for the recharge!" yelled out the cybernetic dragon as he came up short in front of them. "You guys seen the inside of that cactus over there? It's *HUGE* inside! By the way, any of you know what changed me [Bto this wierd robotic shape? Never had it happen before..." Dino perked up and started questioning the cybernetic dragon, "What was in there? You mean like this absolutely huge space, with a gym, movie theatre, annoying computer, and stuff like that?" As the cyborg dragon nodded, Dino jumped up and did a little jig, swinging the stupified X around in Bircles. "Come on guys! Let's get going before Cera gets here!" Everyone quickly boarded the TURDIS, including the cybernetic dragon. X stopped him quickly at the door, this time with her gun set on "Time to bite the *REALLY* big bullet" and a stern frown set on her face. "Okay, who, or what the hell are you?" "Me? Oh, I thought I introduced myself already." Performing a low, graceful, sweeping bow in front of X, he introduced himself. "I'm WolfWings, WolfWings ShadowFlight, at your service." Finally X noticed that he'd reset her gun to "Noisy Light Show" during his little bow. X chuckled at WolfWings as they both ran off to catch up with the rest of the crew. When they got to the lounge, WolfWings was immediately bombarded with requests and orders to explain just how the hell he had gotten on board the TURDIS. He smiled stupidly at everyone, because he loved telling stories, and began explaining... | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / | || || || || || || || || || || \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ F L A S H B A C K \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ || || || || || || || || || || | / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | WolfWings yawned as he slowly stretched and rolled out of bed. "Computer! Any new finds during the night?" he hollered as he poured himself a large mug of coffee and flipped his already-made breakfast, four dozen scrambled eggs, fifty pieces of bacon, and 7 gallons of milk, onto his plate and down his gullet. "Yes, one of importance level 7." responded the computer in it's characteristic monotone, causing WolfWings to gag on his current shovel-full of food. "GAK! *cough* *cough* *hack* *cough* Computer, where is the object?" replied WolfWings as he recovered from choking on his breakfast. "In storage section 3D, shelf C." WolfWings was suddenly surrounded in the shadows, and as he emerged, he was standing next to shelf C in storage section 3D. He quickly rummaged through the shelf until he came across the new item, a strange, pyramid shaped object. As he ran back with it to the examination room, he tripped on a loose data cable and went flying across the hallway, landing squarely on his new discovery, crushing it throughly. Suddenly, WolfWings was enveloped in a huge electrical field as millions of unidentifiable electronic parts flew across the lab and collided with his body, sending an equal amount of flesh and bones flying away. In a suddenly surge, the field caused WolfWings to suddenly vanish, and reappear on the bridge of some strange ship. As he slowly regained the ability to think straight, and after he was done howling from the pain of having his body replaced by electronics, he managed to patch into the ships computers and find out that he was on board the TURDIS, and what the Dinosorceror and his crew were searching for. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / | || || || || || || || || || || || \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ R E A L I T Y \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ || || || || || | | || || || || || | / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | "Well, welcome aboard Wolfie." chimed Red after hearing WolfWings' story. "Just a corn-swabbing minute here! You mean we're just gonna let someone else join in this quest?" bellowed X. Everyone looked at one another and finally turned to stare at X before saying, "Yes" in unison, ending any further argument out of X. "Well, let's get out of here before Cera's ship arrives, shall we?" X said before stomping over the the control panel and calling up the database of parts they were trying to find. The closest one had the description of "Aquamarine" and X quickly punched in the coordinates for it. "Let's enjoy the ride until we get there, shall we everyone?" Dino said, marching off towards the rec room as the TURDIS vanished from the desert. |\____/| WolfWings \/ \/ ShadowFlight | o o | \ .. / \__/ [Off-topic note to cover the `Aquamarine' piece: Next time I write, I'll ] [ cover it, but for now da next writer'll just have to divert them I guess. ] [ Or just ask me about it in private E-Mail if you care to try and tackle it] [ before I write again. ] [Off-topic idea: I think that Selsun mis-understood the request to "swizzel"] [ Cera's ship, and "twizzel"ed it instead. Just imagine those twizzler ] [ commercials where all these planes, balls, and things are made up of ] [ twizzlers, and you'll get my idea. }:> ]